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What's the objective 1) meaning &/or 2) value of human life, if any?
By this I mean the *objective* NOT subjective or 'relative':
1) 'meaning' in the sense of 'design / purpose'
2) 'value',
if any, of our existence as homo sapiens,
consisting as it does *at present* of
birth -> life [entailing varying degrees of suffering] -> death.
I suspect there is no objective meaning or value in the above,
for any 'answer' I have heard depends on a framework of feeling, thought, or perception, including established religions or spiritualities,
which seems, in the context of the data I have from my life experience
and the research I know,
as well as basic logic,
to be most likely untrue;
inherently subjective or relative, defined in and by the individual;
inherently contradictory or probably inconsistent
with the simplest or most acceptable [to me] empirical interpretation of
the reality of how we, "life" and the Universe around us are ---
and is therefore not only subjective, but false.
I wonder (for reasons space prohibits me to explicate) whether
homo sapiens may be wired in such a way
as to generally prefer embracing metaphysical narratives
that claim to comfortingly explain and give 'meaning' to their existence,
particularly death (and perhaps life),
a clue being near-universal memes such as heaven / hell, divine person/s, good / evil
spread throughout our cultures from the earliest traces of human history.
With our large frontal lobes we may be inclined to make leaps of imagination,
or perceive patterns of causation by the invisible and hence divine,
calling it faith perception when it is only subjective emotion and fancy.
A further issue is that subscribing to a community of belief (religious or skeptical)
provides ancillary emotional benefits,
(such as a *feeling* of belonging and hence identity / purpose)
which cloud objectivity and con one into
supposed spiritual experiences or feeling / thinking / saying 'believes' :
we make decisions based on biology, including emotion, more than we like to think;
take away the peer effect and emotional effects in one's context
and one's 'faith' stance may prove hollow and false, or not as strong or as firmly-founded in conviction and independent reasoning as one would claim,
standing alone against apparently adverse experience.
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