Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Who will Romney pick for his Vice Presidential nominee?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) June 11th, 2012

And why? Does he pick a Tea Bagger? A woman? A latino? Or is his being a Mormon already so exotic that he must pick someone Conservatives will be comfortable with?

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28 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

If he were smart he’d pick a non-white woman.

From articles I’ve read, due to him wanting to come across as a financial wiz, it sounds like he’ll pick Paul Ryan or some other white-dude of the same financial ilk.

filmfann's avatar

He needs to win Florida, and he needs to get the Latino vote, so many are speculating that he will nominate Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Not a bad choice.
I would like to see him go full goose bozo, and nominate a Tea Partier, and bring the crazy with Michelle Bachmann. She is remarkably effective at framing issues, and spinning nicknames and jargon.

zensky's avatar

Rick Santorum

tedd's avatar

He’s banked his entire campaign on the economy dragging Obama down thus far, why would he change that up and try to go on the offensive now?

I doubt he picks a wild card/minority/what have you… My guess is he goes with one of the safe picks (Portman, Huntsman maybe, etc)... and steers clear of the picks that would fire up both bases… such as Santorum, Rubio, Ryan, etc.

Ron Paul will not sign on as VP, and I highly doubt whats his name out of New Jersey will either.

Paradox25's avatar

Like some have said, it will likely be a ‘safe’ pick, like a more moderate Republican such as Huntsman. I could be wrong here though, look at McCain choosing Palin for the last election. Picking somebody like Ryan will most definitely spell doom for Romney’s election hopes. I doubt that a libertarian such as a Ron Paul would even endorse someone like Romney, let alone be his running mate, so it likely won’t be a libertarian type candidate either.

NuclearWessels's avatar

It will either be a giant douche or a turd sandwich.

SuperMouse's avatar

My money is on either Chris Christie or Marco Rubio.

ucme's avatar

Deputy Loser, come on down!

tedd's avatar

@Paradox25 I think McCain had to pick a wild card, because he was on the losing trend already. In 2008 the flow was heavily against the Republicans. McCain tried to pick Palin as a Hail-Mary-Pass of sorts.. and it failed (somewhat predictably).

This year though the tides have turned, at least somewhat. The flow is much more even, or even against the Democrats. Thus far in the campaign Romney has been Mr. Reliable. Unlike his foes in the primaries he didn’t take any crazy stances. He’s been party line, and economy, economy, economy. He knows that if the Republicans are going to beat Obama this year, that’s the only real way they can do it. On social issues and the international issues, the public is pretty solidly behind Obama. Their only real strong stance is on the economy. So why would he endanger that with a wildcard pick, which could just as easily go negatively as positively?

@SuperMouse I doubt Christie would take the nomination, as I feel he is gearing up for his own presidential run in 2016 or 2020. Failed VP bids for whatever reason tend to have a poor track record going forward. Rubio would take it, but I doubt he is offered because he is definitely a wildcard.

filmfann's avatar

Chris Christie would be a terrific choice, if he would take it. The only issue is his weight, and while many overweight Americans may feel comfortable with him, we like our politicians and TV stars on the anorexic side.

GladysMensch's avatar

Lots of idiots are saying Scott Walker, now that he won the recall election. I hope he picks him and get hims the hell out of my state.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@GladysMensch I think Walker thinks Romney is a moron. Besides Scotty has billionaires to answer to (ie, I want him to go, but he’ll refuse a he may want to run for Prez next time).

@filmfann & @SuperMouse I can’t see Christie throwing away his own bid for 2016. Do think Marco could swing Ohio or Iowa? I don’t see that happening.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] This is our Question of the Day!

WestRiverrat's avatar

I think his best chance of winning is if he picks Condoleeza Rice as VP, if she would accept the job.

josie's avatar

Rob Portman, junior Senator from Ohio. Credentials out the ass, a conservative that opponants feel they can work with. Delivers a state that could go either way, but must be won in order to gain the presidency. Nobody wins the presidency without Ohio. In fact, this choice will validate how smart or not Romney is, and how much he wants the job.

filmfann's avatar

@WestRiverrat How do you get Condi to take the nomination without bringing into focus (1) the treatment of women by the Mormons, and (2) the representation by the Mormons of the Black race as being cursed by God?

WestRiverrat's avatar

Treatment of women by Mormons is about par with many of the religions of the world. I think the Morman church renounced their view on blacks being cursed in 1978.

Are we supposed to hold Romney accountable for the past sins of his church, while giving Obama a pass on his church’s history of bigotry and racism?

SpatzieLover's avatar

”“I think we should go another direction and find somebody who really wants to be in elected office,” she said, adding, “How many ways can I say it? Not me. <—-Condi has made herself quite clear on a VP seat.

gorillapaws's avatar

@WestRiverrat Wasn’t Romney part of the Mormon church before 1978? Didn’t he specifically convert to it, thinking “Yeah I agree with this organization that happens to believe that blacks are cursed” at the time?

WestRiverrat's avatar

I will consider Romney’s choice of church when Obama’s choice of church is given the same scrutiny.

Otherwise I think it is just a smoke screen from those that don’t want the current President’s record to become an issue in this election.

gorillapaws's avatar

@WestRiverrat To me, it’s like if a candidate had voluntarily joined up with a radical white supremacists group while they were extreme, and then later, after that group renounces their past beliefs, the candidate claims that there was no harm done. I can guarantee that whatever faith Obama has, it’s nowhere near as completely moronic and misguided than the cult that was founded by a con-man, pedophile, polygamist, which has a verifiably fictional historical record and preached racism until fairly recently (certainly long past the civil rights movement).

WestRiverrat's avatar

@gorillapaws Your discription of religion fits Islam to a tee.

That is the same rhetoric the Republicans used against Kennedy, just rewrapped to reflect Mormonism instead of Catholicism. Why was it not credible in 1960, but it is credible now?

jrpowell's avatar

@WestRiverrat :: “I will consider Romney’s choice of church when Obama’s choice of church is given the same scrutiny.”

Yeah, we kinda did the Jeremiah Wright thing last election. It is all old news.

tedd's avatar

@WestRiverrat Wow… How incredibly ignorant of you. Fit’s Islam to a tee? Have you ever even met a Muslim?

josie's avatar

@tedd Lots of them

filmfann's avatar

So, we are agreed that Romney will not share the ticket with a Muslim?

wundayatta's avatar

A Mormon and a Muslim walk into a bar…..

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m still wondering the strategy behind him sharing the ticket with a Catholic. How would that benefit the Republicans in the south or with fundamentalists?

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