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SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Now that Romney is the Republican candidate, how do you feel about Bain Capital's ownership of Clearchannel Communications?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) July 5th, 2012
“Clear Channel Communications, Inc. is an American mass media company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.[3] It was founded in 1972 by Lowry Mays and Red McCombs, and was taken private by Bain Capital LLC and Thomas H. Lee Partners LP in a leveraged buyout in 2008.[4] Clear Channel specializes in radio broadcasting, concert promotion and hosting, and fixed advertising in the United States through its subsidiaries.”
Clear Channel is the largest owner of full-power AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations and twelve radio channels on XM Satellite Radio, and is also the largest pure-play radio station owner and operator. The group was in the television business until it sold all of its TV stations to Newport Television in 2008.
Newport Television was founded by Providence Equity Partners. On September 16, 2009 Richard Parsons, who became chairman of Citigroup Inc. in February 2009, joined Providence Equity Partners Inc. as a senior adviser. “Dick is a highly regarded corporate leader and his counsel is regularly sought by boards, CEOs and government officials,” Citigroup said in a separate statement. “His advisory role at Providence will not require any day-to-day operational work or oversight, and his primary business activity absolutely will remain with Citi.”[3]

In my eyes, there is no liberal or conservative media, it is all corporate-owned, whose best interests are to increase the profits for its shareholders and subsidiaries, who often are shareholders in other companies as well.

How do you feel about a potential President having such close personal ties to media ownership?
Should this be a mainstream issue?

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6 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s a perfect example of the Bain way of operation. Buy a corporation (usually successful). Break it up, to make money on the parts. Sell part of it for big profit.

The other pieces go bankrupt.

This is Romeny’s plan for America. The rich get their money out first, and the rest of the people go bankrupt.

wundayatta's avatar

For what it’s worth, I think Romney put his holdings into a blind trust for the duration. I think that means that he has no say in how the business conducts its operations while the holdings are in the blind trust.

I don’t know much about what clear channel does. From my understanding, they are primarily top 40 radio. I’m not sure if they provide much news content, nor what the editorial bent of that news content would be. Like you, I think that companies tend to provide content that attracts the most ears, but whether the provider forms the opinions of the listeners, or whether the listeners influence the provider, I don’t really know. I’m guessing it’s a kind of circular thing. No clear chicken or egg, so-to-speak.

I think this should definitely be a mainstream issue, but it’s probably a minor issue. The economy is still the biggest issue. We can look at Clearchannel to see if they are creating jobs, since that’s one of Romney’s big things. That would be interesting to know—how many jobs has he added to the economy through his takeover efforts. Mostly likely it’s a loss of jobs, though it probably depends on how you analyze it.

But everything’s fair game in a campaign, especially for President. I hope Romney has to defend his record as a business person. But that will be the Obama campaign’s job to make it an issue. We’ll see come October.

Linda_Owl's avatar

I agree with @elbanditoroso . I think that Romney has a Pirate’s mind-set.

ETpro's avatar

@wundayatta According to a blind trust authority, Mitt Romney, a blind trust doesn’t mean much. Here’s Etch-a-Sketch talking about blind trusts back when the truth wasn’t inconvenient. SOmehow, his blind trust just happened to invest in a business his Son just started. Pure coincidence, I guess.~

But as to Clear Channel Communications, they are a heavy contributor to right-wing causes and Republican politicians. I think you can count on their backing a zombie if he’s on the Republican ticket.

Jaxk's avatar

You realize of course that Romney left Bain almost ten years before this occurred. He has no active part in the management of Bain, let alone Clear Channel. Flame on.

ETpro's avatar

@Jaxk No flames. Just a note that I do realize when Romney left Bain, and that it has no bearing on what I said.

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