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Who wants to do fluther weight loss with me?
This might get modded, but I am hoping if we can do games we can do this.
I need to start eating heathy again. I am in a slump after my accident. I still cannot exercise as much as before the accident, and I have been eating a lot of quick comfort foods. I am not only less healthy, but also back to my I can’t believe how much I weigh weight.
My idea is this: everyone who wants to join decides how much weight they want to lose and writes down in their answer how they plan to do it. What foods they will eat, what foods are taboo, etc. Whatever the parameters of your diet are.
Once a week, let’s say Mondays (but fine if you need to do it a different day) we report in and say if we stuck to our plan, if we have changed our plan in any way, and how much weight we lost that week. I hope writing it all down here will make the obligation to follow through more likely.
We can check in any time for support from the collective or questions.
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