Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Happy Sunday for y'all?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) June 10th, 2012

Liquid margarita lunch—running into dinner day for me. My girl had to go sailing and I’m holding down the fort. I’ve had a whole pitcher and am on numero 2. Muchly deserved, of course.

It’s been a wonderful weekend!!

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15 Answers

Aster's avatar

Are they delicious? Yum!
My Sunday has been mixed.

rebbel's avatar

Swam in the sea.
Felt the earthquake in Turkey.
Ate a spaghetti Bolognese.
Watched footie.
Ate a moussaka, and drank a beer.
Drank another one.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I got to see baby coyotes and wolves today, with my niece and s/o.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m drinking some of the south’s finest craft beers. So far, this is the best thing about this place.

bookish1's avatar

I got a little sloshed at a gay bar in Paris :-p Not bad.

King_Pariah's avatar

Hardly, found out last night a close friend died in a car accident.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@King_Pariah Oh shit, I am so so sorry. I woke up one morning when I was a kid to kleenexs and coffee cups all over the kitchen table. My favorite uncle died less than a half mile from my house in a car accident. Keep the good stuff about your friend. That’s what will help the most.

Berserker's avatar

Had a pretty cool weekend too. Also played Zombie Apocalypse Never Die Alone with one of the users here. It was awesome, since playing that on your own totally blows.

ragingloli's avatar

I had a stressful day, thank you very much.

tianalovesyou's avatar

today was studying for finals _ yaaaay…..........

Keep_on_running's avatar

I’m actually feeling unusually happy today. Not sure why.

dontmindme's avatar

Sunday is lazy family day for us. It was happy.

PurpleClouds's avatar

I slept away half of the day today, which I don’t really like to do. But the afternoon has been fine except that my guy is away for a few days.

OpryLeigh's avatar

It was a happy Sunday. Canine agility in the morning/early afternoon and then a relaxing late afternoon/evening.

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