Hmmm. Let’s see. Where to start. No garbage pickup. No stores open. No one to fix your car. No schools. No police. No one to fix anything that breaks. No power. No refrigeration. No transportation. No planes, boats, public transit. Houses wouldn’t be built. Nor other buildings. No movies. No entertainment. No TV. No elevators.
Nuclear power plants might go down and melt down. There would be environmental disasters all over the place. The banks would be closed. No money. No economy. There would be riots, probably.
Do you get the picture?
We humans all depend on each other and it’s not because of the rich. It’s because we are all interdependent. The rich might get a little more excess value, but mostly it’s just numbers. They have yachts and houses, but the upkeep of those things gives people all kinds of jobs and money. Maybe not as much as if everyone had more to spend, but we can’t blame the rich for that. It’s human nature.
Arguably, we are all free at all times. Some people might be called slaves and some people might be killed if they refuse an order, but we can still choose death over following orders. Although it would be easier to subvert the order—work slowly. Make hidden mistakes. Create sabotage.
We are working towards a world where people have more choices. Where they can work for who they choose. It’s tougher in a bad economy, but the economy won’t always be bad. Also, there are many people in most of the not-as-developed world that have fewer choices, and until they get more choices, more developed folks won’t be able to do as well.
Those of us who use the internet are probably in the top ten percent of the economy of the world. Not the US or other more developed nations. Maybe top 75% of those nations, but in the world, internet users are currently, I would guess, to 10% wealth. We would be far worse off with a global strike, and probably would receive no benefit from it.
But we all benefit when everyone works. We may not share that benefit equally with billionaires, but we get a greater share of it than most in the world. A rising tide raises all boats. We are more likely to find ourselves climbing aboard a yacht when the tide rises that we might be if the tide is going out. And heaven forbid there is an earthquake somewhere in the ocean. Remember Aceh!