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zensky's avatar

It would not be funny if ____________ were my kid's ____________?

Asked by zensky (13426points) June 10th, 2012

It would not be funny if Brian Johnson (AC/DC) were my kid’s English teacher.

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18 Answers

dontmindme's avatar

It would not be funny if Lindsay Lohan were my kid’s bus driver.

King_Pariah's avatar

guns, playthings

woodcutter's avatar

It would not be funny if Pam Anderson was my kid’s cougarfriend.

It would be awesome.

bewailknot's avatar

It would not be funny if Jeffrey Dahmer were my kid’s Home Ec teacher.

linguaphile's avatar

It would not be funny if any Tea Partier were my kid’s history teacher. Can you imagine?!

rebbel's avatar

It would not be funny if my neighbour were (was?) my kid’s biological father.

ucme's avatar

It would not be funny if the mating rituals of a himalayan goat were my kid’s essential night time reading.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@zensky What’s wrong with him as your kids teacher? It could be Angus or Malcolm.

elbanditoroso's avatar

…. that catholic priest…...... masseur

filmfann's avatar

It would not be funny if John Travolta was my kids role model.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

the “zombies” were my kid’s playmates! Yikes!!!!!!!!!

chyna's avatar

It would not be funny if Kim Kardashian was my kids role model.

zensky's avatar

@rebbel If I were a boy… (Beyonce)

Was is past tense.

rebbel's avatar

@zensky So, I were wrong?

zensky's avatar

Yes, you was,

Kardamom's avatar

It would not be funny if George W. Bush was my kid’s idea of the best President of all time.

digitalimpression's avatar

Charles Manson, babysitter.

linguaphile's avatar

It would not be funny if Sweeney Todd was my kid’s hairdresser or… Edward Scissorhands was my kid’s manicurist…

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