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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - In your own unique way, how would you describe the big O in two or three words?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) June 20th, 2012

The French refer to orgasm as “la petite mort” or the little death. How would you call it?

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29 Answers

Coloma's avatar


ZEPHYRA's avatar

“Momentary out of body experience”

augustlan's avatar

Exquisite release.

fundevogel's avatar

At risk of sounding bonkers, when I think of the experience of an orgasm I can’t tell you how it feels. I don’t have words for that. But a little image sequence plays in my head. That I can describe, but not in two or three words.

Someone stands at the end of a bed. They’re in the middle of making it and they snap-flap the top sheet so that it settles back on the mattress crease-free. It’s the movement, the quickness, the moment of ascension, the way the energy travels through the sheet and the way it settles down just the way it should, smooth and relaxed.

At least that’s the kind I like best.

ucme's avatar

Sexciting body shock.

rebbel's avatar


choreplay's avatar


zenvelo's avatar


Not terribly original, but a common reaction.

DrBill's avatar

two become one

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Neck breaking amazing.

josie's avatar

Over-rated president

mazingerz88's avatar

@josie Oh well, if no one gives you a GA point, you have your own big O then. : )

josie's avatar

Guess who gave you the GQ?

mazingerz88's avatar

@josie Thanks! That felt like la petite mort! : )

the100thmonkey's avatar

Like a helicopter cat.

Shippy's avatar

The Big Bang….. giggles

Blondesjon's avatar

Skeet Skeet Skeet

thesparrow's avatar

There’s really only a song that could describe it.. When The Levee Breaks.

Ponderer983's avatar

Hot Jambalaya!

linguaphile's avatar

Good O’s— pleasure exploding and crashing.

Bad O’s—wtf burps.

majorrich's avatar

Citrus Tanker Truck. (Gettin’ that juice down to Lawson’s in 40 hours) You youngun’s won’t understand that one. lol

Berserker's avatar

Edgar Allan Poe totally ripped off the French with his little slices of death thing.

Just sayin.

Also, I call it…star storm. Having an orgasm sometimes feels like getting punched out. Or perhaps I’m doin it rong

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline My head’s starting to hurt thinking how I might call it. The only words that formed so far were…HULK SMASH!

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 That was you that had an avatar of The Hulk fucking a cement mixer at one point, wasn’t it?

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline There was such an avatar? I regret to say no I’m not the one. But how sexy was that cement mixer? Heh.

Berserker's avatar

Oh it was sexy alright. :D srsly who the fuck had that tho :D

jonsblond's avatar

I agree with @fundevogel, there are no words. I think this video describes it best for me.

whitenoise's avatar

As a very positive moment of being fully in line with the physical, animal me.

As in fully letting go of rational guidance and fully being emotion.

In that sense, it comes close to being extremely angry, happy or even sad.

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