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zensky's avatar

Why have so many of (us) jellies forgotten what sex is?

Asked by zensky (13426points) June 18th, 2012

Why? Why?


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46 Answers

bookish1's avatar

What are you talking about, why just this evening I was looking at some very nice pornographic——
Oh. Yeah. >_<

marinelife's avatar

Speak for yourself, zensky. I remember and practice it.

Sunny2's avatar

Who you talkin’ to?

mazingerz88's avatar

Fluther is sexually decapitating.

zensky's avatar

@marinelife I always speak for myself. It’s a question – an assumption – but merely a question. Methinks doth protesteth too much…;-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Hubba hubba. I haven’t forgotten. :-P “Love” is my middle name, and I mean that in every way imaginable.

@zensky : I’d offer you lessons, but I know I don’t have the right plumbing for you.

zensky's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Hey – you’d need a pretty long pole anyway – what is it – 10,000 miles away?

Like they said in STRIPES: Are either of you uh, homosexual? No, but we’re willing to learn.


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the young women love you!
Take me away with you—let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into his chambers.

wundayatta's avatar

I can remember the last time.

With a heroic effort.

But I’m looking forward to some action in the near future.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Uhm… not yet.

Coloma's avatar

Because sex means I have to date a man and I like being single. I have great sex with myself, hey, no man can compete with turbo jets in the hot tub. Quite frankly I am sexed out. haha
Shit, I have had a lifetime of sex, and while it’s wonderful it is just not that important to me anymore.

I have been married and had scads of lovers, boyfriends, flings. I LIKE being single and unencumbered these days and am not the FWB type. Meh…I don’t want strings and I don’t want no strings, but stringless takes precedence. lol

deni's avatar

I haven’t, but I am taking this month off from sex!!!!!!!!!! I’m workin on my self control. Pat myself on the back.

ETpro's avatar

@zensky Oh, I remember what it is, right enough. What I seem to have forgotten is how to seduce anything past the end of my right arm. :-)

bkcunningham's avatar

Like they say, use it or lose it. Wait. That isn’t right. Use it or lose it. Does that mean your memory. Maybe your brain? What was the question again?

DrBill's avatar

Being poly, I have never forgotten.

Trillian's avatar

Who says? I had sex just this morning. Admitedly I was alone at the time, but that’s totally beside the point.

wundayatta's avatar

@Trillian Are you trying to say you masturbated?

Trillian's avatar

^^ Can’t get anything past you can I?

wundayatta's avatar

LOL! I know, I know. I’m such a literalist.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve always thought there should be scenic masturbation points like scenic overlooks.
“Scenic masturbation point 2 miles.” lol

Trillian's avatar

@Coloma Can you imagine the pileups? ;-)

Coloma's avatar

@Trillian old joke of mine. :-p

linguaphile's avatar

I haven’t forgotten good sex, nope. Good, long, satisfying sex… yum! But it’s been a good, long time since I’ve had that.

AstroChuck's avatar

Sex is dirty.

AstroChuck's avatar

I mean if done right.

ratboy's avatar

Every sexual encounter shortens one’s life by five years.

ratboy's avatar

I mean if done right.

flutherother's avatar

Gone, but not forgotten!

ucme's avatar

Fuck that, it’s like riding a bike, once learned, never forgotten.
Although you can hump the wife without fear of a puncture, unless you favour sex dollies, which is sad.

marinelife's avatar

@zensky Think what you want. I’ll just sit here with a little cat smile on my face.

Trillian's avatar

^^ Reads veiled “kitty” innuendo into cat reference, chokes on coffee, blows some out both nostrils!

bookish1's avatar

@Trillian: See, the “kitty” innuendo is old-hat. This is what “little cat smile” makes me think of in this context :-p

Trillian's avatar

@bookish1 (Dumb girl tied up on the floor) Which in turn reminds me of a Dr Katz episode when the guy told him that if he fell in the shower his cat would eat him, eyes first!

rebbel's avatar

Forgotten what?

bookish1's avatar

@Trillian : What self-respecting cat would go in the shower?? No matter how hungry it was?

chyna's avatar

I kind of remember it. No, wait, that was something else. Sigh.

Berserker's avatar

Because we’re on the Internet. Everyone knows that people who use the Internet never have sex, duh.

bookish1's avatar

@Symbeline: Well, the Internet does exist thanks to porn :-p

Berserker's avatar

Can’t argue that. XD

Coloma's avatar

I’m going for an open mic night next week in my scenic tourist communities hot little hub with my stand up routine and scenic masturbation points will be cum up. ;-)

ETpro's avatar

@Coloma What’s your YouTube channel?

Coloma's avatar

@ETpro Madam of the house of randy ganders. lol

wundayatta's avatar

So @Coloma, do you follow that writing dictum: write about what you know?

Coloma's avatar

@wundayatta You betcha’!
My humor is all related to my life experiences.
Truth is stranger than fiction and there is only one Coloma and her wacky life living in a customized universe out of a Farside cartoon. ;-D

ETpro's avatar

@Coloma Drat. Looks like YoutTube has censored it.

snapdragon24's avatar

Yesterday I had some amazinnn…Im sorry what???...yeh….‘totally’ forgotten about it ;)

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