What is the number 13 trying to tell me?
I’m not a superstitious girl, but I keep seeing the number 13 everywhere I look and I’m wondering if it is some type of message. (silly, I know) I have 13 messages on my phone. The time is 5:13pm when I look at the clock. I have 13 energy left in my game I’m playing. I just asked a friend when she is getting married and she told me “10/13”. I have 13 posts from my close friends on Facebook. I could go on and on with examples.
I’m expecting important news and maybe fearing the worst. Could that be it? I hoped that by asking this question you would all remind me of how silly I’m being. Humor is very welcomed with this Q.
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40 Answers
You see hundreds of numbers a day and just don’t notice them, because they aren’t important and because you aren’t paying attention.
When you’re half-expecting to see certain numbers, it jumps out when you do, like 13, in your case.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Of course, that is true. I never noticed a Stanley Steemer van until my husband started working for them many, many years ago. Then I saw them everywhere.
Maybe your imagination is jumping into overdrive, since you’re under so much stress right now? I don’t know. I can tell you that superstition or no, we once left for a family trip on a Friday the 13th, and it was seriously one of the shittiest days I’ve experienced. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It was awful!
Anyhow… I really do think your current stress factor may have something to do with it. (((hugs)))
FYI, 13 is my birthdate. We must be cosmic twins
I foresee 13 GQs, 13 respondents, and 13 GAs for my answer.
And sometimes these events try to tell us to quit being superstitious.
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
There are 13×13 people hoping that your news is good.
Ok. I feel much better now!
Something along these lines, perhaps.
Delete one of your messages, or have someone text you another message. Problem solved, lol.
It’s trying to tell you you need to buy this lucky 13 tshirt. I solemnly swear I recieve no profit whatsoever from the sale or promotion of this Tshirt!- It is damn cute however
Just had to answer because this question had 13 responses. ;)
@Earthgirl cute shirt!
What fun are feeling better and sanity?
You need to go all Walter Sparrow with this numerical puppy/digital dog! ;-D
oh this is scary, I am the 13th responder and 23 is my favorite number! What does it mean??
So, maybe I need to concentrate on a new number? How about 69? Will I see more of 69 if it is stuck in my head? :D
Confucius says: It is bad luck to fall out of a thirteenth story window on Friday.
Seriously, @jonsblond, it is bad luck to be superstitious. ~
@The number 13 is desperately trying to tell you that numbers cannot talk. Unfortunately, due to that handicap, it’s tragically unable to get the message across. And thus its constant, utterly frustrating attempts.
@jonsblond I cannot be wrong. The voices in my coffee cup told me numbers can’t talk.
What @The Bastard said. There’s also that, certain numbers like 7 or 13, indeed, have a lot of significance, a lot more so than other numbers. Seven is lucky, thirteen is unlucky…either way, those types of numbers are bound to be noticed a lot more by people because of their apparent meaning.
Whether there’s a legitimate relation that can be made, I don’t know, but I really doubt it. And if anything, someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I once read that the number 13 was a lucky number, before it became unlucky.
@jonsblond Caffeine never lies, and decaff never sullies my talking cup.
Decaf should be illegal. It’s also a sin.
@Symbeline I know. The voices in my coffee cup told me.
I saw Jesus in mine. He’s like, yo girlie, what ye drinkin’ had best been brewed with a horseshoe, ya heard?!
I was like, holy screendoor, Batman!
The way I see it, all those things mean 13 is going to be lucky for you.
I hope the news you are waiting on is good news.
There’s no need to fear the worst. We are confronted with hundreds of numbers every day, let’s say on average 231 per day. Now for the past 13 years that’s a total of almost a million numbers spread over almost 4750 days. Now what is the likelihood of having at least 5 times (the example in your details section) the number 13 appear on at least one of those 4750 days? It’s quite high actually. Same for other numbers as well, although when it involves the time on clocks, 13 is even more likely than 60, 61, 62 and so forth. Same for months and days as there is no 32nd day of July.
Our brains were optimized for spotting patterns. That’s why you noticed this coincidence which isn’t so unusual if you look at a larger number of days when this could happen.
Fucked if I know, I was born on the 13th, as was my daughter. Makes it an alright number in my book.
You could always buy a lotto ticket or play horses or bet on sport.
Play around with it like add 1+3 = 4 Use 4 for lotto, turn the 1 around and you get 31 use that number for lotto, 1 and 3 for lotto than you can play those numbers, 1, 3, 4, 13, 31 than you can even add those numbers as well. It might work. PS THERE IS ABSOLUTE NO CHANCE THAT THIS MIGHT WORK! ... But try any way.
@antimatter So if I win I don’t have to share the money with you? ;)
I just went to my refrigerator to see if I had enough eggs to make a breakfast dinner for this evening. Anyone want to guess how many eggs I counted? I’m not joking. ahhhh!!!!!
It is currently 12:46. Add those up and see what you get. LOL
Yes, you don’t have to share, I would never share with you any way.
I do think the number 13 was trying to tell me something. I thought of this question today and I can’t believe how long ago I wrote it. I had no idea what was in store for me. 2013 was the worst year of my life. My mother’s long struggle that began in March of 2013 ended up with her passing away on Dec. 30, 2013.
I’m glad I have a good feeling for this new year.
@jonsblond I don’t think there are any magic numbers, but leaving one behind that has been so painful must feel good. I join @JLeslie in sending you and family my condolences.
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