NSFW How is it different for guys with smaller packages?
This question came up in a discussion on this thread.
Is there any difference in pleasing a guy with a small package? What strategies work? What is preferred? What is different, if anything?
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16 Answers
Your dick doesn’t get stuck in your fly all the time. Haha.
Why would it automatically be any different from a guy with a monster dong?
Moreoever, why assume that every person with a smaller dick likes the same things? That there’s one way to approach them? That sounds to me like assuming there is “The Way” to give a girl “The Big O” as some people call it…
can we also discuss small packages and how they can please women? or is this all about the guys and what they want? I’m joking. (kind of) ;)
@bookish1 Monsterdongs are painful. just sayin’
I’m sure there are pros and cons for all sizes and shapes for both the man and his partner—very sure. But what are the pros and cons? Not one size fits all, no, just a range?
I was saying on the other thread that society’s not nice to guys with small packages so there’s very little discussion, if any, about the differences—if there are any differences.
@dontmindme I know one advantage for small a package—there’s no choking, which works well for both parties. I’ll let the guys answer…
I’ve been with men in a variety of sizes, from monsterdong to thumbdong, and neither extreme was great for me. That said, men at both extremes appeared to be quite satisfied, and I didn’t do anything different, really. Except not being able to, um, access the last couple of inches of of the largest of them via deep-throating or intercourse (hands filled in for that.) But the bigger guys had to show great restraint in not just trying to jam it in there, so as not to hurt me.
I’m guessing this will be a short thread.
As the old joke said…
She: “Who do you expect to make happy with that little thing?”
He: “Me.”
Their “wedding tackle” looks like an acorn lost in a bush, bless.
I’ve always figured I was average size. Given that, pleasing me and pleasing my partner has nothing to do with the size of my dick. It all comes from between the ears, from both partners.
How could anyone know? Unless they’d had complaints, and who is going to admit to complaints? I’m not. But that’s because I haven’t had any. I’m not saying I satisfied every woman—I’m sure I didn’t—but women, by and large, are concerned with male egos and tend not to try to damage it, in my experience.
I am perfectly willing to try to please a woman any way I can. They say that if you have a talented tongue, it doesn’t matter how big your dick is. Is this just another myth? Probably it’s different for each woman. Some love oral and others prefer a penis. I’m sure it also depends on the shape of the penis, since some women experience g-spot stimulation with some men, and not others, while other women never experience g-spot stimulation at all.
People are all fucking different. (Sorry—had to do that). We make love to each other according to our temperaments and sensitivities and equipment. One size most certainly does not fit all. If we’re lucky, we meet someone who matches us well. Otherwise… well, there can be a lot of unhappiness and a relationship or a marriage could break up. For some, sex is that important and for others it is not at all important.
Is it stupid to say all these platitudes?
I was always convinced I was small. Eventually a woman told me I wasn’t small. She didn’t say I was big, but she did say I wasn’t small. Maybe she lied. Maybe not. I don’t care. I’ve been a good lover and a bad lover in my life. I’m bad when I don’t love. When I love someone, I’ll do anything for her and that is what seems to make the difference. The brain, they say, is the biggest sex organ. I think I do all right in that department.
I never really had a preference because if I like who you are and how you treat me I can overlook the size thing. The only thing I would have to do differently with a small size is concentrate more and squeeze my pelvis (if he is REALLY small) and with a big penis I would have to be on top so you don’t hurt me. But like I said size has never been a deal breaker. I pay attention to what goes on in the other head.
@wundayatta You answer makes a lot of sense—thank you.
I do find it interesting how few answers are on this thread compared to the ‘how do you like them played with’ and the anal questions… short thread, I agree!
Sorry, @Aethelflaed, very little for your 127% to watch here ;D
@wundayatta is right in that observation. If I was ever sexually displeased or unsatisfied with a man I never said a word for fear of hurting their feelings. But then as soon as they did something to hurt me and we broke up the first thing that came to my mind would be how he had the nerve to treat me so badly and he wasn’t even a decent lay. I’d be seething for weeks over that. In retrospect, I notice that the relationships I had with guys that had a small penis’ never lasted long (no pun intended).
Unless you want to play cock-gag games, less is more for fellatio, and that’s no choke.
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