General Question

Bellatrix's avatar

Do you read a blog that has the potential to change the world or at least make people think differently?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) June 30th, 2012

Someone posted an article on Facebook about a little girl called Martha who started her own blog about school dinners. The local council eventually banned her from taking photos of her food and then rescinded the ban after people from all over the world protested in writing.

Do you know of any blogs you think are inspiring, have the potential to change public policy or just opinion? Share them with us please.

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7 Answers

fremen_warrior's avatar – not really revolutionary in this respect, but people really need to think more ‘bout what they’re doing – would save everybody a lot of anguish and unnecessary drama (as opposed to the um… necessary drama).

Adagio's avatar

Pohangina Pete is definitely inspiring and may have the ability to change opinion by simply changing the way people look at things.

gorillapaws's avatar

Science Based Medicine is great. If Steve Jobs had been a reader, he may still be alive today.

fremen_warrior's avatar

Is TED talks a blog by the by? If yes, then by all means visit it, it is… refreshing

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Earthgirl's avatar

Sometimes the world needs a quiet revolution……or just a gentle reminder of what’s good to reawaken our mindfulness. When I need that I go to Slow Love Life -“a life of carving out even small moments for daily appreciation and absorption in the mundane and wondrous blessings of this beautiful world.”
Those are the words of Dominique Browning the blogger who writes Slow, Love, Life. She was editor in chief of Home and Garden magazine for 12 years as well as working for Esquire and the New York Times. She has a wide range of interests and friends in many different fields. I love her blog because she is an intelligent, observant aesthete with a social conscience. She reads voraciously and is very artistically tuned in to life, art and human nature. She is bravely open and honest about all kinds of things including her weaknesses and fears and less than perfect moments. Her latest cause is supporting stronger Mercury standards.

bkcunningham's avatar

I love that blog too, @Earthgirl. In my day, bloggers were called columnists and they came in a wide variety. Political, humorist, lifestyles, editorials…one of my favorites is Sharon Randall. If you get a chance check her out and tell me what you think. Thanks for the reminder about Browning. I hope you enjoy Randall. Here’s one of… well, not that she’s getting older but she has written a shitload of colums. Example:

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