If Fluther had a board of achievements for daily life, what would go on the board for you? Something achieved over the last few weeks/months?
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July 3rd, 2012
eg: Zephyra lost a pound….
Hawaii Jake made the best mash potatoes around…..
What would be worth announcing?
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29 Answers
I got a half-time contract for three months. I am very happy with the work.
I should have been a veterinarian considering my lifetime achievements with managing every animal known to man, sans a Water Buffalo or Lion in the house. haha
This week it is all about managing a rattlesnake bite my cat took on Sat. night. In the past it has been medicating and tube feeding my geese, learning how to run a naso-gastric tube down a horses nostril and funneling down a gallon of mineral oil for an impaction, shoving pain pills down a gooses throat, cleaning out a gunshot wound to my old dog.
Jesus mercy, sometimes I wonder WHY I am still living the life of a country girl, shit…that condo on the beach is starting to sound pretty appealing.
WillWorkForChocolate just tried her first Rolling Rock beer.
I honored myself by not doing something I had said I was going to do.
Despite my fears, I went to the dentist after six years.
Today I received an acceptance letter onto a course to study Canine Health and Welfare!
come at me bro
Hasn’t yet killed self.
The Bill Gates Syndrome
Has managed to save money from not drinking so much and making her own lunches, instead of being lazy and buying from restaurants all the time.
Hover Catz!!11one
Speaks three languages; French, English and Internet.
What are they?!
Further discovering of old horror movies. Hey, that’s important for me. Ya heard, champion?
So I’m an ant, huh?
Is attempting to find alternatives to the usage of ’‘bro’’.
Hatred Canon at the Ready
Hates My Little Pony.
And another little thing that I did in the last few months – I made myself a great new life from the ashes of the old.
@janbb well done for having the guts to do so….I honestly hope that life becomes better and better!
@Leanne1986 how did you do that? I have been suffering for the last 4 days and I can’t handle the thought of the pain at the dentist’s!
I also admire your inspiration/motivation to study and broaden your horizons!
I’ve learned that I’m ready to fight a battle if it comes my way and I’m stronger than I thought I was. Hopefully I won’t need to battle, but if I do I’m ready. I’ve also found peace in my life with all this uncertainty. I’m a winner whatever the outcome.
Survived barely four days with no electricity.
I hit a hole in one at my local golf club last weekend, being a modest/humble man, my celebrations were suitably restrained/sober, that’s right, I skipped down the fairway with my pants straddling my ankles, my club swirling about my head like some sort of manual rotor blade. An old man walking his dog nearby was visibly shaken, still….never mind eh.
@ZEPHYRA Years ago I had to have some painful treatment because I didn’t get a tooth repaired when it broke, left it a few years which caused some nasty infection. The treatment to fix that was so painful that I haven’t been to the dentist for six years but a couple of weeks ago a previous filling fell out so I decided to bite the bullet and get it repaired before history repeated itself. The fear of painful treatment if I left the problem was greater than my fear of the dentist!! I have one more treatment left which I am terrified about (this week’s treatment was pretty uncomfortable so I am expecting much of the same) but I am focusing on the relief I will feel afterwards knowing that my mouth is healthy and unlikely to cause any problems in the near future. Good luck to you!
I’ve stopped smoking. You guys rock.
@marinelife, congratulations on the work. @Leanne1986, have you ever tried a dentist who practices relaxation techniques like hand massage, piping in music of your choice or virtual glasses to watch a movie or something? @ucme, did you have to buy everyone a round?
Well, just a month ago, I made it through TSA as a diabetic trans person, toting a backpack full of needles and federally scheduled medication. That sure felt like a big one. (And I think it occasioned my first official question on here!)
On a similar note, I haven’t croaked or lost anything or gotten mugged in Paris. I’m very pleased.
@bkcunningham : Big congrats on quitting smoking! Keep up the good work :)
@bkcunningham As is the tradition yes, there were only the 3 of us that day so didn’t hit me in the pocket too much.
I am owed two drinks from a, ummm, shall I say forgetful friend. A lady on my cul-de-sac who I’ve played with maybe 5–6 times to make a foursome when they need someone, has gotten two hole-in-ones that I’ve seen with me own peepers. The first, she didn’t even see it. Only me out of the foursome. It was a great thrill – both times. Congratulations. Good achievement.
Oh, BTW, she is in her late-60s. Her first ever hole-in-one was a par 3–168 yards. The second was a par 3, I think it was about 180 yards.
Thanks & congrats for packing in the cancer sticks, welcome to the club, 10yrs & counting.
Yep. I’m a member of The Club alright. It feels good. I hope I’m invited to the 30 year reunion.Cheers.
@bkcunningham I have never heard of virtual glasses to watch a movie at the dentist!!! I don’t think the NHS will offer that but it sounds like a brilliant idea!
Two significant things for me this week. First, like @bkcunningham I’m also a new ex-smoker. I bought an e-cigarette this week and it’s working a treat. Second and perhaps more important, @augustlan made me a Fluther-mod!
@downtide An englishman gets the mod gig, the cream always rises to the top.
Jolly good show old bean ;¬}
Fantastic news, @downtide, on both counts. If you ever need any encouragement on the anti-smoking front, don’t hesitate to PM me. I’m serious. Congratulations. I can’t think of a nicer person to become a mod.
@downtide: Badass, congratulations indeed on both counts :)
omg @ucme that’s actually… quite hilarious. I feel sorry for the passengers though, must have been scary for them. (But e-cigs can only leak vapour if they’re left switched on)
@downtide Feel sorry for anyone “smoking” those things anywhere near the olympic stadium…..“Hit the floor fucker, this is MI5!!”
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