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Blackberry's avatar

I boiled pasta in tap water that is very dirty, should I eat it?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) June 6th, 2012

I knew there was sulfur in the water, but I didn’t know it was in such high concentration.

After some of the actual water was turned into vapor, I’m left with pasta sitting in yellow water. What the hell? Can I eat the pasta?

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29 Answers

chyna's avatar

I wouldn’t.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Try it on your friends first.

bewailknot's avatar

Sorry, but even I wouldn’t eat it.

ragingloli's avatar

Hmm, I wonder if this means that the water gets turned into sulfuric acid…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought That’s so cold, but it cracked me up.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Where are you ? ? ? ?

Yellow water coming out of the tap is – - scary !

Coloma's avatar

Are you living in a campground? lol
If you’re really hungry go for it, be a science experiment unto yourself. Take notes, keep a journal and wait and see if your eyes turn yellow or your skin starts sloughing off in the next few days. haha

Blackberry's avatar

Freaking Mississippi….....I won’t be leaving this place with a good review.

Berserker's avatar

Boiling water is supposed to kill a lot of shit, but I personally wouldn’t chance it…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Throw lots of garlic in it. You won’t notice the sulfur.

Blackberry's avatar

Does anyone have an an actual answer though, lol? Is this dangerous? Should I call someone and tell them?

Even the foam from the over boil is yellow…..

JLeslie's avatar

I can’t see how yellow it is of course, but I am thinking it is probably ok unless there is a tap water warning currently for your public water. Sulfur is very high in FL, you can smell it in parts of the state. In MI at my school if you let a glass of water stand for a couple hours all the orange rust looking stuff settled on the bottom of the glass.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry Can you ask a neighbor if they drink it and cook with it. If they are still standing I would say this one bowl is probably ok. Well water is many times full of sulfur also, and people drink it all the time. The question is, the yellow only from sulfur levels or is there anything else that might be in the water?

Here is a link. It looks like if it is boiled you are in the clear. But, I am no expert.

chyna's avatar

Order a pizza.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry That shouldn’t hurt anything. We have some areas with really bad sulfur water. Plus check out Sharon Springs NY. They made a living off their sulfur springs as a health benefit.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I was brought up in Los Angeles in the 1950’s—there was lots of funny water and suds coming out of the tap. That was along time ago.

Check with the locals or water company.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It is not a health hazard. If the smell or sight bothers you, it might be worthwhile to invest in a water filter contraption for the tap or a water filter pitcher for personal use. Another option is to purchase gallon jugs of water to use for drinking and cooking.

JLeslie's avatar

LOL. Good review, that’s hysterical. It will be interesting to see if you start piling on when people start talking s—t about the south on Q’s in the near future. But, your on base, so that’s different, is it a big base?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry Think of the upside, you can fart all you want and your guests won’t notice.

jaytkay's avatar

Pasta is cheap, throw it away.

Also good advice under normal circumstances. When you are cooking for a crowd and you are not sure how much pasta to use – use A LOT, it’s cheap.

Trillian's avatar

I think the real question here is; why would you do that?

Buttonstc's avatar

I once worked for several months at a summer camp on an island near Montreal, Quebec.

The island had two wells. One had heavy concentrations of iron, thus tasting like blood. The second had high amts. of sulfur and tasted like rotten eggs. Even tho the kitchen staff made kool-aid each meal, it wasn’t enough to overcome the taste. So we had the choice of rotten egg kool-aid or bloody tasting kool-aid.

But I’m certain that the entire place was checked out and supervised by the Dept. Of Health since the welfare of children was imvolved so if there were any danger to either it would have been shut down.

Interestingly, there were numerous soda (pop) machines which did a brisk business and in subsequent years I developed major cavities in both my front teeth (my primary method of sipping the soda).

And with what we know nowadays about the deleterious effects of too much sugar in the diet, its obvious that drinking primarily from either the sulfur well or iron well was the far healthier and less damaging than those pop machines (and cheaper too).

Take that info fwiw, add some garlic as previously suggested and enjoy your pasta.

I can’t imagine that the municipality (or the military base) where you reside would allow dangerous water through the taps. That’s just common sense.

But if you have doubts still, there are water sample testing companies from which you can get a complete report on the contents of your water supply if you’re willing to undertake the expense of your own investigation.

jerv's avatar

I spent a year n Orlando eating things made with “egg water” (things smelled nasty when the lawn sprinklers went off!) and I never had any problems aside from the taste.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

What does everyone else there do? If they eat whatever is boiled in it, give it a try just this once. You could also “wash” the spaghetti using bottled mineral water!

Blackberry's avatar

Thanks, guys. I didn’t eat it, but it’s nice to know I would have been ok if I did.

@JLeslie I don’t live on base, I live in an apartment a few miles away. But the base is big: a golf course (half I think), pool, runway, two minimarts and one grocery store, a movie theater, and two hospitals. Lol.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry Nice. Do they have regular flights? You can travel space A easily? I love being on base.

Blackberry's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t know, I haven’t checked into it. I’ll do that :)

bewailknot's avatar

I was born in Phoenix, AZ. Back then the tap water was Colorado river water and very cloudy and tan colored. It tasted terrible, and if you could afford it you bought bottled water. My parents did not buy bottled, but they sure enjoyed visiting friends who had well water.

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