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mazingerz88's avatar

Which role in a Hollywood movie would you fantasize in playing yourself?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) June 29th, 2012

I would love to play Keanu Reeve’s role as Jonathan Harker in that Dracula film. I definitely would have lots of fun playing in that scene where he dines while the Count attends to him.

I just have doubts whether I could go through with that scene with the Count’s vampire concubines. They’re sexy but the fangs, the fangs!

Also, I just saw the movie African Queen for the first time and Bogart and Hepburn simply ignited the screen with their honest, down to earth performances. I would love playing the nutty and drunkard Mr. Allnut.

Ah, to be trapped in the small confines of a rickety, rusty and temperamental boat, fall in love and be loved spontaneously by a great woman! Good show. Indeed.

So, tell us which roles and which scenes really excited you…

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19 Answers

linguaphile's avatar

Eliza Doolittle in “My Fair Lady.” I’d love to experience that theatrical and emotional range—going from a gullible, dirty and unrefined flower girl to the Queen of Sheba, and going from an innocent girl to someone who understood the emotional complexities of the relationship with Higgins.

I’d also like to be Paulina in Death and the Maiden The character just stays with me years after I saw the movie.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Ava Gardner’s character in Show Boat

Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard

Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera

zenvelo's avatar

Benjamin Braddock. I’d love to have an affair with Anne Bancroft and then run off with Katherine Ross. Besides, I kinda looked like Dustin Hoffman when I was younger.

mazingerz88's avatar

@zenvelo All sweaty in front of the hotel concierge?

zenvelo's avatar

@mazingerz88 Hey, my fantasy is fully baked.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I would love to play Scarlett O’Hara, opposite Clark Gable.

ucme's avatar

Tarzan, then I could have loads of outdoor sex, ride elephants, hang around with apes & get to do this whenever the need arises.

Rarebear's avatar

Jodie Foster in Cosmos.

mambo's avatar

I’d like to be Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.

Kardamom's avatar

This may sound odd, because I’m a straight female, but I was so overcome/taken/thrilled by Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Barnabas Collins in Dark Shadows, that I would love to play him.

What’s also funny is that I rarely wear makeup, maybe a little mascara if I’m going to a wedding or something like that, but Johnny Depp’s makeup in Dark Shadows is amazing. Makes me want to schmear white face make up on my SO. He looked a little scared when I said that : P

The other thing that I loved was his very deliberate, mannered way of speaking and moving, a little bit like Alan Rickman’s Severus Snape character. And the clothes! I’m gettin’ all hot and bothered just thinking about him. I just love the fact that he’s buttoned up to a fair thee well. To me, that’s way more sexy than seeing it all (at first) winkie, winkie.

Take a look at me, ahem, I mean Him

mazingerz88's avatar

@Rarebear Fantasizing about taking a ride in that capsule aren’t we? Nice one there. : )

@Kardamom I’m impressed with Depp’s make-up. Quite beautiful and predatory. I wish I could be as impressed with the movie but sadly, no. That was a sore miss as Sleepy Hollow was a great hit, imo.

Kardamom's avatar

@mazingerz88 That’s funny, I loved Dark Shadows so much that I’ve already seen it twice and plan to buy it on DVD when it comes out. Sleepy Hollow seemed super gory, but boring at the same time. I also couldn’t buy into the fact that Johnny, as the beauty he is, was playing Ichabod Crane, a dude who is known to be gangly, unattractive dude. Also, couldn’t figure out why Christina Ricci’s guardians would just let her go around, off into the night with him, knowing that all this danger was out there.

I think part of the reason that I loved DS so much is that I was a pre-teen during that time period, so all of that stuff (the clothes, the products, the music) was hilarious and nostalgic for me. I also watched the TV show back in the day, so that was neat too. And how could you not love Jackie Earl Haley as the “Butler”. That was so funny. Also, loved the young actress who played the daughter, she was delightfully disgusted as teens tend to be. This is Chloe Moretz. I loved the scene where she is trying to explain the finer points of wooing a young lady (to Barnabas) in the 20th century.

