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SpatzieLover's avatar

What thoughts do you have about the infamous "Dingo ate my baby" now?

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) June 12th, 2012

Australian coroner finally agrees that a dingo took the baby in the 1980 Azaria Chamberlain case.

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15 Answers

fremen_warrior's avatar

Makes me not want to have kids even more, or go to Australia, or both. Sad stuff…

ragingloli's avatar

Lucky Dingo.
I wonder if this dingo runs on baby, too.

fremen_warrior's avatar

@ragingloli I think this is the first time I got turned on by a vehicle lol, it looks great!

ucme's avatar

I still say Sam Neill acted the pants off Meryl Streep, that may be just a cry in the dark though.

wundayatta's avatar

I think—how do you even remember this stuff? Fluther fills my head with the most extraneous of extraneousities!

rooeytoo's avatar

I think if you have ever seen a dingo tear into a roo, there would never have been a doubt that it could have happened. As to the more recent deaths of children, I hold the parents completely at fault. If you allow a child to play among lions do you blame the lions when the child gets mauled, the same is true of dingos, they may look like dogs, but they are wild animals.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I remember it well and thought she did it. Everyone else did too. Still sort of think it. She did 10 years, so , didn’t entirely get off.

ratboy's avatar

Bad dog! Bad dog!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It’s a sad, sad world when people continue to feel that the Chamberlains are still guilty of their daughter’s death, despite all of the findings and their lack of knowledge on the subject. To continue to poke fun of it shows a lack of empathy.

marinelife's avatar

@trailsillustrated She did not do it. The child’s bloody clothes were found outside a dingo lair in the 80s.

@SpatzieLover Don’t you just love saying that?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@marinelife Yes! ”The Dingo Ate My Baby!” has been with me since childhood.

We camped a lot at that time. I was thankful that we weren’t in Australia.
I agree @Pied_Pfeffer. I could never comprehend where people got the idea that the Chamberlain’s sacrificed their infant. I was relieved to see the article today. It’s baffles me as to why it took this long to clear this up on the death certificate.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@marinelife- I guess not- i’m Australian and it was in all the papers and news. In detail. She sure seemed suspicious but I was a kid then, I’m glad it’s come to light now.

glenjamin's avatar

they shouldn’t have taken an infant camping, as a tent doesn’t provide a good line of defense against these apparently vicious dogs. They should be held liable for criminal negligence.

wundayatta's avatar

@glenjamin In those days, no one thought the dingos could do such a thing. They didn’t know they weren’t just nice doggies. It has only been in the intervening time where there have been many other dingo abductions and attacks that the Australians have come to realize that maybe a mistake had been made, and it was possible for a dingo to attack and kill a baby human.

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