Social Question

Doesn't Mitt Romney even know that the US Post Office is a Private Enterprise?
According to this article in The Atlantic Mitt Romney has been railing against the “Big Gubment” inefficiencies of the Postal Service. In campaign stops in the Heartland, Romney’s stump speech included the lie, Non-competitive big government brought us the Postal Service, where—according to a doctor who had shared his story with Romney—you had to fill out a 33-page form, and do it more than once, to get your address changed.
Just two minor problems with that. A change of address notice is actually the size of a post card and only one side needs to be filled in. And secondly, perhaps far more disturbingly, Romney apparently doesn’t know the US Post Office is a private enterprise. It has been for over 30 years.
Imagine his surprise if he wins the election and decides one of his first jobs initiatives will be to shut down the terrible Gubment Run Post Office, letting him thereby enjoy firing 574,000 workers who don’t have real jobs only to be disappointed to discover that postal workers are not on the Government payroll so he can’t fire them. How ignorant of how the US Government actually works must a presidential candidate get before the GOP realizes the person is not qualified? Apparently The Donald’s birtherism and Herman Cain’s 9–9-9 tax plan, plagiarized from SimCity 4, are not barriers. They both enjoyed frontrunner status for a time before the Romney billion dollar slime machine was able to make them slide in the polls.