And then there was the love scene between Barnabas and the mean “old” witch. Hot, hot, hot!

mazingerz88's avatar

I guess I wasn’t prepared for the parody of it all. Dark Shadows is a seriously dramatic horror material. Burton went for the funny ( which was good by itself ) but too liberal and clunky for my taste, as far as Dark Shadows the original was concerned. If I haven’t seen the original, maybe I would have enjoyed it more.

Sleepy Hollow benefited from Burton’s unique visual touch and Depp’s quirky energy. Plus it was scary as it should be and somewhat campy without going over the top I think. Christopher Walken was a hoot as the Headless Horrseman.

DS had what I also love in movies, great costumes, characters, acting and art direction. But the original DS was watered down way too much. Not much depp?

After watching the revived Hammer Studios’ “The Woman In Black”, I wished they were the ones who produced DS.

Kardamom's avatar

@mazingerz88 You should definitely check out the original DS with Jonathan Frid. It was a real soap opera, complete with the bad set lighting, and very campy, not really scary at all (although it was scary to me as a 7 year old girl, Ha!) Did you know that Jonathan Frid (R.I.P) the original Barnabas Collins, has a brief cameo in the movie? He is shown being escorted by other original DS cast members into the party and Johnny Depp is greeting him at the door. I was very touched by that. You can see that Here

I just saw The Woman in Black a few days ago. Wow! Daniel Radcliffe has certainly grown into a handsome young man. That was a very scary movie. I didn’t expect the ending. The whole movie had so many sad moments that I teared up quite a bit.

I loved Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow. He was creepy to the Nth degree!

Just to give you an idea of perspective, the 1958 Disney version of Sleepy Hollow is where I got my ideas about Ichabod Crane. This is a very funny cartoon, so if you have time you should watch the whole thing. But this poor dude is no Johnny Depp LOL. Also, this movie scared the beejezus out of me when I was little.

In 1963, Disneyland Records came out with an album that had this Headless Horseman Song that also scared me and my little friends. So of course we played it over and over again in the dark!

Earthgirl's avatar

From Dangerous Liasons:
“Glenn Close as Marquise de Merteuil: a member of the French nobility, the Marquise has been forced to comply with the social rules of her gender at that time. Strong-willed and ambitious, she has grown spiteful from consistently being forced to “keep quiet and do as told” by the male gender, and so she has made it her business to do whatever she could to dominate the male gender, and avenge her own. She is portrayed as a cunning, manipulative and immoral woman, who uses her beauty and extraordinary intelligence to both maintain her position on the French social hierarchy, but also to avenge herself on anyone who has wronged her in the past. Her malevolent, libertine nature, however, is kept well hidden from most people, as she created a façade of moral righteousness which makes her look as a virtuous and puritan woman to almost everyone on her entourage.” This is such a juicy role! I saw it on Broadway before the movie came out done by the Royal Shakespeare Company. It was really great!
Julia Russell / Bonny Castle in Original Sin (oh, that I could look like
Angeline Jolie!!! but that is not the allure, the pure wickedness of the role beckons to me)
Sally Albright from When Harry Met Sally because you can’t be wicked all the time!
and last but not least, the lovably ditzy Annie Hall

mazingerz88's avatar

@Kardamom Thanks for the links. Enjoyed that! Here’s hoping Hammer Films live on to make more excellent horror films. : )

@Earthgirl My John Malkovich to your Glenn Close? Lol. Annie Hall. Terrific choice. : )

Berserker's avatar

Not a Holyywood movie, but I,d love to play ’‘La Femme’’ in Inside. It’s a French movie where a psychotic woman, after losing her baby in a car accident, goes after the woman who crashed into her, trying to steal her baby, and claim it as her own. She’s fucking crazy and violent, I’d have so much fun playing a role like that. It helps that Béatrice Dalle is like my favorite actress ever.


It’s also interesting that the producers said that Béatrice’s character didn’t turn out anything like they planned; she created the character as she went along. I’d like to think I could do the same.

TexasDude's avatar

Just about anything Harrison Ford has ever been. Especially Indiana Jones or Han Solo.

mazingerz88's avatar

Princess Leiah : I love you.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : I know.

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