Meta Question

Brian1946's avatar

Who would like to join me in congratulating our favorite lofty thespian for reaching 20K?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) June 22nd, 2012

I am of course referring to one of our most esteemed interviewees, Hawaii_Jake!

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81 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Jake, kick ass all over this. You are a great member of the collective.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

“Actors are basically drag queens. People will tell you they act because they want to heal mankind or, you know, explore the nature of the human psyche. Yes, maybe. But basically we just want to put on a frock and dance.” – Colin Firth

Thank you, @Brian1946, for hosting this party.

Mahalo, @Adirondackwannabe.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Congratulations. I consider you a jelly friend. And that’s saying something. Something great, I mean, lol.

Earthgirl's avatar

(Hawaiian for Make it snappy, hurry, be quick!!!)
This is a real Hanana   ( Event )
Woo who who whooooo!!! American for let’s whoop it up for Hawaii Jake
He’s the man of the hour! Put on your grass skirt and hula down.

Hawaii Jake, you make such a great contribution to Fluther. with your honesty, compassion, curiosity and cultural interests. Congratulations for a very well-deserved milestone.
thanks very much You are truly “Maika`i loa!!!!!!!! (Awesome )

Does anyone have a good tropical drink recipe?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Congrats on the 20k! There’s a Diamond in those hills.

chyna's avatar

Congratulations and Aloha @Hawaii_Jake. You are truly a great contributor to this collective and we are better jellies to have gotten to know you.
The band is already playing, the drinks are flowing and I’m sipping on a Bahama Mama. Let the party begin!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir : I am grateful there’s no tilde after your remark. ;-)
@Earthgirl : Mahalo nui loa!
@LuckyGuy : There may be diamonds, but it’s the prickly pineapples that keep me here.
@chyna : Let’s get some hula to start the party.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Way to go, @Hawaii_Jake! Have fun storming the castle!

filmfann's avatar

congo rats Hawaiian Jelly! You rock this site!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Long ago, I stopped participating in public Fluther recognition parties and just sent a PM with a personal congratulation. In this case, there is a compelling desire to make it public.

Jake, you are such a special person, and the Fluther collective is very lucky to have you as a contributing member. I can honestly say that you are a role model, insightful, and someone that I would feel comfortable turning to for advice. Congratulations my friend. You deserve a standing ovation.

geeky_mama's avatar

“As it is with a play, so it is with life-what matters is not how long the acting lasts, but how good it is.” -Seneca (4 BC – 65 AD)

Dear @Hawaii_Jake you are so good. So happy that you’re here on Fluther – and Mahalo on the 20K milestone.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Congrats Jake your the best!

Sunny2's avatar

20K seems unattainable from my point of view. Sticking to it and weathering all the trials set before you seems to be a way of life for you. Congratulations! And may you have all the roles you most wish for on the stage. Perhaps we’ll have the privilege of seeing you trod the boards some day.

Trillian's avatar

Congratulations! I totally wanted to translate something into Hawaiian, but Babelfish doesn’t have it available. You ask some great questions.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@SavoirFaire : Charge! Mahalo.
@filmfann : Thank you, fine sir.
@Pied_Pfeffer : Your words touched me deeply. Thank you.
@geeky_mama : Those are very true words. Mahalo to you, too.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought : Thanks!
@Sunny2 : It’s one point at a time, my bright friend. I would lurve to perform for my jelly friends some day.
@Trillian : I probably wouldn’t have understood it anyway. I am planning to take some Hawai`ian language classes but not just yet. Mahalo nui loa.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Congratulations! I adore and respect you so much! And you are braver than I will ever be and have more courage than I will ever have!

A little Hawaii music to carry you on.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congratulations! Chocolate? Rum? Chocolate flavored rum? :D

Berserker's avatar

Oh hell yeah! Welcome to the club, Jake. by all rights, you should have been there a million years ago Congratulations, akal ma luna!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@lillycoyote : Thank you so much. I love the music. Here’s some beautiful chant filmed on the rim of Kilauea volcano here on the Big Island of Hawaii.
@WillWorkForChocolate : Yum, chocolate! The Big Island’s Kona side is not only famous for coffee but is also gaining a reputation for some great chocolate, too.
@Symbeline : You are a lurvely lady. Mahalo.

