Who wants to do fluther weight loss with me?
Asked by
JLeslie (
June 7th, 2012
This might get modded, but I am hoping if we can do games we can do this.
I need to start eating heathy again. I am in a slump after my accident. I still cannot exercise as much as before the accident, and I have been eating a lot of quick comfort foods. I am not only less healthy, but also back to my I can’t believe how much I weigh weight.
My idea is this: everyone who wants to join decides how much weight they want to lose and writes down in their answer how they plan to do it. What foods they will eat, what foods are taboo, etc. Whatever the parameters of your diet are.
Once a week, let’s say Mondays (but fine if you need to do it a different day) we report in and say if we stuck to our plan, if we have changed our plan in any way, and how much weight we lost that week. I hope writing it all down here will make the obligation to follow through more likely.
We can check in any time for support from the collective or questions.
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128 Answers
Goal: lose 10 pounds by July 15. Roughly 2 pounds a week and lower my total cholesterol to 210.
My plan is to stop eating dairy except for skim milk in cereal allowed 3 days a week.
1600 calories a day, except one weekend day up to 2500.
No more than 400 mg cholesterol a week.
Exercise minimum 1 hour 6 days a week. Cleaning the house for three hours counts as one hour exercise.
I am going to record my calorie count and cholesterol intake daily and if I exercised. I am officialy starting this coming Monday.
Goal: lose 30 pounds in one year. My plan is to cut my protein intake to 15g/day and to begin cardio and weight training in addition to yoga and tango This is week one and so far I’ve lost 4 pounds. As far as calories, keep those under 1500 per day.
I’m all in. I’ve been exercising for months…6 days a week. I alternate between muscle groups and get three 6k runs in a week. But my weight hasn’t budged though. I’ve lost a lot of fat and gained a ton of muscles. I’m not sure if I’m eating too much or too little. I’m starting to track my caloric intake. I’m sticking to a 1500 calorie day.
I’d like to drop 15 to 20lbs.
@tranquilsea You have me thinking that maybe I will measure too. Measure my waist, thighs and hips. Maybe that will help you? An alternate to the scale or in conjuction with. I don’t have a goal for it, but I am curious to see what happens. I’ll document it on Mondays in my book.
OK I’m in, thanks for starting this.
I’m at 208, I’d like to be at 198 or better yet 190.
So my goal is 198 by August 1st.
I’m cycling a lot (440 miles in May, 150 miles in the first week of June, I bike more miles than I drive) but for some reason that has never made much impact on my weight.
So I need to start running again. It’s been a couple of years since I was running regularly.
I don’t intend to lose weight, rather (if you don’t mind) I intend to build up muscle I don’t have much in the way to lose
So I weigh somewhere between 165–170, I intend to gain 5 pounds in muscle.
Plan: increase protein intake, increase cardio regimen to maintain good circulation (running, stairs, cycling, etc.), Heavy use of drag material for swimming (bucket, parachute, board shorts…), Lifting weights is NOT an option for me unless I desire to rip my right arm out of place so instead I will have to rely on activites that require working out the entire body to avoid too much strain upon right shoulder (swimming, Obstacle Courses, climbing, MMA, etc.)
I am at about 50kg. I am borderline underfed. Sorry, not biting.
I just read an article about this book: Why We Get Fat and although there are so many fad diets out there, I think this guy might be really onto something. Just some unsolicited advice, I’m staying off the weight loss bandwagon myself!
I lost 15 lbs. in 10 weeks, but now am up 2 again after a bit of a bender this last week. Starting with Chinese takeout a week ago and a weekend party scene, beer, french bread and spinach dip, chips and guacamole, cake, cheese, boatloads of olives, avocados, haha…all my weaknesses. I’m sticking to low fat, low carb and 1500 calories a day and that works well for me. I had a peanut butter and Ritz cracker bender the other day though and, yesterday was a baaad day.
Went to the movies, ate a giant box of Whoppers and then, hanging head in shame a Taco Bell blowout on the way home. haha
Today I am back on track having fresh cherries and an Odwalla smoothie for breakfast, salad and fruit for lunch and Salmon and Asparagus for dinner. I’ll check in now and then and hopefully be able to report a return to discipline this next week. lol
@Coloma Your diet sounds a bit like mine sometimes. My whole family seems to like to sabotage me.
I tracked my calories burned (990) and my calories taken in so far (567). So with a goal of 1500 a day I am behind by almost 2000 and it’s 2:33pm.
