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digitalimpression's avatar

What is your take on this dream (part 395)

Asked by digitalimpression (9923points) June 22nd, 2012

I often have peculiar dreams, but most of the time I can piece together which part of my day they came from. Part of the dream I had last night has me stumped. What do you think?
(forgive me if this is too verbose, but the experience of actually dreaming it precludes me from too swiftly summarizing)

So.. I’m standing at the position of attention facing 2 men who are about to perform some kind of ritual on a circular platform before me. Their garb strikes me as being from the renaissance period. One man places a peculiar red orb on the platform. The other man prepares a large, translucent, plastic-looking container that is very oddly shaped.. very non-symmetrical… It is also quite large. Inside of it are what seems to be plastic laundry baskets with the tops cut off. Then the strange part really begins…

The man with the container thing strikes the orb. (My thoughts within the dream are that he is about to melt this plastic to hear it sizzling as it falls to the ground). In a flash, melted plastic explodes into the air and begins raining down in a fiery storm. At first (I assume from being in shock) I think I’m alright with this happening.. but than a massive swath of fire hits me and I begin to run. As I run the melted plastic pieces become headless, flaming arrows. At one point I am struck by one of them and I feel the pain from it. Farther and farther I run hoping to find cover from the ever-increasing volume of arrows that are becoming quite dense. I can’t seem to find cover. I attempt to hide behind a tree to no avail. Spotting a thicker tree I break for it. All around me I hear the thud of the arrows striking the ground.

The dream continues but I fear I’ve already taken up too much space in the description.

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7 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is your marriage breaking up?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

That’s so surreal it’s cool. I have no idea what it means, but thanks for sharing it.

wundayatta's avatar

What are your feelings during this dream? What do you feel while on the platform? Do you feel good about these men? Do you trust them? Distrust them? What are your feelings about the renaissance? Does this seem magical to you, or ordinary?

To me, the ritual nature of it sounds like a kind of rite of passage of some kind. It may mark a transition from one phase of life to another. Like a graduation or new job or marriage or divorce. You know there will be struggles in this transition, and you seek protection from the difficulties.

I would tell you the deepest significance of your dream but alas, I have run out of space.

erichw1504's avatar

It means your pregnant.

whiteliondreams's avatar

Obviously, you’re a Joe. When did you last deploy? Are you redeploying? Have you gone paintball shooting, hunting, or watched any movies that remind you of war lately? Did someone at work make a remark about such that you perhaps disregarded?

What’s important are the “arrows” and the “swarm”, not the people or the orbs. Think about something that made you feel worried. Is someone you know deployed? If not, I am sorry I could not be of further use.

digitalimpression's avatar

We’ve been through some very rough times in the past, but the last couple of years have been awesome. My wife has expressed the same sentiment.

I will say, though, that earlier in the dream I have a very clear image of my wife. She is inside a house somewhere and I am with her.. in the dream I remember thinking that the smile she has on her face is one of utter joy.. one that I have missed. (which isn’t much of a stretch being that I have been decidedly out of the country for a couple of months now and she will be joining me in another couple of months.)

Yeah, I have no idea. What’s more, I know it could be a trick of the mind but.. something seems familiar about the whole raining storm of arrows thing.

“What are your feelings during this dream?”
The only prominent feeling in that part of the dream was sort of a hushed awe at the immense volume of the headless arrows.. sort of like witnessing a natural disaster.

“What do you feel while on the platform?”
I’m not actually on the platform. I am observing from a short distance away. The platform reminded me of a wooden fountain with everything removed but the base.

“Do you feel good about these men? Do you trust them? Distrust them?”
I feel no fear of the men. I neither trust or distrust them. I feel as if (at that point in the dream) I am simply observing an every day, commonplace ritual of some kind.

“What are your feelings about the renaissance? Does this seem magical to you, or ordinary?”
I never really thought about the renaissance except to say that I can’t stand girly movies about that time period.

“To me, the ritual nature of it sounds like a kind of rite of passage of some kind. It may mark a transition from one phase of life to another. Like a graduation or new job or marriage or divorce. You know there will be struggles in this transition, and you seek protection from the difficulties.”
Well, as I mentioned above, I transitioned out of country a couple of months ago. I don’t doubt you have something there.. the only thing I wonder at is that I wasn’t petrified and fearful in the dream.. mostly I was respectful and in awe of something so powerful occurring around me.

“I would tell you the deepest significance of your dream but alas, I have run out of space.”
Very funny.


“Obviously, you’re a Joe. When did you last deploy? Are you redeploying?”
It has been quite some time and will be quite some time until the next.

“Have you gone paintball shooting, hunting, or watched any movies that remind you of war lately?”
I’ve been watching 1930’s era John Wayne movies. No hunting or paintball.

“Did someone at work make a remark about such that you perhaps disregarded?”
It’s quite possible. In fact, we were discussing combat situations we had faced and the story I shared was about the time a mortar put a massive hole in the building I was in, killing some Joes and sending shrapnel into several people on all sides of me but seeming to go around myself and the buddy’s I was with. I suppose I discounted this as being the culprit as it happened years ago but you’ve reminded me that we had had that conversation.. that could very well be it.

“What’s important are the “arrows” and the “swarm”, not the people or the orbs.”
That’s what has me really curious. I hadn’t watched any movies, television shows.. anything that had flaming arrows in it. I dunno.. perhaps I am too curious about dreams… they are just dreams to other people.. but to me certain dreams just… stick out.. as if there is some meaning to them.

Now that I re-read this whole mystery train thread I think you may have hit the nail on the head @whiteliondreams .. of course the arrow thing is strange.. but arrows without heads could almost be construed as mortar rounds.. so strange.. our brains.

whiteliondreams's avatar

@digitalimpression When I said the arrows and swarm had significance, I didn’t mean they had significance as what you “saw” them as, those are mere perceptions of your brain synthesizing and giving you a different outlook on what the matter is relative to. Good luck!

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