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zensky's avatar

I get the news I need from _______________?

Asked by zensky (13426points) July 1st, 2012

the weather report. Paul Simon The Only Living Boy in NY.

What is the news you need? What’s your source?

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32 Answers

harple's avatar

The BBC – particularly Radio 4.

Hmm, what news do I need? It’s always good to know which bank/politician has told which lies recently. Oh, and where it’s going to rain next.

wundayatta's avatar

NPR and, oddly enough, fluther, these days.

jonsblond's avatar

Our local NBC affiliate. Our itty bitty free local newspaper. The Weather Channel. Good Morning America. Shepard Smith. Bill Maher. ABC News with Diane Sawyer. Time Magazine. I think that covers everyone.

flutherother's avatar

Me too @harple I like the Today programme in the mornings but at other times of day it is the BBC News Channel. Is there any institution we can trust these days apart from the BBC?

jonsblond's avatar

@flutherother is there any institution we can trust these days apart from the BBC?

Yes. If you are looking for news that isn’t political.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I get all my news online from a variety of sources such as the Washington Post and NPR

bkcunningham's avatar

I hear mine through the mockingbird. Do you ever listen to the mockingbird?

ucme's avatar

Word of mouth, the local grapevine… know, chatty neighbours.

zenvelo's avatar

I almost quoted Paul Simon until I saw the details of the question.

I read the news paper everyday- the San Francisco Chronicle. And I listen to NPR and I scour Huffington Post and Gawker just about everyday.

Sunny2's avatar

PBS, NPR, local newspaper, NYTimes, CNN plus NBC, ABC and a Farmers’ Almanac.

flutherother's avatar

I should have added looking out the window and speaking to the woman next door. Both are vital.

CWOTUS's avatar

I try with some success to avoid the news.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I get the news I need from the Associated Press.

Bellatrix's avatar

ABC24, The Sydney Morning Herald,,, Twitter… and a range of other alternative sources although not so regularly as the first named sources.

lloydbird's avatar


athenasgriffin's avatar, my obnoxiously opinionated friend who uses me as a sounding board for his newest belief (usually centered upon hating America.)

CWOTUS's avatar

You don’t get enough of those kinds here, @athenasgriffin?

janbb's avatar

…my bathroom scales and my best friends these days. I’m so, so tired of the news news.

cookieman's avatar

Generally, NPR. Lately, just Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.

Brian1946's avatar

My local ABC and NBC affiliates, Alternet, and the various progressive/environmental/human rights organizations with which I interact.

bkcunningham's avatar

Bathroom scales distort and spin things, @janbb. Not a reliable source for me.

phaedryx's avatar (with my customizations)

Ponderer983's avatar

the page when I’m at work, as it’s my homepage, or my boss, who is very in tune with what’s going on and likes to discuss.

tranquilsea's avatar

The Globe and Mail, The Straight Goods, NPR, and that’s about it. If I run across a news story I want more information on then I’ll hit as many on-line sources as possible.

ETpro's avatar

The voices.

No, really:
Every morning starts with then (the local ABC affiliate) and I’ll browse through emails with the daily headlines that The Washington Post and Slate Magazine email me. I get regular feeds from Fox "News" so I know every time the right wing’s hair catches on fire again.

A feed from and one from generally keeps me up with the really right-wing conspiracy theories du-jour.

Berserker's avatar

As for all the boring stuff like weather, I just look out the window when I wake up, and take it from there.

fundevogel's avatar

Liberal darling Rachel Maddow and The Young Turks mostly.

DominicX's avatar

Google News is really all I use. I rarely watch TV news or listen to the news on the radio. Google News has the top stories and that’s generally what I’m interested (and I’ve been following some things, like Syria, for months).

mattbrowne's avatar

ARD („Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“)

ZDF (“Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen”)

CNN International (“Cable News Network International”)

BBC News (“British Broadcasting Corporation”)

Google News

Spiegel Online

wallabies's avatar

News sources are like political parties…

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