General Question

Strauss's avatar

How do I stop the squeak?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) June 8th, 2012

I have found that since I own my home, there is no end to the honeydew list.—(Honeydew this, Honeydew that). My latest honeydew project is my daughter’s bedroom. We’ve repainted, and taken up the 1978-vintage carpet. Before I put the new floor down, there are a few places where the sub-floor is squeaking against the joists. It seems more noticeable now that the carpet is up. Is there a way to fix that without completely pulling up the sub-floor?

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6 Answers

syz's avatar

This is one of the most common questions in the DIY-stratosphere. You can do it through the carpet, but most methods seem to involve a crawlspace approach.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m assuming this is above basement level and that you need to do this from above.

In which case you’ll need a stud finder and a drill. Then you’ll screw the subfloor down to the joists every 8–10 inches.

It should stop the squeeks.

Strauss's avatar

@syz, thanks for the link. It’ll probably come in handy for some of my other honeydews as well.

@SpatzieLover It’s a second floor room. And since I haven’t installed the new floor yet, It’s a perfect time to get all the squeaks (except a few for tell-tale reasons).

Judi's avatar

If you have pulled the carpet up, why can’t you just run a few screws down before you lay it again?

Strauss's avatar

@Judi I think I just said that!

filmfann's avatar

Pour some sawdust around the squeaky areas, and brush it into the cracks.
Sometimes this works.

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