General Question

the100thmonkey's avatar

Can you recommend a book, ebook or website for learning statistics?

Asked by the100thmonkey (11277points) June 10th, 2012

Something like would be great.

I need to learn statistics – starting at the beginning, really. By beginning, I mean things like standard deviation and other things that college-level textbooks assume I know when I don’t. I haven’t studied maths since I was 16.

Ultimately, my goal is to understand the technical aspects of Bayesian modelling rather than just understanding explanations in layman’s terms.


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6 Answers

Kayak8's avatar

I loved Statistics for Dummies. It explained everything clearly and gave examples for many things that weren’t instinctive (to me anyway).

prasad's avatar

Even you can learn statistics for beginning.

I just googled Bayesian modelling for you.

the100thmonkey's avatar

Thank you @SpatzieLover, @prasad and @Kayak8 – I shall look into these.

@prasad: I know, in layman’s terms, what Bayesian modelling is; I want to know how to use it.

In my field, there are lots of small scale studies with absolutely tiny sample sizes that make few, if any, claims to generalisability. It strikes me that many (most?) researchers aren’t really willing to either play the long game, or able to gather large data-sets – usually due to financial constraints on research.

tranquilsea's avatar

You could also try GreatCourses for their statistics courses. I’ve found many of their lectures to be very elucidating.

LostInParadise's avatar

A number of top universities offer free online lecture courses. This site has a long list of them. Just do a search on statistics.

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