I see. I don’t like the term. We don’t know if it’s the drugs that have stopped working or something else.
One of the hardest things to cope with is wondering, “am I getting depressed, or is this situational?” Also the other way around. Am I getting manic, or is it situational. I find that I can easily get high or depressed just be being around other bipolar folk who are one or the other. By high, I mean manic. Mania is a high for me—a mild one compared to most people, since I’m hypomanic, but still a desirable state. What makes me feel manic is something most people would think of as quite normal. I like being around people and joking and telling stories. When people respond to me, it gives me a buzz. For the most part, there is nothing harmful about it. And I take care never to let it go too far, but I can tell there is a too far.
I get very hopped up and I see things—not hallucinations; but I get very strong visions about who another person is and what will happen to them, and then I tell them what it is, and it has a powerful effect. I don’t know if my visions would be accurate. But I’m not sure it would matter. I would make people believe because I believe.
This is why it can be so confusing to know if you are getting sick again. Sometimes you keep things under control. Sometimes you don’t but they don’t go out of control. Sometimes, you fear going down into one of those depressions with no end, and a week later you are fine. You got all worried over nothing. And so you second guess yourself all the time.
Is this bad enough to call my shrink? Or is this a false alarm like before? If I call, and he gives me new meds, and then it turns out I could have handled it without the meds, then I will be stuck taking meds I don’t need.
That happened to me. The first time I started feeling depressed after I got well, I freaked out instantly and ran back to my shrink and got back on a med I had stopped. Soon after that, I realized it was situational, and I understood that I could have handled it on my own. And the next time I got depressed I held off going to the shrink and I did just fine.
But it is so hard not knowing if you are making the right decision. It can be hard to trust yourself. And yet if you don’t trust yourself, you damage yourself that way and you feel more dependent and less capable. But if you don’t ask for help, and you make a mistake, it could send you back to the hospital…. or worse.
And then there are the people we care about, who worry about us. Should we tell them? Is it worth worrying them? What if they start bugging us to go see the shrink or get our meds checked up? That’s a pressure we may not want. I know I don’t want my wife pushing me to see the shrink. That’s my decision, and if she pushes me, I will be more likely to go when I don’t need to, just to please her and keep her from worrying.
So it gets very tempting not to tell her. To see if I can take care of things on my own, and over the years, I’ve gotten really good at this. I’ve taken care of myself without worrying her. Maybe she sees. Maybe she knows. Sometimes she casts a worried look my way, but I’m not sure. I do know that I’ve taken care of myself and I haven’t needed help and I am pretty sure if I told her, she would have worried and maybe pressured me into seeing the shrink when I didn’t need to.
I think what I want from people who love me is a faithful mirror. I don’t want you to tell me to see the shrink or to take meds. You don’t know what that is like. But it is ok if you tell me I look worried or anxious or I’ve been doing such and such a lot, recently. Please do it without judgment if you can.
Please understand that I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to get depressed. I don’t want to die. But I also need to work on managing my own life, and that may involve things getting a little bit out of control. I’m sorry. It’s an inevitable part of the process. With your support, and especially with your nonjudgmental love, I’ll get better sooner, most likely.
And if it’s too much for you… then go. I don’t want to keep you. It’s hard living with me, I know. I will probably place some big demands on you, and there is a chance I will hurt you badly—although I don’t know if that is different from any other relationship. But we can be more volatile and more intense. We seem to need more intensity out of everything. So if that is too much, then I understand you need to protect yourself and guard your own life.
I hope I’m worth it, though. I hope you’ll still through this with me. I know it can be very painful to see me depressed and unable to to anything. I know it can be very frustrating. I know it can seen impossible to understand and you wonder what planet I live on. I’m sorry. This is what I can be like, sometimes. I work very hard not to be there, but shit happens.
Understand this. If I ask you to stay, it means I really love you and want your help. If I push you away and attack you, and I know this sounds ridiculous, but it also means I really love you and I want your help, but I don’t expect you give it to me. I have my pride. If I am too much for you, I don’t want you. Even if I do love you.
We can give messages that are the opposite of what we really want, and I think the reason we do that is because we can’t stand the idea that we’re hurting you. We can’t stand the idea that we are not in control of ourselves, and therefore we hurt you. When it’s like this, we can push away out of a kind of pride that we don’t want anyone to give us too much. It is better to be homeless than to have someone resent us that we ask too much.
Of course that hurts immensely that we are too much and fills our sense of worthlessness, and makes us act out in all kinds of perverse and weird ways, as we try to find any kind of good feeling we can, yet we know we don’t deserve anything good. So booze and drugs and sex.
I know this is rambling and probably doesn’t make much sense. I doubt it if will help. It’s just a peek into my mind as I understand it, and the kind of thinking that goes on there when I’m sick. It is very confusing. It is shameful, too. I hope there’s enough sense there for you to get a little bit better perspective. And I really feel this is not a suitable answer for general. There is no answer in my answer and it probably isn’t on topic. General is the wrong place for a question like this, and it gives me a great deal of anxiety to write the way I do here.