Have you ever been in a fistfight?
What were the circumstances? What was the outcome? If you were in multiple, what was your worst one, and why? Gory details welcome. Let’s see what you guys (and gals perhaps?) are made of!
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24 Answers
Absolutely! This happened in early ‘98. I was a teenager in Puerto Rico and there are gangs that are territorial. I just wanted to hang out with my friends and I was influenced by their “philosophy” about being “family”. I understood the concept, but wanted something more…psychologically. I fought this guy who had brought a car-ful of people to jump my friend (R.I.P 1998), eventually I became the target and was in process for initiation. I never went through with it and I moved back stateside. Nothing was gory, but it felt like the longest fight of my life. There were countless students outside, to include the bus drivers watching from the inside of their vehicles enjoying it. It was a thrill ride and I would probably have done it again, but it isn’t a life I would want to live. I remember getting tired and trying to butt his head on a concrete sphere. Didn’t work out, but eventually we were separated. Needless to say, I did win, but marginally so to speak. I ended up having to fight another guy who was his friend a few months down the road.
Yes, in my wild youth I once grabbed a girl by the throat and physically removed her from my chair at a club that she had so blatantly stolen out from under me. The look on her face when little old 5’3 me lifted her out the chair by the collar was priceless! lol
Another time I brawled with a woman in another bar, she retreated pretty quickly. I was a mighty mite. I earned a reputation as a feisty chick back in the day.
I never started anything but if the situation presented I had no fear. ;-)
None jump out as the “worst,” in most cases once someone realized I was willing to throw punches they would back down pretty quickly. The “worst” to me was when I nearly dislocated someone’s jaw. I didn’t, fortunately, but I so clearly remember my fist hitting that jaw and the horrific sound it made. I felt guilty afterwards and I still feel badly about it. I’ve outgrown that feisty streak, for the most part (I was going to describe myself as feisty before I read @Coloma‘s response, honest)… but for being a generally shy, kind of quiet girl, I fought like an animal if it got to that point.
I haven’t been in a fight in years.
@DigitalBlue Yes, I’ve outgrown some of my feistiness too, but…I will always take a stand against injustices and the underdog. I had a young dude almost run me off the road the other day, I swear had he stopped anytime soon I would have walked up to his vehicle and blasted him. ” C’mon sonny boy, ya wanna tango with a cougar, I’m all teeth and claws, lets go puppy boy!” Rowwwwr! ;-P
@fremen_warrior haha…reminds me of that scene in the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” where the young girls take Kathy Bates parking space and they say ” Face it, we’re younger and quicker.”
Then Kathy Bates rams their VW outta the space and say’s ” Face it, I’m older and have more insurance!” lol
I don’t know if I can say any were exactly the worst, but this one people tend to find as such:
I was jumped when walking home at night after wrestling practice. Bugger had a knife and did cut me. There was a scuffle, fists thrown, kicks launched, blah blah blah, and I shanked him with his own knife.
I fought with my best friend behind the scout hut once. I can’t remember what it was about but we had our arms around each other’s necks trying to force each other to the ground or get a submission. It wasn’t really what you would call a fist fight. We were quite evenly matched and were separated before anyone won. We both lost a few buttons and we never fought again, well apart from once. We ended up each being best man at the others wedding.
@Coloma don’t worry, I don’t fight girls/ladies/damsels/madams/etc. you all seem to always go for the balls and punching ya’all in the ovaries doesn’t seem to have quite the same effect… :D
Never been in a full fist fight. Thrown and received punches, but those fights were usually over after one hit. Worst I got was a black eye, no broken bones. I know, boring, but I hope I never have to get into a fistfight again. It’s so high school anyway.
In 4th grade I had an all out fist fight with my friend, Muggsie. I have no idea what it was about, but she and I were really going at it at recess. A teacher came and took us into the school. We were soundly scolded. I think we stayed friends.
I remember my first fist fight with a friend named Tyler Dur..wait a minute…
More than a few. In my callow youth. Before I went in the service and got all of that tension out of my system. For good. My dad taught me how to fight and I never picked on anybody, but it came in handy now and then when somebody tried to fuck with me or my friends.
