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How can there be no cure for pigmented parpura?
I don’t understand how we have the technology to get rid of all kinds of things like stretch marks, celluite, scars, birth marks, freckles, etc. But they can’t remove pigmented parpura which is blood that leaked to the surface of the skin from weakened capillaries.
Here’s what it looks like
It’s just so annoying because I’ve had it for almost a year now and it seems to have spread within the past month. I’m glad it’s not serious but it’s just ugly and looks like i’m diseased and I fear that it’s going to spread all over my body. Doctors don’t know what exactly causes this and don’t know any treatment
I know I should be grateful that it isn’t that bad but I just can’t seem to stop thinking about it afraid that it’ll spread to the rest of my body. It’s unpredictable..some people’s clear, some people stay for years, they say. There is no treatment.
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