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jonsblond's avatar

What are some possible causes for a small mass found during a chest CT scan?

Asked by jonsblond (44397points) June 19th, 2012

before I continue, I will be having this discussion with my doctor, but at the moment it is after hours

Last week I had a chest x-ray and a possible small nodule was found. A CT scan was ordered and I was just informed that a small mass was found and they need to order a PET scan. I’ll find out in the morning when the scan is, and this is when I’ll have a chance to ask more questions from my doctor. Until then I have a feeling I won’t be getting much sleep tonight.

Does anyone know what some possible causes are for a small mass found in the chest?

I’ve been experiencing shortness of breath. This is why the x-ray was ordered. My blood work didn’t show any problems.

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20 Answers

chyna's avatar

I know that you lived in Vegas as a child. I’m wondering if the nuclear testing they used to do in the desert has anything to do with it?
{{{Hugs}}} and prayers and good thoughts sent to you.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My S/O has a lot of calcium deposits in her breasts. They’re harmless, but scary. Try not to fret too much. Don’t buy any trouble until you see the Dr.

Sunny2's avatar

Could be a cyst. It’s hard to wait for the test to show exactly what it could be. Watch a movie and get your mind off it. This is where a bit of fatalism helps e.g. it is what it is and it doesn’‘t help anything to fret. I know, easier said than . . . I’ll be thinking positive thoughts for you, as I’m sure, will others.

jonsblond's avatar

@chyna My children didn’t end up with 6 toes or a third nipple. That’s a good sign, right? ;)

@Adirondackwannabe & @Sunny2 Thank you. I didn’t expect to spend my summer getting tests, but then who does. I’m trying to stay positive.

janbb's avatar

(best of luck!)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jonsblond Do you have allergies? This year has been really bad for pollen. That could be the shortness of breath.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I agree with @Adirondackwannabe ex had calcium deposits. Doctor kept watching them, but no big.

Judi's avatar

@jonsblond, my nephew DOES have a third nipple and he’s proud if it. :-)
They want to rule out something serious, that’s why they ordered the tests.
Worrying will not add one day to your life so breathe, and resolve to have a positive proactive attitude no matter what you hear from the doctor.
I hate when they tell you results then leave you hanging to worry about what it means.
I’ll keep you in my prayers.

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you for the information, @Rarebear.

@Adirondackwannabe No allergies.

I found out a little more information from my doctor. It is a 11mm non-calcified nodule at the base of my right lung. I think the worst thing about all of this is that every search I look up on the internet takes me to a cancer website. My age (over 40) and the fact that I’m an ex-smoker (I smoked for 15 yrs) and grew up with a parent who smoked at least one pack a day in our house and car (she also smoked when she was pregnant with me) makes me worry a bit about the outcome. I am thankful I have my friends here and elsewhere who are encouraging me to think positive and giving me their experience with the situation I am going through. For now I will remind myself that it is probably nothing and quit with the internet searches.

SuperMouse's avatar

@jonsblond what is the next step in diagnosis/treatment?

Here is a story that might help. A couple of months ago my sister had some very serious bleeding between periods. To go along with it she had bloating, early satiety, and loss of appetite. She went to the doctor who scheduled an immediate ultra-sound. The news wasn’t good: they found a large mass in one of her ovaries. They scheduled surgery for as quick as they could get her in – less then a week (the doctor even came in during her vacation to perform the surgery). As we waited about two years for the week to pass we searched the internet over and over. With our mother’s having died of ovarian cancer, our intimate knowledge of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, the results of the CA-125 being out of whack, and all the links we were connecting to, my sister and I had resigned ourselves to the fact that she was going to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. All we could hope for was that it was confined to the ovary. The day of the surgery finally came. We cried and prayed and held our breaths. I waited with her husband and daughter. I was alone in the waiting room when the doctor came out. I walked right up and she delivered the results. It was a big mass, they took the whole ovary. I asked the question I wasn’t sure I wanted an answer to: Do you think it was cancer? The doctor looked at me and said, “I don’t think so – well I know it isn’t cancer.” It wasn’t ovarian cancer, it was a benign cyst, they removed it and my sister is doing great.

The moral of the story is that the internet can be a very frightening place, especially for medical stuff. Keep thinking positive thoughts, know you are in everyone’s thoughts (and for those of us so inclined) prayers, and keep moving forward.

jonsblond's avatar

@SuperMouse The next step is a visit with a pulmonologist (spell check doesn’t like that word) and a PET scan. The person who does PET scans in our area only visits the hospital a couple of times a month (one of the negatives for living in a rural area). At the moment I am waiting to hear from them when that time will be. Waiting really is the hardest part, I think. The internet has been frightening with all the searches I’ve done, but it has also been helpful with all the support and positive thoughts from friends here and on Facebook. This is why I think it can be helpful to ask medical questions on sites like Fluther. Everyone is very supportive. It helps.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jonsblond It’s one nodule, it sounds like whatever it is it’s contained. Please don’t let your imagination run wild. Most of these things turn out to be not a huge problem. I’ll say a prayer for you, and I’m pulling for you. You’re tough, you can handle this with John’s help.

jonsblond's avatar

I had my PET scan today. I just got a call from my doctor and she said it didn’t look good. It looks like cancer and I now need a biopsy. She mentioned that there was another suspicious area near the middle of my lungs where my lymph nodes are. Now more waiting. :/

chyna's avatar

Has your biopsy been scheduled yet?
All I can think of to offer is love and hugs.

jonsblond's avatar

It will be scheduled in the morning. My doctor wanted to call me right away this evening hoping someone would be home with me when I heard the news. My doctor rocks. She’s been great through all of this.

Judi's avatar

OH CRAP! I am so sorry. Lets hope that it turns out to be just a cyst. Please keep us informed. You are young and it seems pretty darned healthy otherwise. Even if it proves to be cancer, you can beat this.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh fuck. You are one tough cookie and a fighter. I’m offering you a shoulder to lean on anytime you need it. If you need to talk I’ll be there.

janbb's avatar

Sending you and the family Blonds much love.

SuperMouse's avatar

Well shit. I am sending lots of love, healthy vibes and prayers your way. Hoping and praying that the rest of the news is good. Whatever comes of this you are a strong, healthy, young woman with a kick ass family and lots of love and support. <<HUGS>>

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