Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Would you think less of someone who loves you but is not willing to take a bullet for you?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) June 22nd, 2012

Or if he or she won’t do it, would that mean it’s not true love that they have for you?

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26 Answers

Coloma's avatar

No. It would mean they are not a codependent martyr. Bah…the insane romantic notions that still permeate our world. I’m not dying for anyone and I sure as hell don’t expect anyone to die for me. lol

Shippy's avatar

It’s probably better to weigh up the “real life” things they do or would do for you.

YARNLADY's avatar

I assume you mean a life or death situation. Most such choices come with any notice and without any time to stop and think it over. In most cases, we just act to the best of our ability.

If there is a plan that involves live or death, I would not expect my spouse to choose death.

Bill1939's avatar

No. Despite how much one might hope they would be willing to sacrifice themselves for another, until such a moment arose they could not know they would unless they were trained to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Trillian's avatar

“Ding!” You win the prize.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

No, that’s a bitch of a choice. I’m not forcing her to make that decision.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

If someone held a gun to my mother’s head and said, “It’s either you or your daughter…your choice.”, I’d be shocked if she said “Take her.” She’s 87, hard of hearing, can barely see, has health problems and is no longer living in her beloved home. She just wants to be with her husband in heaven.

As for the rest, I would hope that they wouldn’t be willing to take a bullet for me, and I wouldn’t think less of them if they chose not to. On the other hand, I would be willing to sacrifice my life if it meant that they would live.

tom_g's avatar

An ex-girlfriend used to make up all kinds of “we’re in a boat” disaster scenarios that involved me making life and death decisions about her, other women, myself, etc. The fact that she would do this was troubling, and it was a real eye-opener for me.

As for my kids – I can say with 100% certainty that I would easily take a bullet for my children.

Supacase's avatar

I wouldn’t want them too. I would live with that the rest of my life and never be the same. The guilt would be overwhelming even knowing it was their choice. My life is in no way ore important than anyone else’s with the exception of having the responsibility of raising my daughter. She has a great dad, but I would want to be with her so I suppose that is my one uncertainty.

Personally, I would take a bullet for no one other than my child. I would feel tremendous guilt until the day I die, but, in general, I don’t see the point.

wundayatta's avatar

I think these kinds of scenarios are meaningless. I don’t believe anyone knows what they will do unless they actually find themselves in such a scenario, and even then, I don’t think the decision will be made on a conscious level.

Anyone who thinks this is a criteria for love has a very strange idea of love and I would never be involved with someone like that. I would probably refer them to therapy, in fact.

digitalimpression's avatar

I doubt I would think much of anything if they didn’t take the bullet as I would be quite dead.

SavoirFaire's avatar

No. I don’t want anyone to take a bullet for me. It makes things much easier if they’re not disposed to do so in the first place.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No and I’m of the same mindset as @Bill1939

LuckyGuy's avatar

No. Like they say on the aircraft before take off. “Tend to your own oxygen mask before tending to others.”

It is much more important that:
1) They treat me with the care and respect I reserve for them
2) They share life’s loads.
3) They know how to behave in public and do not abuse drugs, alcohol, or me.

Unless you are a Secret Service agent, saying “I would take a bullet for you.” is meaningless.

linguaphile's avatar

I don’t expect anyone to take a bullet for me, at all. If someone did, I’d also feel varying levels of guilt for the rest of my life.

For a more realistic possibility—what if it’s a figurative bullet? I do appreciate it when a loved one stands up for/with me, but I rarely ever get that. After a crisis, it’s always, “Uhh…you were taking care of yourself just fine.”

Some people don’t realize that, yes, I can take care of myself just fine, but I could do a heck of a lot better with any kind of support.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, because like, that happens every day. :p
Nah, I wouldn’t think less of them. Not like I’d do that for anyone to begin with. Fuck that. Take your own damn bullet, wussie!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Bullet taken! But does it have to be in my nutsack? It huurrts.

Berserker's avatar

lol stop making me laff

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mazingerz88 Don’t even think that. Every male member of the collective just groaned.

Judi's avatar

Then there’s mothers that don’t even jump in to save their drowning child.
We don’t know the whole story yet, but everything seems pretty suspicious and there have been crime scene cops there for over 24 hours.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Judi Here is another report on that case. From what the mother states, she did jump in and try to save her son.

Judi's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer , but the circumstances are really suspicious, and that conflicts with what some witnesses say. Why was she walking through a gated canal on private property with signs posted that say, “stay out stay alive?” This happened less than a mile from my house.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Judi You would know better than I would based upon your location. From the article and video, it sounds as if a fair amount of people ignore the posted warnings in order to take a shortcut or fish. Now we are getting off-topic though. Let’s wait and see what the investigators come up with. It just takes time, and I’m not willing to pass judgement without all of the facts.

If evidence shows that she jumped in the canal in order to save her son, I would classify that as the proverbial ‘taking a bullet’ to save another’s life. Circumstances just played out that it was ineffective in this case.

Paradox25's avatar

Like others have said, there is a huge difference between thinking about how you would react from a third person mindset to a very dangerous situation vs actually being in the situation. I’ve worked around high voltages most of my life for a living, and there were times where I’ve helped others where I could have been easily killed, and without a second thought (like an instinct maybe).

I’m not sure how I would react in the described scenerio from the OP, I can’t honestly answer this from behind a computer screen. I don’t consider fear to be evil, but maybe I would be surpised by who would or wouldn’t attempt a sacrfice to save me, considering if I even would be around to acknowledge this. I believe in life after life so maybe I would. No hard feelings here, and I can definitely understand the concept of fear.

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