Seaofclouds's avatar


syz's avatar

Ho’omaika’i ‘Ana

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Seaofclouds : Thank you!
@syz : Mahalo nui loa!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Drinks both alcoholic and non are all on the house!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

What about the pancakes?

syz's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake If I show up on your beach, will you serve them to me?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate : One order of chocolate chip pancakes coming right up!
@syz : Your wish is my command.

Brian1946's avatar


Drinks both alcoholic and non are all on the house!

If drinks are on the house, have you already raised a ladder so that we can get them? If you have, is that intended as a covert sobriety-based consumption limiter? ;-p

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Brian1946 : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


ETpro's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Aloha nui loa to my favorite Fluther drag queen, thespian of otherwise. It’s a well deserved honor. Enjoy the view from your new room on floor 2 of the mansion.

wundayatta's avatar

There’s a special place in my heart for you, @Hawaii_Jake. Of course it has to do with our shared affliction. It is always good to hear from you on that topic, for you have learned much in your struggles. Your compassion, too, is evident in everything you say, and we can never have enough compassion in this world. Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your stories so openly and with such bravery. Thank you for being such a consistently important voice on fluther.

Congressional Alliterations!
Situational existentialations!

And Congratulations, too!

Judi's avatar

Yeah! I feel like you’ve been a part of fluther forever! So happy to join the party’

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ETpro : Ah, what a beautiful view. Mahalo.
@wundayatta : Thankifilicitations!
@Judi : Thank you. Enjoy the party.

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, Jake! You know I adore you. <3

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@augustlan : The feeling is mutual. Did you get some pancakes? We’ve got fresh pineapple ones and chocolate chip ones, too.

FutureMemory's avatar

Congrats Jake :D

Buttonstc's avatar

A well deserved honor for a wonderful member of the collective. Congrats, Jake, 20K is a worthy achievement. Good for you.

harple's avatar

Wow, when I saw this question I thought there was a glitch in the system – I was convinced that you must have already surpassed the 20K milestone. How fortuitous that you haven’t as I can now congratulate you whole-heartedly!

I’m one of the lucky ones on here as my time-zone fits slightly more with your daily pattern, so I often get to see your questions first, and they’re always worth reading and thought provoking.

Congratulations on the 20K @Hawaii_Jake :-D

ucme's avatar

Congrats, you screaming queen you….fabulous outfit ducky ;¬}

rebbel's avatar

Hooray to one of the most genuine and open Jellies that I know!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@FutureMemory : Thank you is the correct terminology future societies will have used.
@Buttonstc : Thank you very much indeed.
@harple : And I can repay you with a hearty Hawai`ian “Mahalo!”
@ucme : (blushing) Aw, I bet you say that to all the…hey! you almost got me to say it. Ta!
@rebbel : Thank you. Really.

DaphneT's avatar

Congratulations @Hawaii_Jake, May the Bard always work with you.

cookieman's avatar

Ooh, I’m terribly late.

Congratulations Jake!! Fantastic job.

Aster's avatar

I’m late too! Congrats Super Special Gentleman !!

janbb's avatar

Hiya Sweetheart! It goes without saying, or maybe it doesn’t, that you are one of my favorite Jellies. I have enjoyed so much getting to know you, learning from you and sharing Eliot with you. (That sounded like more fun than it is.)

It is a pleasure to share in your life and thoughts.

Mazel Tov @Hawaii_Jake !

Nullo's avatar

Congrats on reaching 20k!
Does the Castle have any beachfront spots, guys?

chyna's avatar

@Nullo Yes and we are saving one with a gorgeous ocean view for you which should be in the very near future.

DrBill's avatar


prasad's avatar


SuperMouse's avatar

Congratulations to one AWESOME jelly!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@DaphneT : I thank thee.
@cprevite : You’re not late at all. Thank you. Have a coconut.
@Aster : You’re not late either. Thank you. You can have a coconut, too.
@janbb : “Words move,...” I am moved. Mahalo.
@Nullo : Thank you. Now, grab your towel and join the party down by the sand.
@DrBill : Thank you, kind sir.
@prasad : Thank you!
@SuperMouse : Super thank you to you, too.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Congratulations to a person who is a star in more ways than one! 20k wishes your way!


flutherother's avatar

20Kongratulations @Hawaii_Jake You are a sensitive, kindly presence.

bkcunningham's avatar

Congratulations, @Hawaii_Jake. You seem like someone I would love to get to know in the real world. You are kind, thoughtful, intelligent, artistic and unique. Congratulations on your accomplishment here. Ke Akua Ho’omaika’i.