I rarely share this story with anybody that wasn’t there, but since it’s Fluther…
I’m at the mall with my friends. This voidoid from another high school walks up and gets in my face and says he heard I have been telling people that I screwed his girlfriend. I said “It’s bullshit. I screwed you girlfriend, but I never told anybody”. He absolutely nailed me with a sucker punch and I still have a big scar next to my left eye and my left eyelid droops just a little bit. On the other hand, I broke a couple of his ribs and we called it a day and he went to the hospital .
Youth. What a hoot.
Nah, just little scuffles. In elementary school we had a field trip, it was an afternoon at some indoors pool. It was pretty close to the school, so we walked there. I was in grade five, and this group of girls from grade six always picked on me. One of em was walking behind me, purposely stepping on my heels. So I turned around and punched her in the stomach as hard as I could. She was pretty surprised, but she ended up kicking my ass anyway. Lol. I ended up with this big ass gash on my cheek from her throwing me on the ground. She’s all like, never hit a sixth grader! I was all like, fuck you lol. She prolly would kept on but the teachers stopped her.
Also a few years ago I was walking around outside, and this dude came up to me, I have no idea what he wanted. I’m almost sure he was stoned on something, his eyes looked all weird, but since it was dark maybe I was just imagining things. Anyway I don’t even know what he tried to do or what he wanted, but he put his hands on my shoulders as I was trying to walk by him. Worse is I saw him coming for me from further away, I should have just ran or at least crossed the street at that point. So he grabbed me, sort of making me walk sideways like he was trying to dance with me or something. I freaked out, stuck my fingernails in his face so he let go, and I ran away lol.
My Senior year in HS a girl walked up beside me in the smoking area at school and cold cocked me. I had no idea why. Later I pieced together that she had heard a rumor I was “out in the country” with her boyfriend one Friday night. Well, I faced her and asked what the hell she was doing, and she punched me again. I grabbed her wrist. She swung at me with her left hand. I grabbed that too. I had about 3 inches on her and was much stronger. However, I wasn’t a violent person. She kept snarling at me to let her hands go….so I let her hands go, and let her take me down. She was whaling away on me. I heard somebody yell something about my glasses…and some on-looker picked them up and kept them safe. A teacher came in and broke it up. At that point I think I felt safe enough to get REALLY mad. He grabbed us both by the arm to escort us to the office. I YANKED my arm out of his grasp and said, “Don’t touch me!” That was completely unlike me. To my amazement, he complied and I didn’t get scolded for snapping at a teacher.
In the principal’s office: Principal was going to suspend us both for 3 days. I yelled, “Why??!! I tried not to fight!” Jebus! One does NOT yell at a principal! But I did…
Then I turned to Angie and snarled, “Tell him I tried not to fight!!”
She kind of hung her head and said, “She tried not to fight.”
So he commuted my sentence to being expelled for the rest of that day. You have to understand, I NEVER got in trouble! It killed me to have a teacher even gently admonish me. I started to protest over being expelled at all, but he explained that if I stayed the day kids would be bugging me, wanting to know about the fight, etc. That made sense, so I went home.
So, about 1:00 my Mom came home to see me sitting all cool and nonchalant on the dining room table, my feet on a chair, and said, “WHAT are you doing home from school?”
I started to answer…then just burst into tears and threw myself in her arms and said, “Ohhh Mommma! I got into a fight at school!”
I thought she’d be mad. To my utter amazement she held me, and patted me on the back and said, “There, there. It’s OK. I know you didn’t start it. I know you. It’s OK.”
I have to say, Mom hated it when we cried. Hated it. Would yell at us to stop. That is the only time that I remember that she held me and comforted me when I was crying. Usually she’d just snap, “Stop being stupid!”
Later that night my dad taught me how to really throw a punch.
I guess my folks were alright after all.
I have something else to tell you but I can’t in public…
I spent three days wondering weather or not he was going live. I try to find civil resolutions to conflicts.
Yep. He was much smaller than me so after the first flurry, I held him off at arms length.
@DrBill I whether weather the wether.
There is no such word as “wether.” Just sayin’
Wether is actually a castrated ram.
Fisticuffs? Certainly not, for I am an englishman, civilised, refined & above such barbaric goings-on.
No, I prefer to use blunt instruments & soft furnishings, keeps my hands all soft & velvety…much like a newborn baby’s bottom.
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