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Strauss's avatar

How do I adjust these adjustable cabinet hinges?

Asked by Strauss (23836points) June 18th, 2012

Here is the hinge I am trying to adjust.
The bottom left, in this picture is the best I can get it. It’s pretty close to parallel with the bottom shelf of the cabinet, and the hinges are adjusted as far down as it will go. I’ve tried to adjust the right hinges, but I can’t seem to get the doors to match. Do I need to completely reinstall the hinges?

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6 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

Pssst! First link and second link are the same picture

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Are these recently hung doors / cabinets ? Are the cabinets twisted / not plumb ? Just looking at the picture ( NO second picture ) looks like the sides of the cabinets might be twisted.

Strauss's avatar

Thanks, @thorninmud

Here is what was supposed to be the first picture, the hinge itself. The cabinet has been hung for about a year, the doors for about six weeks.

thorninmud's avatar

From the picture, it looks like the corner of the left door is still slightly below the bottom of the cabinet carcass (unless that’s just the camera angle messin’ with me). First, get that corner aligned by turning the “front” adjustment screw (the one nearest the door) of either the top or bottom hinge. Next, you’re going to have to adjust the top hinge of the right door (again using the front screw) until the space between the two doors is perfectly even. Then see if you still need to drop the height of the right door to get the bottoms of the doors aligned. That would be done by loosening the two mounting screws on the door part of the top and bottom hinges and sliding the door up (the mounting holes are slotted to allow this).

dabbler's avatar

@Tropical_Willie is onto something, I think the cabinet is not square. The doors appear to be evenly separated and the bottom edges of the doors are not parallel to the cabinet.

Otherwise @thorninmud‘s descriptions of adjusting the doors relative to the cabinet are useful. Of the two screws on the cross part the one closer to the slotted hole will let you swing that corner of the door left or right. The two screws on the bracket on the right will let you move the whole door up and down.

Strauss's avatar

Thanks for all the help. My wife just decided to replace the cabinets with open shelving. I have lots of experience with that!

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