@whiteliondreams Thanks.
The thing is, how do we define “prosperous”? Some feel that we are prosperous so long as corporations are reporting record profits. Others look at how much money the elite have, or the sum total of all wealth without regard for it’s distribution; so long as 100% of the people have more money than they used to, it doesn’t matter that 80% of them have less and 20% cannot even afford to live.
And there are plenty of math tricks you can use to massage the numbers. Take 1 millionaire and 19 people who have nothing, and the average wealth there is still $50,000 which looks respectable. Even medians can be fudged a bit, especially if you include things like government aid as income.
But when faced with a problem, many people seem to believe that doing more of what caused the problem will somehow solve the problem. Car is making a funny noise because you didn’t bother changing the oil? Come up with some excuse to keep on ignoring the oil change, and then blame the carmaker for making an inferior car when the engine blows.
We use the same attitude in government. Too much government spending? Cut taxes so that people have more money, cut government programs to keep the government from going bankrupt due to lower taxes, ignore the fact that there are more people that require government aid because employers are cutting headcount, cutting benefits (both wages and insurance) for non-executives, and then complain that government should not be allowed to make businesses pay for the economic harm they are causing.
What many of these anti-Socialists fail to realize is the consequences and implications of their actions. If the average person sees no rewards for their hard work, then how can one say that higher taxes remove the incentive to succeed? Seems to me that if you are that anti-tax, you should strive to earn as little as possible. I would rather have 70% of $100k than 100% of $60k, but that is because (unlike many anti-Socialists) I know math. And figure, that $30k in taxes would fix potholes, pay policemen, and do other things that improve my quality of life that would require me to pay directly out of pocket for if not for government.
The irony is that those who complain most about government control seek to have government criminalize things like homosexuality, marijuana, and pornography at taxpayer expense. If you feel government is too expensive and intrusive, then why pay so much to expand their power and make them more intrusive? And on the pornography front, look at how much money we would lose if that industry went away. As of 2005/6. the adult entertainment industry had around $13 Billion in revenue. Even conservative estimates for the present place it about on par with Major League Baseball, so it’s loss would be a non-trivial blow to the economy. (We won’t even get into the boom in Black Market activity that would result.)
It seems to me that the route to prosperity involves knowing math, studying history to see what has failed badly in the past, and, above all, not being hypocritical enough to undermine your own credibility. In other words, we could solve many of our problems if we didn’t allow stupid people to rule.
However, recent trends in politics indicate that we want idiots in power, so I weep for our future. Even worse, if we don’t continue this current trend towards Christian Corporatism, we will likely go too far the other way by over-correcting for the errors of the last few decades.