What was it like to establish a very deep connection with someone?
For me, sometimes it would go fast—happening in a night. Other times, it happened over a few days or a few weeks. But eventually I would get this trembling feeling in my stomach that told me that what was happening between me and this person was very important.
It didn’t always lead to a love relationship although when I got that feeling, I wanted it to. Sometimes it lead to an exchange of letters or emails or other conversations, but nothing else. It might end after a while just because it didn’t go on to more, I guess.
Do you have a signal that tells you something very important is happening? A sign that you could have a deep connection to this person? Has it happened much in your life? Did you always follow it? What is your sign?
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10 Answers
I figure plenty of literature, art, and music have been devoted to the topic. There is no shortage of attempts to describe what it is like.
It so happens my current (probably forever) girlfriend and I agree that we had a sort of “epiphany” as you descibe when we met. We are diffent nationalities and different races, but the connection was almost instantaneous. When you get right down to it, it has something to do with your willingness to “let down your defenses”. Whatever that means. It sounds like New Age bullshit. But that is all I have ever been able to come up with.
I have met many people I have liked and admired but there are very few I have established a very deep connection with. When it happens it feels as if the person has been incorporated in to you in some way. When you think of them it is as if they are comfortably present deep within you. You have the idea that as you think of them so they think of you. This may be an illusion. If so it is a very persistent one.
It’s happened to me several times – a feeling when our eyes meet. A couple times it’s happened with people I already knew, A couple times it’s been at first sight. The strongest were with men that I went on to have romantic (or at least sexual) relationships with. But even in platonic or professional relationships, my instincts are quite keen on picking whom I’ll get along with best.
I’m not even sure…but I have definitely had this feeling before. It last happened a few months ago, and the effects seem to be still going on.
I don’t experience deep connections with people very often. So when they do happen I feel exhilarated for days and days after the bond starts to form. I also treasure the people I have those bonds with.
Doesn’t happen to me much, but when it does, what you describe often happens to me, too. Ain’t sure why, but these are things I don’t really understand, and can even do less about, so I just go with the flow, armed with convictions and a buncha other stuff, and hope for the best for all parties involved.
If that doesn’t work, I just fly around on a broom going, bababooee bababooee!
Staying up talking til 5 am and having a hard time heading home has been a tell-tale sign for me :)
I have never tried to pinpoint exactly when, or how I’ve connected with people. Looking back, it’s that moment when I forget that I’m not a happy person. When they say something, or they give me that look, and I know that they feel it too.
I don’t know how to describe that feeling. It’s an instant love for this person.
I have that night in my head, and I’m trying to describe the feeling. I found myself laughing, and smiling, even though I was too shy to talk to him, really. I told my friend all about him later.
I thought I’d die when he told me that my hair looked cute. >.<
On July 9th, 2011, he told me that I’d become his best friend in the two weeks that we’d known each other. A new kind of connection happened in that conversation. I wasn’t nervous around him anymore. For the first time I was completely comfortable, like he really was my best friend. And he has been since.
Scary, exhilarating and deeply satisfying,
In order for me to establish a very deep connection with someone I need a lot of time. Once I’ve gotten to the point of realizing that the tie is there, I am past the need for some sort of Spidey Sense Relationship Tingling to signal my brain and let me know that, hey, I care a great deal about this individual. I already know.
fuck. if they’ve put up with me for that long, i just plain know it’s real.
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