Meta Question

janbb's avatar

What is it about Fridays and NSFW questions on Fluther?

Asked by janbb (63361points) June 15th, 2012

They seem more (shall we say?) rampant here of late and particularly on Fridays. Do people get more bored or randy as the work week ends? Asked slightly tongue in cheek (and we won’t specify which.)

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27 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s hard on Friday not to ask NSFW questions.

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe It’s hard on Friday?

Coloma's avatar

I guess a lot of peoples fancies turn to sex on the weekend…mine are turned towards having a yard sale. I am offering a solid glass G-spot dildo in my many treasures. Gently used, fully disinfected and sterile. What a find! haha

zenvelo's avatar

My thoughts turn to getting lucky over the weekend on Thursday afternoons…

Ela's avatar

Most everyone gets excited and looks forward to the weekend, so I would say Friday is the loosest day of the workweek. It’s a great let-your-hair-down-day. Just a few more hours till freedom!! ... even if it is only for 2 days ; )

LOL @Coloma I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever seen a dildo at a garbage sale!!!! OMFinStars!!!
I need a time and addy, please!

Coloma's avatar

@Ela Haha..I know, I thought it might be kinda wierd, but, it was a pleasure party purchase a few years ago and it’s really cool. Clear pink in a pink velvet padded case. Being solid glass I figure the gross out factor is diluted. lol I prefer toys that hum. ;-p

linguaphile's avatar

I think one NSFW question yesterday was a very serious personal one, at least it seemed to be from the asker’s tone, while the offshoot question posted by yours truly was more lighthearted.

I do feel bad for people who ask serious NSFW questions, who are clearly embarrassed, and get jokes instead. I’m hoping the jokes help with making the question less stressful and embarrassing for the OP, but who knows. I think some answers seem like we’re joking, but many answers are still valid.

wundayatta's avatar

I hadn’t noticed a pattern. I noticed there seemed to be a lot today, but I don’t think that is typical for a Friday. I asked one, but I didn’t really think it should be a nsfw question. I just knew some stupid mod would think it needed to be one, and then I thought I’d say it might be nsfw even though I do not want people to answer it that way. The fucking rules around here really ruin one’s ability to get a decent answer a lot of times, but I do the best I can. So you could take one nsfw question off the list if you don’t mind. Mine wasn’t a real nsfw question, it was just a get-the-mods-off-my-back-preemptively nsfw question. Honestly, the censorship around here is getting more and more annoying. I have places I can go where the conversation is just as good as it is here, but they are less freaked out by being adults. I just don’t know them as well. And no one knows me.

ucme's avatar

Puts me in mind of the upper class twits here in england town who “book appointments” for sex with their spouses.
“Yes darling, sweetie, i’m free on tuesday evening, around 9pm. You may bang my brains out, but I only have a 15min window before I simply must wash my sodding hair”

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I dunno, but I like most of ‘em! =0)

lillycoyote's avatar

@Coloma LOL. “Gently used?” I guess you don’t like it rough, then. :-) But the idea of glass dildo has always sort of frightened me. Jeez! What the hell if it breaks in there? Lots of pain, serious potential damage and a lot of ‘splainin’ to do at the ER.

ETpro's avatar

@janbb Good question. I know I’ve asked several. Here is today’s TGIF + NSFW question. Thinking of all the salacious things I might do on a weekend is what brings this sort of question into focus in my head.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@wundayatta That’s a strange answer to give considering the fact that you are one who filibustered the last attempt to loosen up the rules. Given how much of a stumbling block you’ve been to our efforts to change the NSFW guidelines, I’m becoming increasingly convinced that you are more interested in having something to complain about than effecting real change.

Berserker's avatar

It’s like that chip commercial, I think they were some chip designed for dips and salsas. It was that one where that guy’s riding the subway, and he’s imagining some weekend party he’ll soon be having, where he screams, let’s get NAKED! But he actually said that out loud on the subway and everyone looks at him funny.

Not that I know what causes NSFW Fridays. I mean ADIDAS, so Friday makes no difference to me.

augustlan's avatar

Imagine if, instead of casual Fridays at work, everyone had NSFW Fridays… at work. ~

ETpro's avatar

@augustlan I love it “Not Safe for Work!” Where? At work naturally.

janbb's avatar

@ETpro Wouldn’t OSHA have to be involved then?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@wundayatta “I have places I can go where the conversation is just as good as it is here, but they are less freaked out by being adults.” Really? Go there then, so we don’t have to hear the whining anymore.

Coloma's avatar

The glass dildo did not sell, but had a few laughs with some ladies. So it is safely nestled back with it’s comrades in my underware drawer. I guess we’re meant to remain together. lol
I did net $185 on my myriad treasures….woo hoo! :-)

Paradox25's avatar

What is it about NSFW, period? I’ve been on this site for several years now (under different accounts) and it was only recently that I’ve noticed NSFW being used in like half the questions on here lately. Why is NSFW all of a sudden so popular on here when it wasn’t before?

janbb's avatar

There do seem to be a large proportion of sex questions lately.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb It’s late Spring. Everyone is thinking sex.

Ela's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe what’s spring gotta do with it? I breath therefore I think about it. ; )

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Ela In winter, the days are short, it gets dark early, and your melatonin (sp?) is down. Spring comes along, the earth gets more fertile and days get warmer. And everyone is wearing less clothing. And if I go any further with this thought, I’m so going to get into trouble.

Ela's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe There’s a lot to be said for winter, it’s clothing, staying warm and my imagination.
I fancy winter just as much as I do Spring… and Fall and Summer ; )
know what i mean, know what i mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink

Ela's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You are so true. LoL <blushes>

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