@tranquilsea I sabotage myself. lol
I did have an ex friend once that was just awful about sabotaging. As soon as she knew I was working on dropping some weight and committed to a program she would ply me with food. Sooo disrespectful and annoying! Bah.
Once she wanted to stop and get takeout Pizza for her family and I requested she just order me a diet soda as I was not hungry and was on my way to the restrooms.
I come back to the table where we were waiting on the order and she has put a giant plate of cheese stuffed bread sticks in front of me!
I refused them and was so pissed off! haha
I need inches off my chest and waist to get back into my “normal“clothes. I’m estimating 10lbs should do it.
Usually, I weigh in each day and then take measurements once a month but I’ll start taking measurements weekly to get more focused. I really really want to feel good in my bikinis for our winter vacation instead of covering up in tank and boys’ board shorts.
Breakfasts foods:
oatmeal, nuts & banana
egg, nuts & banana
yogurt, nuts & banana
cream cheese bagel w/ salmon, nuts & banana
Egg rancheros
I’m on my own for lunch & dinners which are always during work hours so I will split whatever I get for lunch to also be dinner and work fresh fruits in for my snack.
When I come home late at night, I open a bottle of mineral water and drink all through the night until I morning. That along with a slice of cheese or a handful of nuts usually keeps me.
@Coloma the worst culprit is my husband. He’s got a laissez faire attitude towards exercise and eating healthy. My joke for the last few years has been, “When I put on weight I start exercising and paying attention to my diet. When my husband gains weight he buys new pants.”
Now I’ve got to figure out how I can add 2000 healthy calories to my diet today.
@tranquilsea Funny! I know, my ex was bad too, he would bring home Rocky Road ice cream and beer when I was dieting…thanks a lot! :-/
I’ve been living a healthy lifestyle and losing weight since January of this year. At this point, I really only want to lose those last stubborn five pounds at the most, which has been proving to be difficult. But I’m also looking to gain muscle and tone some more. I’m about 120–122 right now, so I’m aiming for 115, but I won’t be devastated if I don’t get that low because I’d rather gain muscle mass.
I usually limit myself to 1200–1500 calories a day, and only allow myself one cheat day a week, if that. I try to eat clean as much as possible (fresh produce, whole wheat/grain breads, etc.) and exercise five days a week. I’ve been getting a little off track lately, since it’s been the end of school, and my exercise has been cut down to about two or three times a week. I’m really hoping to get back to five days a week next week, and I’d like to be at my goal by the beginning of July, which is when we’re going to the beach.
Good luck to everyone, I know you can do it! :-)
My goal is to lose 20 pounds when it happens. I’ve lost two in the last two weeks. I don’t have a “plan.” I am going to permanently adjust my eating habits.
Just checking in since I am starting my plan today. I bought a small calendar to keep track of my calories, and I measured my body parts, and I am ready to go. I think I need something to focus on, maybe a part time job or new project. I eat more when I am bored I think.
@JLeslie try to have water with you all the time. So when you are bored you drink water instead of eating.
I have found that tracking my exercise and diet is a great way to keep myself motivated.
@tranquilsea The water will never work for me. I tried it once when that was first recmmended years ago. Water does not satisfy me at all, and I am not an oral fixation type person. I never carry drinks with me, I don’t have to have a drink in my hand at a bar, or my car, it is completely polar opposite to what satisfies me. Not that I don’t agree it is good to be hydrated, but overkill on fluids just makes me pee more, which I find very annoying, and at extremes I believe it taxes the kidneys and system. Well, we know it does, it is a balance of flushing the kidneys for heath reasons, and having too much that floods the tissues if the kidneys can’t process the liquids fast enough.
I agree tracking helps. I have done it that way before and it always helps stick to my plan. I think part of the reason is the whole thought process about what to eat, calculating the carolies, all that occupies our mind. The other part is it is harder to fudge the calorie count if it is in black and white,
@JLeslie Another thing that stops me from boredom eating is having a really good flavor of sugar-free gum. When I feel like eating but I’m not really hungry, I just start chewing and it pretty much always helps!
I just got in from a 6.21km run. The cotton is flying and I inhaled it, to my consternation, twice. Gimped up my pace a bit but on the upside I got to see two Canadian geese with their goslings in tow. Its hot out there and I’m sweaty…off to finish with my weights.
