What should I do about a girl that lives along ways away from me?
So I met this girl on a dating site, but we were only going to be pen-pals. I have been talking to her for almost two months now and we have had “movie dates” over Skype. Recently, we both have said we like each other, and that we wish we lived closer together. Just in the last few days she has been showing up in my dreams (not in any sexual way, just like she is actually in the same town that I am in or other little things like that).
So right now I really don’t know what to do. I kinda want to date her but I have not clue as to when I can even see her for the first time.
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7 Answers
There will always be potential girlfriends or partners that seem wonderful for you except they are GU, geographically undesirable.
The problem is she is too far for you to easily find out if dating her would be worth overcoming the distance. You need to meet somewhere in the middle and spend some time together. Are the two of you old enough to do that? Can you meet her for a weekend somewhere? How far away is she?
What is the actually distance we are talking about?
1,200 miles also no real planes or trains from my end :/
That’s the thing about online dating. You never really get to know people in a real or meaningful way, but it appears that everything is great.
IMO, you can’t really get to know someone unless they are actually there and that means walking and talking and living and breathing in the same space as you are. It’s fun to have these wonderful fantasy relationships, because they only show you the tip of the iceberg. You never get to see or know the real person until you are around them all the time. You get to see the funny stuff and the lovey dovey stuff and the pretty stuff, because when you are online, you only get to see (or in your own case, present) the good stuff. It’s fun and intoxicating, but it’s just not real.
Not sure how old you are or if either of you has plans to move to the other one’s city, or if both of you plan to move to another place where you can exist in the same time and space. If you don’t do that, you will probably continue on in your little bubble of glee. For awhile until one or both of you meet real people in your own town, or until one or both of you gets frustrated with your half-lives and start to crave physical intimacy, or simply having the other person around to do real things with you.
I would just chalk this up to being a nice impressionistic view of a relationship, but try to cool it and find someone that is a potential real partner. Someone that is actually there and not living in cyberspace.
It’s totally different if you were to have met someone that actually did exist in your own town, such as when people fall in love with members of the military and those folks have to go off on deployment. They can make it work if they are comitted to a long distance relationship, but those people actually knew each other for real and spent time with them developing a real relationship. Long distance is hard enough on people who actually know each other and who have developed a comitted relationship, but when the relationship is formed online, there are many, many pieces of the puzzle that are missing. You need to experience the Good, The Bad and The Ugly to really know if the other person is a good match for you.
Things can and will be very different once you spend real time together on a regular basis.
Unless you or she is planning to move, don’t go there.
You mean “a long way away”? I would take @Kardamom‘s advice.
What should you do? What can you do?
Not a lot more than you’ve been doing. You can still talk on the phone. You can skype. You can do internet dating. You can do what you have been doing.
What you can’t do is see her in person. So you can choose to internet date for the months or years until you can see her in person, or you get sick of each other. Or you can break it off now.
If you love her already, it will be hard to break it off. You’ll just have to keep going until something changes. But if you don’t love her, you might want to break it off before you fall in love. After you fall in love, it’ll be hell being unable to see her. Absolute hell. I hope you can avoid that particular hell.
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