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rebbel's avatar

Why can't I see the International Space Station the coming ten days in my neck of the woods? [Details inside].

Asked by rebbel (35553points) June 26th, 2012

Some weeks ago, in Greece, I saw, what I thought was a shooting star.
It turned out to be the ISS (I checked it on Internet).
After that I downloaded an app for my phone, an app that tells me when and where (which direction) the ISS is visible.
About ten sightings were announced for the next few days.
Later, when I was back in Holland, also a few sightings were listed.
Now, the last couple of days no possible views are being shown (also not for the next ten days).
My question: Since the ISS is orbiting Earth, why is it that sometimes it is visible three times a day (night), and then suddenly it not visible at all, for days/weeks?

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6 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Check this web page Canadian Space Agency. It show the multiple orbits and the three lines and shows that they are not one on top of the other. So those three time in one night are are when the orbits are over your head. The other times it goes over may be during daylight or is on the other side of the Earth.

Rarebear's avatar

It’s because the ISS doesn’t orbit above the same area every day. The orbit shifts around. My favorite online program is at

Here is a picture of several dozen orbits of the ISS. It will answer your question quite nicely.

rebbel's avatar

Thank you both!
Your answers make it clear(er) to me.
@Rarebear The app I have makes use of, by the way.

dabbler's avatar

Great orbit info @Rarebear !

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ll bet it is passing over your area during the day. I too use . Look for Iridium Flares.

Rarebear's avatar

@LuckyGuy I love iridium flares.

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