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flutherother's avatar

What do you think of this house?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) June 13th, 2012

It is someone’s dream home, but what do you think? See it here

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34 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

I think it looks like just another McMansion. Not. Impressed.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

It looks like what are built as 4-plex condo’s and rentals. It’s not attractive to me.

Kayak8's avatar

I thought it was apartments. Seriously needs landscaping and some kind of swag fixture draped from the arch over the front door . . .

SpatzieLover's avatar

The light fixtures are too small of scale for the height of the home. The blinds are cheap. The windows are what I’d consider contractor grade. Cheap roof with no gutters?! Lawn appears to be quack grass. Brick is so so. I prefer more dimension to a brick home, or at least a richer coloring.

Overall, the home would need serious landscape & design help to ever be considered a dream home, IMO.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m not really a fan, it seems very unbalanced and blocky.

chyna's avatar

There is something about it that just seems plain. It doesn’t seem to have anything special that gives it character.

mazingerz88's avatar

Booooring. Putting a gargoyle up there might fix it. Lol. Btw, my apologies to the one whose dream house this is…

tom_g's avatar

Is this a house or a bank?

flo's avatar

“Dream home”? I don’t know. But if it doesn’t end up falling apart because of shoddy workmanship, I would call it a dream house. There are some horror stories out there.

Ponderer983's avatar

Looks like every other McMansion going up all over where I live. Get a different style people!

syz's avatar

Ugh. Square and without personality or charm.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It looks like a bad church or a crypt for a giant.

Berserker's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe LOL a crypt for a giant. XD

It’s nice, I mean if someone just went up and said, yo Sym, you can have this house. It’s yours! I’d take it. Nice, but not my style. doesn’t look haunted enough

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline It might be okay for an institutional setting. I think ghosts would definately give it a pass.

Berserker's avatar

Looking at the pic again, this house has insanely huge windows. Probably a good choice for someone who wants a lot of sunlight inside.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I liked the windows. I love light. But the lines suck. No character.

gondwanalon's avatar

Does it come with a moat? HA! Actually I like it OK but only if there is a large 3 car garage in the back. Also a swimming pool as well as a view to look down on the little people.

dontmindme's avatar

Yuck. and my dream home would not have neighbors living that closely to me.

dontmindme's avatar

@syz all I can say is, Wow!. That is beautiful!

syz's avatar

@dontmindme I love the water and the mountains in the view in the background.

Sunny2's avatar

The original style is not to my liking. I prefer the architectural style of @syz but knowing what I know now, I would not get a multi-level home. I’d try to picture myself in a wheelchair in the house, so I could stay there when I was no longer young.

ucme's avatar

Looks like a church for bashful pilgrims who smile when they pass strangers in the street, but are secretly scornful of public displays of affection.

augustlan's avatar

I’m not a huge fan of the outside (it kind of looks like a condo building), but it does look pretty big. Perhaps it’s fantastic inside? I lived in a McMansion prior to my divorce (my kids still do, with their dad), but (IMHO), it was much nicer looking on the outside. Sort of like this, but with dormer windows over the garage.

For a poor kid who grew up in one apartment after another, I have to say… it did seem like my dream home. It’s fantastic and all, but I’m actually much more ‘at home’ in my tiny little house that’s falling down around me.

Fly's avatar

It looks boring and completely bland! I can understand wanting a big house, but dreaming of owning this particular house makes no sense to me. Everything (on the outside, anyway) looks like low cost builder’s grade materials. It has no personality or design aesthetic whatsoever, it’s just kind of…there. There isn’t even any molding that could be painted to give it a little something. I guess some color could be added through landscaping, but it would have little impact because of the house’s size. It also doesn’t help that I hate the washed out color of these bricks…it just looks like a big mound of raw ground beef to me. (To sum it up, I’m not a fan.)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Tombstone with windows.

Kardamom's avatar

It looks rather barren. This is more my taste.

chyna's avatar

@Kardamom That is almost exactly the house my brother built! I like that style too.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna @Kardamom I bet you can’t guess if I like it or not. :)

flutherother's avatar

I hadn’t heard of the word Mc Mansions before but I knew many Americans liked living in huge houses. In a country where land is still plentiful and relatively cheap a very large detached house is a more practical proposition than here in the UK.

I really don’t like this monster, it looks cheap and nasty which I’m sure is the opposite of what was intended. Perhaps it is nice inside. I’m sure it will have an enormous kitchen but these can be a pain if there are huge distances between the freezer and the cooker and the cutlery and the pots and pans.

I think small is beautiful and a small family home has the benefit of bringing a family together. You could feel quite isolated living in a house this size. I wonder how much it costs to heat such a house, or to keep it cool in summer.

I much prefer the style of house in the picture above, though I am not sure about the large central space with the big windows.

nikipedia's avatar

I’d live in it!

blueiiznh's avatar

With all due respect it is boring. It has no charater.
But then again, maybe my taste is all in my mouth.

SomeoneElse's avatar

It looks as if it cannot decide what to be – offices/school/apartments/church.
It is too much brick and glass, with no character about it.
As @Symbeline says if given it I would accept with good grace and plan the planting of mature things around it!

dabbler's avatar

FYI, In Ireland they call them O’Mansions, no kidding.

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