Well, I am coming down from 3 solid days of extreme activity, spring cleaning, yard work, staying up til 1am, 2 am, and 2 am again last night working my butt off around the zone over here. I did have a couple Happy Brownie treats which lent itself to my extreme creative bender. haha
I won’t do a weigh in til next Friday but, I know I have burned about 8,000 calories this weekend. I did splurge a bit last night and ate a giant Avocado, but, it could have been a giant Cheesecke. lol
Monday 6/11
I’m down a teensy bit more than a pound which is fine if I can take a genuine pound off at least every two weeks. I’ll measure tonight because that’s where I see the real results. Last night was tough, I was craving a bowl of sliced strawberries even though I wasn’t hungry. The smell of them coming home from the grocery was hard to resist.
Breakfast this morning was a bowl of granola with my usual nuts mixed in, a cup of espresso and a banana. Lunch will be a big bowl of minestrone type soup, a handful of Cheez It crackers and hot black tea. Dinner will be around 7pm, another bowl of the soup, one corn tortilla made into a folded over quesodilla and those sliced strawberries I was craving last night.
@Coloma In terms of splurging, avocado isn’t actually a bad choice. Even though they’re high in fat, they’re chock full of good fat, so it’s not a bad idea to have avocado on a semi-regular basis!
I am still at 4 lbs lost and am a bit injured from one of my workouts. I feel lighter and stronger which is a plus. I’m sick today so I’m taking it easy but remaining hopeful.
@mangeons Yes, love them Avocados. Along with the giant bowl of cherries, well, lets just say I’m feeling regular. lolol
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I hope you feel better soon.
I injured myself quite badly six months into lifting weights. It took six months to heal. It is so important to listen to your body. That’s a lesson I learned the hard way.
Today I ate a Egg McMuffin for breakfast, and a Cheeseburger from Braums, and I’m done for the day!
Damn you all with your talk of avocados cause now I want some with an omelet in the morning. Grrrack… want some with chips. It totally sucks that only 6 chips come from one corn tortilla.~
I was 800 calories under my limit for last week. I have a hard time eating enough on my run day. So far today I’ve had a bowl of oatmeal, half a pepper, a cup of cucumber, a piece of luncheon ham and a sun-dried tortilla. I’m still 1656 calories away from my target and I’m not very hungry.
Well..I am a cheese-aholic and have 4 blocks of gourmet cheeses in my fridge right now. They all have about a 9 month shelf life but they won’t last nearly that long. My weakness is this Caraway Jack, it is the best cheese in the world.
I could live on cheese and olives and could easily end up looking like a Dairy Cow. lolol
Today: Egg McMuffin and a Sausage & Cheese biscuit for breakfast. Lunch…I had a date with my 8 year old grand daughter. She wanted Chinese. I wasn’t hungry at all, but I ate a cream cheese and crab thing, an egg roll, part of a little piece of chicken, a few squares of jello and a little chocolate pudding. Also some onions and a sliver/slice piece of beef. I was STUFFED! At work I got bored so I ate a little chocolate pudding cup. I’m done for the day!
Tue. 6/12
Breakfast was coffee, handful of nuts, banana and Tiger Milk candybar. Lunch was half a whole pinto beans & cheese burrito with lettuce and chopped tomatoes on top, kinda salad-burrito. I used some sour cream to make the lettuce stick to the burrito bites ;p Dinner will the other half of the burrito eaten before 7pm. Dessert will be a sliced up mango.
Burrito sounds good!!! Give ME the other half and skip dinner!
@Dutchess_III: I wish I could get by on just the mango but no, I’d become a mean snarly beast! Depressingly, the stupid tortilla is 300 calories just by itself but I don’t like the guts “bowl style”. The Baja Fresh that delivers to my work knows what I’m doing and agree to make my burrito skinnier than usual. Small things but good things.
Breakfast: Flax cereal, coffee, lemon tea
Snack: ¼ a cantaloupe
Lunch: 1 Ham Bagel Sandwich, lemon tea
Dinner: 3 Salmon Pockets, water, grapes
Workout: 5 mile biking, .8 mile walk, 1.0 mile run at roughly 7:00 minute mile pace, .5 mile run at roughly 6:00 minute mile pace, Continuous pull – swimming – with drag (via board shorts) 1,000 meters
Weight: 171 lb.
I was feeling all anxious today so I got up and exersized which is something that never happens – from anxiety to working out, that is. I feel I need to weigh myself in two weeks to truly see if this reduced protein/reduced calorie/increased cardio thing is working for me. I am about to get my period and before periods I gain like 5 lbs for no reason so it’s not good to look at the scale right now.
