General Question

monsoon's avatar

How can I resize in image in Mac OS X?

Asked by monsoon (2528points) May 30th, 2008

Right now I want to make something smaller that I scanned, but I’m always needing to do this and I’ve never known how.

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5 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

Open the image in and go to Tools—> Adjust Size and then resize the image and save.

Edit :: And you can crop an image by making a selection with one of the “Select” tools and using Tools—> Crop.

iwamoto's avatar

i also like using rapidoresizer, works pretty nifty

Spargett's avatar

Image Shackle Widget

I use it almost daily.

waterskier2007's avatar

just so you know, the shortcut to crop is apple key and K after you select the portion you want

monsoon's avatar

yeah, I can crop it, I really wanted to just be able to resize the whole image, and the preview thing worked great, thanks jp.

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