AmWiser's avatar

20K o/\o o/\o o/\o o/\o o/\o (high fives) to a very lurveable Jelly.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@flutherother : Thank you kindly.
@bkcunningham : That is very thoughtful. Thank you indeed.
@AmWiser : w00t! I lurve high fives. Many thanks.
@Dutchess_III : Thank you.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake You’re as warm and sunny as your Hawaiian weather over there! CONGRATS!!

wilma's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Woo Hoo @Hawaii_Jake break a leg in that grass skirt dude!
Ya know how much I like those big bananas, the ones that come with hot Samoan guys attached.
Let’s put some lime in the coconut and get this party rockin’!
Happy 30k to a rare bird on the island!

MilkyWay's avatar

Oooh! I’m late.
Congratulations Jake!!! <3
My fav Hawaiian and quite possibly the most patient and wonderful director/actor on that island :D

Coloma's avatar

Oops, Happy 20k Well, anything over 5k means you’re here to stay.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@mazingerz88 : Have a warm and sunny thank you. :-)
@wilma : Thank you.
@Coloma : Thank you. Please, give Marwyn something special to eat from me.
@MilkyWay : You’re not late at all. Thank you. Have some pancakes.

Coloma's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake You got it, organic dandelion greens and 12,000 grain bread. Feel free to join the geezers at the floating salad bar buffet. :-)

tedibear's avatar

How did I miss this?! A wonderful jelly who deserves a delightful celebration. Thank you for your wisdom, humor and kindness.

linguaphile's avatar

I was outta town—I’m baaaack and…

CONGRATULATIONS Jake!!!! You’re one of my favorite human beings… life is wonderful because of people like you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

MilkyWay's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Yes, I’ll have pancakes. With lots and lots of maple syrup and a whole load of strawberries.
I need it, to get over England’s defeat tonight.

Kardamom's avatar

Sorry I’m so late it was a bear trying to get all of us Jellies on the plane to Hawaii, but Here We All Are

The other problem was trying to get This onto the plane.

mangeons's avatar

I am sooooooo sorry for being so late! Congrats, @Hawaii_Jake, you’re one of my favorite people around here and I hope you continue to stick around! Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement, and keep on keepin’ on! :-)

blueiiznh's avatar

Bouncing from one party to another so I am sorry I am late.
Congrats in deep humbled respect!

Brian1946's avatar

@MilkyWay I need it, to get over England’s defeat tonight.

Was that in a sporting competition or a war?

ucme's avatar

@MilkyWay It’s okay, we exceeded expectations & went out to the better team on the night,
Besides, could be worse, we could be Dutch ;¬}

MilkyWay's avatar

@Brian1946 A sporting event, Euro 2012. (Football)
@ucme Good point, well said. I think loads of sugar helps me get over things much better than enything else haha.

picante's avatar

I am incredibly late to this party, so I’ll start picking up the cocktail napkins and empty bottles. Is that glitter on the lampshade?

Hawaii_Jake, you are a treasure. Like others above have noted, I somehow picture you sailing close to the 50K mark. You have the inner glow of the Fluthergods.

I celebrate you, if only by myself at this point, and I’m sorry I was not there when the toasts were being made. Congratulations!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@picante Sorry about the mess. We got a little crazy with the glitter. Have you found the I’ll help you clean up.

picante's avatar

I appreciate the help, WWFC! Now I’m doubly sorry I missed the party since glitter was involved.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Just don’t look in the 5th room on the left.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@tedibear : Thank you so much.
@linguaphile : THANK YOU. Lurve ya, honey.
@Kardamom : That made me laugh out loud. Love that show. Thank you.
@mangeons : Let me start keeping on by thanking you.
@blueiiznh : I’m glad you’ve got lots of parties to bounce around. Mahalo.
@picante : I’m glad you made it. Yes, there was glitter. Tee hee! Thank you for helping to clean up.

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats to a great guy! =)

AngryWhiteMale's avatar


Blueroses's avatar

Well, you could knock me down with a feather! I thought you had 50k by now!

Jake, your kindness, sweetness and honesty are unparalleled. Your picture is in the handbook: “How to Be a Wonderful Human Being”.

Congratulations, you remarkable you!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@jonsblond : Thank you kindly.
@AngryWhiteMale : Thank you.
@Blueroses : That’s really nice of you to say. Thank you.

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