Tuesday, 6/12
Today I woke up suuuper late, at like 11! I’m going to start setting my alarm again if my waking up time doesn’t become normal again. I just combined breakfast and lunch and had a toasted whole wheat English muffin with apple butter on one side and peanut butter on the other. I also had a blackberry graham Kashi bar. For an afternoon snack, I had a light key lime pie Yoplait and a handful of pistachios. For dinner, I had a delicious wrap on a whole wheat tortilla that consisted of spring mix, green and red peppers, cucumbers, spicy three pepper hummus, and a few strips of julienne ham. I also had a banana, some celery sticks with peanut butter, and some watermelon and cantaloupe cubes.
I didn’t work out today because I was busy going through all of my books (a task more arduous than it sounds!) but I did some strength training yesterday and I’m planning on doing some cardio and strength training tomorrow.
Egg McMuffin and bagel with cream cheese for breakfast.
Chocolate shake for lunch (medium) and a hand full of sunflower seeds (in the shell.)
BLT for dinner.
Well…I am up 3 lbs. this morning, shit! lol
It’s water weight right? haha
I have been working my ass off the last 4 days but, eating at odd hours and not paying as close attention as I have been. No real crappy foods but just grabbing whatever, whenever and several late night meals in my wacky schedule.
Oh well…the ups & downs, it’ll be off again by next week, piece of cake! pun intended!
I had a super good eating day today. I had one side of a whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter (I threw the other side away after an incident with moldy apple butter…. ew) and a pumpkin pecan Kashi bar for breakfast. Lunch was a veggie burger with spring mix, some leftover veggies from last night, a light yogurt, and some pistachios. I had a cinnamon graham cracker as a snack after my workout, and for dinner I’m having a piece of tilapia and some steamed broccoli!
I also managed to get a workout in, so I feel pretty good about today!
@Coloma Are you weighing yourself every day?
Wed. 6/13
Bad-girl breakfast of espresso, a handful of nuts and 3 slices of cheese wrapped up in a slice of olive loaf lunchmeat. I use a potato peeler to slice cheese from the block so it only looks like slices of cheese when in fact it’s cheese flavored shavings. Lunch was a big bowl of vegie soup with a handful of Cheez Its and dinner will be 7 Chik Fil A nuggets with some sliced up fruit.
All I’ve had to eat today is a bowl of oatmeal as I tried to time my run in between all the thunder storms and downpours we’ve had plus a dentist’s appointment. It’s still a downpour out there to I think I’m going to postpone my run til tomorrow.
@mangeons No, only once a week, but…this last week has been crazy, and I’m off my feed, as in feeding but not really paying attention, plus salt, plus midnight snacks due to my late night schedule. Dinner at midnight is a no no for sure!
Wait…we’re supposed to exercise too? Does jumping in and out of a teacher’s chair 30 times a day count? (I’m not a “sit at your desk and yell” teacher.”)
@Dutchess_III lol, yes, it counts. that’s like doing 30 squats. Although they’d be super effective if you did them all at once ;-P
_@tranquilsea LOL, yes, it’s the repetition, but moving at all counts, it means you’re not dead. haha
@tranquilsea Noooooo. My student’s would go WTHAIL is wrong with you Ms. V!!???? So…I have good legs. What do I do about the rest of me??
I did just that!
Today, Egg Mc, Sausage and Cheese Mc. I bought a taco and a bean and cheese burrito (easy on the beans) at Taco Bell, taco for lunch, burrito for dinner.
Well…the jail lunch actually looked somewhat interesting so after I ate my taco, I poked around a tray. I ate a couple of small spoons of gravy and rice, and a few bites of something that I think was supposed to be a chicken. I ate almost all the green beans…and they had a cake that actually tasted like cake! (Everything there is sugar free.) So I ate most of that.
At 4:00 I had my burrito.
Now I’m off for 3 days, and tend to eat very, very little when I’m not working so I stocked up a bit.
Down ½ pound.
I had a delicious breakfast today, I toasted a whole wheat English muffin, put just a little peanut butter on each side (less than half a serving total) and sliced up some banana and had a warm, toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich! It was heavenly and healthy! For lunch I made myself a whole wheat wrap with spring mix, hummus, cucumber, and carrots. I also had a pumpkin pecan Kashi bar and a sliced apple sprinkled with just a bit of cinnamon. For an afternoon snack I had a light Yoplait, and for dinner I made myself a Smart Ones pasta primavera and had ½ cup pistachios with it. I had another sliced apple sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon for “dessert”. I’m really happy with everything I ate today.
Didn’t get a workout in today, but I’m definitely planning on getting one in tomorrow!
