What is your favorite Fluther feature?
Asked by
bookish1 (
June 16th, 2012
I’m talking about concrete aspects of the website, format and design. What do you think Fluther’s best features are, and why?
What pleased me immediately about this site was the instant preview feature. I’ve never seen that on any other site, and I’ve been a member of tons of forums. It’s really nice to be able to see my post with all the formatting already done.
I really like the lurve on here too, though ;) And I think it’s kinda neat that it’s anonymous. I’ve already caught myself looking for the “Great Question!” button on other websites, haha. This place kind of gets its tentacles into your brain, no?
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58 Answers
The occasionally consistant whims of the mods.
The variety of questions (and answers). They take my mind to places I don’t think about on my own.
Creature feature.
I agree with you @bookish1—I like the instant preview and the whole format of the thread. I despise the way many forums are set up with replies branching off in all directions. Here, you reply and it’s one thread—you can address individuals, but it’s one thread not 20 different mini threads on one main thread.
I love the quirkiness of the interface—the compliments, changing Dr. J, things hidden in plain sight.
And lurve my jelly-friends.
♥ oh, can’t forget my jelly-crushes, too!—♥ ♥
I like when “Messages for you” is in bold font. It’s like that proverbial box of chocolates.
And the nice peole who send them are an even bigger plus.
When I first joined, what really struck me was the clean layout and soothing color scheme. It’s far less cluttered than a lot of other sites I’d visited, and very intuitive. User friendly, if you will. I love the live preview, too. So helpful to see if you’ve screwed something up before you post it. I only wish it were available for PMs, too.
Of course, the people were the biggest draw. :)
@augustlan : Hey, yeah, the color scheme IS soothing…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-p
@augustlan I never told you this..but I LOATHE the color blue-green! I have bad memory wrapped around that color, but I don’t know what the memory is!
@Dutchess_III Well I’m glad you overlooked your loathing and stuck with us anyway. :)
I never told you this but I HATE the overall color scheme! .... Are we still friends? :O
I suppose I can forgive your lapse in good taste. ~
Foresooth…The lapse twas not mine. Twas upon the part of Sirs Ben and Andrew….um, I’m reading a book set in the 16th century. Sorry if I’m talking funny. :}~
I love the colour scheme and simple clean layout.
^^^ You don’t have to suck up about the color scheme. Auggie will still like you!
As i’ve said before whenever this question pops up, the little pencil indicating you’re “crafting a response” is absolutely adorable.
You could even say it draws my attention.
In the Style your text line, under the text box, I like how the whisper is written with big letters.
I like the random “Don’t you look pretty today!” comments that pop up under your user name! Currently mine says, “You’re just in time!”
Sharing PMS with jellies and getting GAS. ;-p
@Brian1946 Youse forgot your possesive apostrophe on “GA’s” GailCalled is gonna GIT you!!
That you can find some interesting questions from time to time. Also, on occasion, there are interesting people. And perhaps most amazing—once or twice, someone even thought I was interesting!!!!!
The fact that I can bathe in the TIDEPOOL and WATERING HOLE completely alone and in privacy!
@Dutchess_III Then why is your current avatar kind of blue-green color? Are you in some kind of self-hating, masochistic mode?
And I’ve saved your avatar to my hard drive so I have a record of it!
@Dutchess_III I believe the color is sea foam. Whether that was done on purpose, keeping in theme with jellies & such… I dunno.
@ZEPHYRA LOL. You do kind of have the chat rooms to yourself. You can talk to yourself as much as you want and there’s no one there to observe and possibly think you are crazy for talking to yourself!
@lillycoyote Yes, talk, sing and philosophize all you want in there!
The ability to thank myself. I do it constantly.
The “new activity for you.” Makes it so simple to follow. (and unfollow, of course).
LOLLL @lillycoyote! That didn’t even occur to me! I was just showing solidarity with SG. :) I’m OK with the color as long as it’s a natural part of something and has depth and form. I just don’t like the color by itself. When I was a little kid, less than 5, we had a thrown together toilet stall in the basement that was painted blue-green. It may have something to do with that!
Yep, the Q.‘s and people. I also like the streaming of newborn Q.‘s and the multiple choice categories.
“We. Drink. Your. MILKSHAKE!”
The Textile markup language is nice, too. I <i>hate</i> having to type the HTML and [u]BBCode[/u] pseudo-html tags.
The nekked pancake parties. What else?
You. Drank. My. MILKSHAKE? @Nullo. Them’s fightin’ words!!!
I changed my mind, my favourite is the cake. In the frizzer.
Mmm cake.
Shells in the frizzer too!
The ability to grant every answer lurve on a question by pressing Alt + F4.
@erichw1504 : Thanks for teaching me something new today :)
Very cool @erichw1504! Something else that is really cool is holding down the alt and ctrl key, then pushing your down arrow.
@Dutchess_III Put ‘em up.
What does ctrl+alt+downarrow do on non-Linux computers? It just makes this box change desktops. Which is handy, don’t get me wrong.
Will Ctrl – Alt – Left (or Right) arrow make my display sideways?
Cool. It does. Of course, it’s going to make me reboot, too, because it screwed up the display adapter… But it’s still pretty cool.
So sorry! :) but now you done messed up the trick for others!! :) One of my students pulled that on me the first time. :)
If you press alt+command/control + option you give every jellie an orgasm. it’s even better than cake in the frizzer…
@Earthgirl Holy christ. I’m looking all over my keyboard.
@Earthgirl Oh so that’s why sometimes, when I’m fluthering, I keep wondering if I should go see a witch doctor about my Skene’s gland.
@Symbeline Glad I could clear that up for you,lol.
@Adirondackwannabe Oh tell me you’ve never done it yourself? How do you think we keep getting new members….oh, wait a minute, maybe if we advertised more…
New “members?”
You women have all the luck!
Wish you could grow another one, @wundayatta?! Man, you’re on a roll!!
I’m rockin’! I’m rollin’! I got soul, baby!
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