General Question

Yeahright's avatar

What's a good side dish for chicken-spaghetti casserole?

Asked by Yeahright (3880points) June 24th, 2012

I have two of my uncles for lunch today. I’m making a chicken-spaghetti casserole and a mixed salad. My mom likes variety and says I should have an additional side dish. I don’t know what would go well with that. If you could also suggest a quick dessert, I would highly appreciate it.

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16 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Fresh fruit and a nice cookie to balance the pasta.

You have my permission (if you need a surrogate mother) to thank mom and then serve what you want. It’s lunch, remember?

If you cannot help yourself, braise some greens in oil and garlic, like kale and chard, and throw in a few pine nuts.

Sunny2's avatar

A crusty loaf of bread and butter. You really don’t need another side dish for lunch. Dessert could be fruit. With stone fruits in season you have a great choice. You can make fruit salad or just serve the fruit whole with a small knife for your guests to cut as they wish.

WestRiverrat's avatar

If you have fresh asparagus try this.

Yeahright's avatar

@gailcalled @Sunny2 Thank you so very much <3
I’m off to the supermarket to get fruit and some greens. If time allows will make garlic bread too.

gailcalled's avatar

@Yeahright: Remember that it IS lunch.

Coloma's avatar

I’m an olive freak and would add a bowl of mixed olives and yes, some garlic bread or bread sticks on the side. Or, a nice cucumber marinade, with olives. haha

gailcalled's avatar

I vote for bread sticks…no cooking and easily stored for another occasion.

However, I would be remiss as the surrogate mom if I endorsed ruining a beautiful cucumber marinade with olives. Boo hoo.

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marinelife's avatar

Rolls and butter would go well with your planned meal. As for dessert, anything would do. A cake, a pie, some cookies and fruit.

Yeahright's avatar

Hi everyone thanks for all the suggestions. I ended up making garlic bread, a tomato, mozzarella, fresh basil leaves salad drizzled with S&P and olive oil; and for dessert my version of banana split.

gailcalled's avatar

Was it fun? Do you have left-overs? Are you a relaxed hostess, or, like me, a nervous wreck?

Babby's avatar

Rice tastes good with chicken and vegetable salad. Or, if you have barbecue, roasted vegetables(pepper, tomato, brussels sprouts, zucchini) also will be good

Yeahright's avatar

@gailcalled Oh! I had missed your last comment. Yes thank you, we had a nice time. Not too relaxing because we were going to discuss a legal family matter regarding the will of a late uncle—which we had the good sense of doing after dessert!
In general I’m relaxed if I had planned the event ahead. I’m very organized and have great list-making skills.

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