Heh…well the deceptive scale changes it’s mind again and today I am only up 1.8 lbs. instead of 3. Told ya it was mostly water weight! Of course tomorrow is beer and pizza night with a friend, sooo, I may very well be up 3 lbs. by Monday…never the less, Monday will be a return to discipline again. I hereby challenge myself to lose 3 lbs. in the following 10 days starting on Monday again….I can do it!
Plan for @Coloma…No toppings on your pizza. :) You go girl!
I went for my run, inhaled two fluffs of cottony material from poplars and nearly died coughing them out. I got home did the rest of my lower body weights and then weighed myself: I’m down 5lbs this month.
Tracking my calories has really helped.
@Coloma If you’re getting pizza, you should try some different options than your norm. Get a veggie pizza, see what options they have for low fat cheeses, or try thin crust! Just a few changes can make pizza a lot less bad for you. :)
Pineapple Pizza!!! Pineapple Pizza!!! Pineapple Pizza!!!
@tranquilsea Yes, tracking calories really, really does. I started tracking 25 years ago, and it became such a habit I do it to this day without even thinking about it.
Yes veggie pizza or pineapple is where it’s at! :-)
Pineapple! O! It is SO GOOD!
Pineapple is probably the second most disgusting fruit… you guys are crazy!
@mangeons LOL…well when one is desperate foir something to CHEW, Pineapple isn’t so bad. I want Banana Laffy Taffy…oooh Banana…
@mangeons no no no no!! It is gross by itself, but on hot pizza, with cheese…ohhhh!! So good! ... What is the first most disgusting fruit?
The most disgusting fruit is PRUNES!
@tranquilsea You should get a dust mask for running. I really don’t want you to choke to death!
@Dutchess_III No, it’s gross everywhere. And if you put it in something like a fruit salad, everything else is ruined because it tastes like pineapple! But the first most disgusting fruit is, and always will be, oranges. Anything orange flavored/smelling, whether real or artificial, is just gross.
@augustlan I have tried various things in the winter as I run in very cold weather and need to have my nose and chin covered to avoid frostbite. What I’ve discovered is that I hate having anything anywhere near my nose while I run. Hopefully the trees will drop all that fluff rapidly and I’ll just be back to dodging bugs lol.
@mangeons I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your name sounds like an exotic fruit. Like a cross between pineapples and oranges. It has always sounded like that to me! MuhHA HA AhhahhhhHAA!!
Gen a mangeon pizza, @Coloma. Bet it’s YUMmy!
@Dutchess_III I personally think it sounds more like a combination of mangoes and oranges, but to each their own, I guess! :)
I definitely prefer exotic fruit to skin disease!
There’s a pizza place in my town that makes Cashew pizzas. OMG! Sounds bizarre but they are amazing, extremely rich, but indescribably delicious!
I am a bit late to this question, but count me in. I could afford to lose more than 10 pounds, but that will be be my immediate goal. It would counter the 10 pounds I added in the last year. I am convinced that at least part of the reason for the weight gain was a switch in exercise equipment from an elliptic trainer to a rebounder. I was skeptical about the rebounder, because I hardly worked up a sweat on it., and it was apparent that I had gained weight, but I did not realize how much. I don’t have a scale at home. I just got the bad news from a visit to the doctor.
There is evidence that light exercise acts as an appetite suppressant. I switched back to the elliptic and I have noticed that I have been less hungry, although there might be a placebo effect going on. Hey, whatever works.
Today. A BLT for breakfast (only had 1.5 pieces of bacon so it was mostly LT!) and ¾ths of a can of Campbells bean with bacon soup. I didn’t have any crackers so it was incomplete to me. :( A glass of milk with each.
Oh. Exercise. I pulled all the stuff out of the camper and washed everything. Dried it and reloaded it.
I went on my long run today. I managed 18 minutes on one interval…the most I’ve done since I was teenager. I actually managed a better time too (yay!). I finished up with all my lower body weights and really slogged through all my lunges (with weights).
I treated myself to a high calorie hamburger but had it with water.
Today: 2 eggs over easy, two pieces of white toast, and a tiny bowl of grits. That’s it for today.
A big plate of tagliatelli with chicken, broccoli, a cheese sauce made from creme fraiche, grana padano and gouda.
Breakfast was espresso and Egg McMuffin, Lunch was a slice of sausage & cheese pizza and dinner will be half a Boston Market plate of chicken, sweet potatoes and corn. Swam in the pool last night and tonight will be push ups, toe raises and squats.
Well…had a few beers and a couple of slices of killer veggie pizza last night but….worked my a$$ off today at my yard sale. A very hot day and am sunburned, must have sweat off at least a pound and was moving non-stop for hours. We made so much cash….people were knocking on the door at 7:30 am thirty minutes early and we were running amok all morning. Sooo, a good day and am having a salad for dinner as it is 100 degrees in the shade.
