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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you see any parallels between the fable of Lysistra and the actions of the Tea Party (and Republicans in general)

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) June 8th, 2012

Of course, Aristophanes’ Lysistra is a much longer and deeper story than what I am about to suggest. (For those of you who have not read it, it’s worth the effort.)

Here’s my thinking:

Remember that the women in Lysistra were willing (eager) achieve their goal of peace – even to the point of withholding sex from their husbands to try and attain that goal.

It seems like the republicans are sacrificing the well being of the people (and the chances for growth in the economy) by withholding money for governance in pursuit of their goal of lower taxes and ideological purity.

Then, in the book, the men (in my parallel, the American people) fight back, and try to assert their dominance over the rebellious women, with mixed success.

Eventually, the women in the book weaken and want to have sex (in my parallel, the republicans and the Tea Party) and their resolve crumbles.

At the end of Lysistra, they reach a truce (settlement) and dance together. (not that there is a chance of that occurring in real life).

Anyway, am I totally off the wall here, or is there any sense to my parallel?

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10 Answers

Nullo's avatar

It seems like the republicans are sacrificing the well being of the people (and the chances for growth in the economy) by withholding money for governance in pursuit of their goal of lower taxes and ideological purity.

The thing to keep in mind is that just about everybody does what they think is the right thing.

bolwerk's avatar

I don’t really even get it. Republikans are mostly a base lot and the Tea Party especially so, while it seemed the women at least had a cause theoretically worth fighting for. Republikans are trying to delay paying bills that we all know will have to be paid anyway – largely on debt the Republikans themselves ran up. To this end, the Tea Party is a petty strawman that allows authoritarian military-industrial and socially/economically regressive political interest groups to deflect responsibility away from the Republikan Party and toward “the system,” while conveniently putting up a new crowd of Republikans that believe all the same dumb things the old crowd did, except more forcefully.

At best, the Tea Party is a cult of irrationality that is doubling down on incompetence. Also, they tend to be obese and racist, so I’d rather not dance with them. Others are welcome to dance on their scattered entrails, however.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Um, a little bit, but not that much. There’s probably a much stronger parallel between the women of Lysistra, and the women whom Republicans have now reminded to not have sex with an anti-choicer.

flutherother's avatar

Except that if Republicans had their way most of us would be f*-“ed.

Linda_Owl's avatar

Lysistra has some interesting parallels to the Tea Party Republicans, but the Republicans are not looking for peace. They are doing their best to paint themselves as being the political party that wants ‘small government’ (what they actually want is less regulation so they can get away with more) & they are preaching to voters who see their world crumbling around them. These voters are being conditioned to believe that poor people are responsible for their own situations by the PR being put out by the Republicans (and in some instances, they are), but for the most part the PR is a total fabrication. They have some very good ‘spin doctors’ working for the Republican party. The Republicans, if they win in November & Romney gets the Presidency, the situation in the US will certainly get worse. There will be no reconciliation between the ‘haves’ & the ‘have nots’. The class difference will deepen, the military budget will continue to grow, our infrastructure will continue to crumble around us, the drug war will continue & we will have even more people in our prisons, a college education will eventually be out of reach for most young Americans, we will no longer be able to unionize to address the salary differences between what the CEOs make & the average worker makes, the secret agencies will continue to gain power, & our constitutional rights will continue to disappear….. all because the voters are looking for stability in an increasingly unstable world & they have come to believe that the Republicans are offering what they are looking for.

jerv's avatar

@Nullo Yes, but only one side seems not only willing, but eager to take hostages.

ETpro's avatar

Erm, it’s Lysistrata… That noted, @bolwerk and @Linda_Owl pretty much laid out what the modern day Lysistrata; e.g., the Tea Party, are so angrily fighting for.

King_Pariah's avatar

@jerv all “sides” are willing and eager to take hostages, just some are more subtle than others.

ETpro's avatar

@King_Pariah The “They’re all the same.” fiction is just another meme politicians with evil intent have cultivated. Surely you don’t believe that Adolph Hitler was no worse than Mahatma Gandhi—that when you’ve seen one politician, you’ve seen them all. George Washington was not just one more Dick Cheney or John Edwards.

King_Pariah's avatar

Good, evil to me, no such thing. There are only actions and those actions define the person. Of course they’re not the same, one action that most do does not mean I threw them all into a pile and said they’re all the same. i really hate it when people assume that I mean something along the lines of all politicians are the same when I don’t.

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