Some thoughts on dieting. If you are going to eat less, get the most out of what you eat.
Make sure it tastes good. Spices are good friends to dieters. They add flavor and not calories.I love dark chocolate, 70% cacao, which I keep in the freezer. A little goes a long way. I can only eat it in small nibbles.
Eat mindfully. Slow down and concentrate on what you are eating. If you feel the urge for junk food, don’t gobble it down guiltily. Get the most out of each potato chip, or whatever else is your guilty pleasure.
Whole foods are a help. In addition to any health benefits, they are more flavorful and they require more chewing.
Agreed @LostInParadise.
Being mindful is the key.
Too often we wolf down our food without really being present with the sight, smell, taste, texture, color, etc.
I like creating a nice presentation and using a smaller plate to give the illusion of “more.” lol
For instance I create a plate with grape tomatoes, cucumber slices, and use a tiny Saki cup with a little dressing and toothpicks for dipping. I might add pickled cauliflower, pepper strips, a bit of cheese, a few olives, a few crackers.
Then some attractive sliced fruit, or berries, a few grapes, radishes etc.
I like color and variety.
I have these really pretty asian bowls and I will arrange all my goodies around the dipping cup. The effect is charming!
Just got in from my local farmers market and bought some great stuff from a new little organic farm in my area. ” Four Frog Farm.”
Today will be peaches, blackberries, salad with sliced HB egg and garbanzo beans and sunflower seeds, and later a chicken, bean and rice burrito. NOW…I must not cave and go buy beer when it hits 103 again this afternoon. lol
We ended up having a heart attack breakfast for Father’s Day (my son cooked it). That was 700 calories and I didn’t eat that much lol. But I balanced it off with over an hours worth of weight lifting followed by a brisk hour long walk which burned that 700 calories.
@tranquilsea Haha…trying to kill dear old dad ey?
OMG! I want eggs benedict now! lol
Um, that would be his son lol.
My day wound up very stressful today and I am doing my best not to eat anymore tonight. I thought maybe this Q would give me strength. Kind of like AA sponsors. I only lost a pound last week which is dissappointing, but I also got my period a few days ago, and I have had painters here for days painting the inside and outside of my house so I only went to the gym three times, but I have had to clear shelves and clean things more than a typically week, plus water my lawn by hand, I have about an acre of lawn, because I can’t run the irrigation with paint and stain drying.
Today: Toasted egg (take the lid from a flaked onion thinger, or a garlic flake thinger, and cut a hole in a piece of bread. Butter the bread on both sides. Throw in frying pan. Crack an egg in to the hole. Let cook fer a while till toasted. Flip. Put cheese of any kind on the toasted side. Let melt. YUM!)
Lunch/Dinner: A cheese sandwich with mayo. A piece of bread and butter. Not so yum, but it staved off hunger.
Can’t wait till morning!
Oh…cleaned the house…swept, vacuumed, polished, and put the last of everything, washed, dried and organized, back in the camper which I started cleaning on Friday.
@JLeslie Well….remember, every little good choice is a positive, and you also have to go easy on yourself too at times. Oh man, I’m two years out of the hormone zone, but, I remember not being able to stop eating for several days during that scene at times. One day at a tome, and, there is always tomorrow.
I think that this the real trick with everything.
So you have an off day or two, as long as you don’t just give up again and go on a bender for the next 3 weeks it’s all good. :-)
I’ve eaten super clean/great all week, but today was Father’s day and we had a cookout, and I kinda caved and just ate soooo much. I had two hamburgers (on the smaller side and with no cheese, but still) each with lettuce/ketchup/relish/buns, some big amount of Frito scoops with salsa, about a bazillion carrots and watermelon cubes, and half a chocolate chip cookie. I’m not used to eating that much at all, and now I feel a little bit sick, ugh. Definitely not eating that much again anytime soon.
I’ve been totally slacking off with working out lately, so starting tomorrow I’m gonna start exercising 5 days a week again, both cardio and weights. I think I’m going to start working out earlier in the morning, that way I can get it over with and it might get rid of that “I’ll do it later” excuse. Now that it’s summer I’m having a lot harder time motivating myself to exercise since I’m not on a set schedule.
Overall the week wasn’t terrible, but I wish I had done a couple things differently!
@Coloma Thanks, I think the same way. I didn’t eat. I do think writing it outhere kept me from going to the fridge.
Down .6 of a lb. this a.m. Well..I guess all my activity only burned a little less than half a pound over the weekend..oh well, Off to the market soon to stock up on fruits and veggies. :-)
I don’t know if it’s water weight or not, but I’ve dropped down to 164 pounds
I’m down another genuine lb which makes about 5 out of 10 I wanted to drop. I might have to drop a total of 15 though to get into my regular clothes, we’ll see.
Yesterday was Father’s Day and we took out our in-laws so the day was filled with eating and drinking alcohol. Still, I managed to take in half or less of whatever was portioned out- except the alcohol, drank all that!
My plan of working out in the morning worked out beautifully! At around 10 I did 24 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill, took a short break, and then did a pretty kickin’ upper body strength workout with free weights. And now I have the rest of the day/night to just chill and do whatever I want! I caught up on a loooot of TV today.
I only ended up having a yogurt for breakfast because eating too much before a workout makes me extremely nauseous. For lunch, I had a toasted whole wheat English muffin with some peanut butter and a sprinkling of cinnamon, a pumpkin pecan Kashi bar, a small gala apple, some baby carrots and a cinnamon graham cracker. I had a spoonful of peanut butter a couple hours later for a snack. For dinner I’m having a turkey taco in a whole wheat wrap, mmm!
I also bought a big reusable water bottle this weekend to encourage myself to drink more water, and it’s worked! It holds about three cups of water and I’ve drank a whole bottle three times today so far! Overall, a pretty fantastic day. :-)
Today: Egg McMuffin, sausage and cheese biscuit. Lunch about two handfuls of sunflower seeds in the shell (you spend about as many calories getting them open as you get when you ingest them!) Dinner, bean and cheese burrito, extra cheese, easy on the beans, from Taco Bell.
I did better today. Only thing lacking was exercise because these painters are finishing up. I did my first spray tan today. Thought maybe feeling “sunny” would inspire me to be thin. I held my right hand incorrectly and have a big brown mark. Hahahaha. I do feel good about it, except that I tend to believe the chemicals are bad for you.
@JLeslie Yay! Me on the other hand is still wiped out from my weekend and am out of everything. I think I am going to go get a takeout dinner, maybe a BLT or a steak at my local diner. A 6 oz. steak will put me right back where I started, no loss, no gain today. lolol
Soup! I always suspected it was an appetite suppressant and here is the proof I usually have a cup of soup as part of lunch during the week. I think I will now include supper. That means that I should stop using the canned variety and cook up a bunch in the crockpot and then freeze it.
I’m down 6lbs since my initial weigh-in. Although I think my hubby is trying to sabotage me by handing me ice cream lol.
My running is getting better and better. I should be up to running a whole 5k non-stop in 3 weeks. I’m thinking of switching my weight routine with the P90X programme as I’m getting fairly bored with my routine.
@tranquilsea Yay!
I’m in limbo over here, no loss, no gain, for several weeks now. Nothing to report. lol
Thanks @Coloma. It is nice to see all my hard work pay off.
Well, this has been a struggle. I have been doing ok with my eating, except for Saturday night we ate over at a friends house and I had more calories than usual, but I didn’t pig out a lot. My exercise I am pretty proud of considering I am still healing from the accident. I am doing my regular zumba and now added in 10 lengths of the pool for a swim about 2 times a week. I used to do 20–25, but my stamina has been greatly decreased since I had not exercised in so long.
I am behind on my weight loss goal, but moving in the right direction. I’m going to get my thyroid checked tomorrow I think, just to make sure it isn’t working against me. I have some symptoms that I get when my thyroid is whack, but not all of them, so it is hard to tell what is going on.
Only 1 lb loss in the last two weeks but I see the difference in the fit of blouses that were looking too tight. If I’m good and lucky then maybe I can lose my soft chin by the end of this month.
I am actually cutting my calories a little more the next couple of weeks before my cruise. It’s Alaska, so I won’t be half naked all the time or anything, but my mom will definitely tell me I gained weight if I don’t knock off 5 more pounds. She might anyway. Plus, I need to buy a new pair of jeans that have the right length for sneakers and flats for my trip, because mine were cut up by the ambulance driver when I had my accident. So, in the next few days I am going shopping. I don’t want them so tight they only fit when I am skinny, but I have been heavier than ever, so I want to be back to my typical fat weight when I try them on. I might buy a few new tops also. I need a little pick me up.
The positive is I can tell I have lost a few pounds, the fat clothes are not tight anymore. The next 3 pounds will get me into the clothes I own that are a size down. And, I am really lookingg forward to my trip! I hope I don’t pig out on the ship. I should be doing much more exercise/walking while in Alaska, so hopefully it balances out.
Well, it’s been about a month on my reduced protein/reduced calorie plan and I lost another 4 lbs so 8 lbs total. We’ll see how the next few weeks will go.
I did my best not to eat a ton at the July 4th pool party I went to today. I’ll see what I weigh tomorrow. I did swim some laps hoping the day would be no gain no lose.
I’m too damn tired to eat much the last few days. I think I took in maybe 1,300 calories yesterday and about the same today. Off to slumber…..I need rest not food. lol
Ok, the weigh in this morning was holding steady from the day before. Right now I want to eat! Ugh. Posting here to write down in black and white that I am not going to. I ate breakfast and lunch today, I am not starving or anything. Just overly frustrated with so many stresses the last couple days. Eating sounds like a nice distraction. This is the problem, it is like an addiction for me I think. Avoidance of other things.
Down 1.7 lbs. this morning…yay!
Did my weekly weigh in a day early.
I have officially lost 17 lbs. in 4 months, with little deprivation and a few benders. haha
The ONLY reason I watch what I eat is so I CAN eat and drink my treats.
I don’t care so much about my health, I care about indulging. haha
Aaaah, us poor hedonists, always a struggle.
Well…ya gotta die of something, might as well be beer and cheesecake. lol
@JLeslie Yes, it’s noticeable, but still…slow and frustrating. Oh to be 18 again. ;-)
@Coloma I am baffled by how slowly I am losing weight this time. It sucks. I only need to lose 5 more to be at a weight I am ok with, although I prefer to actually be 10 pounds less. I don’t know what weight I can realistically maintain now that I am a little older. I want to be more steady and less yo-yo, even if it is not my fantasy weight.
@JLeslie I agree, for me, I’d like to drop some more, but, it is also my shape has changed after menopause. I’ve lost my curves, well, I’m curvy, but not in the right places. lol
I did a test run with my bikini at the pool yesterday, I’m almost ok enough to do it in front of people I actually know.
Bikini?! That’s awesome. When I lose the next five I am working on I might try on my bikini.
@JLeslie: You can’t hide anything in a bikini, now way to fool yourself so it’s my forced way of reckoning and kicking my own butt.
I just came back from my week long vacation at the beach! I made a lot of healthy choices (fish, veggie burgers, vegetables as sides, etc.) and a lot of unhealthy choices (key lime pie, french fries, a churro, a lot of bread, etc.) but overall I’d say I didn’t do too terribly! I went to the gym every morning from Tuesday to Friday for an hour and a half long workout, so that was great. I stayed active pretty much all day every day, I swam a ton and went on six mile bike rides with my stepsister. I’m completely back on track now, I even managed to eat healthily being on the road all day! (Fruit for breakfast and healthy choices from Subway and Sheetz.) This was my first year in a loooong time that I wore a bikini, and I felt surprisingly confident! It’ll take a little work for me to get back on schedule, but overall I’m happy with how I’ve been doing. Congratulations to everyone else on their progress as well! :-)
@mangeons Good job…OMG, you just HAD to mention Key Lime pie, one of my favorites….you are evil! lol
@Coloma It’s just so delicious! Especially that graham cracker crust… mmmmm!
The scale actually showed 1 more lb of real weight gone though tonight I’ll eat that much out to dinner for my stepson’s birthday.
Hey we’re all on a roll…or, should I say, the rolls are rolling off. haha
I am down another 1.6 lbs. the last few days. For a grand total of 18 lbs.lost in 5 months. Slow and steady wins the race.
It is too damn HOT to have much of an appetite.
Last night I had a lean cuisine, a salad, a nectarine around 4 pm and then, 4 Corona lites between 10 and 1 am and stayed up til 2am babbling with a guy friend on the phone out on my deck. All that talking HAD to burn some more calories!
Wagging the tongue IS exercise! lol
I woke up suuuper late today because I was so tired from vacation. I didn’t eat until like 11:30 so I just had brunch, I had some plain oatmeal with banana slices and cinnamon and ate the rest of the banana on the side. I had a couple snacks throughout the day (stuff like a Kashi bar, a few pistachios, half a graham cracker, and a small apple) and for dinner I had a veggie burger with spring mix and hummus and two slices of watermelon. A couple minutes ago I had a small banana and some cubes of watermelon as a little snack, and I’m done eating for the day now.
Don’t read this article There must be a mistake in it. I know someone who went from fat to thin and has stayed that way for quite a while now.
The references seem legit.
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