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Do you ever get ticked off by advertising?
Do you ever look at an ad and ask yourself why, why you, the potential customer, are treated like a blubbering imbecile with a two digit IQ? Advertising plays on our basest instincts, lies to us, manipulates and distorts our perceptions of reality – is there any way to end this insanity? “Buy one, get one FREE”, “For only 29,99”, “40% OFF”, “Celebrity X gets drunk on our overpriced whiskey daily, and so should YOU” etc.
Any ideas on how we can make advertising (in its current form or in its entirety) extinct? Do you think banning advertising would work? Any other ideas on how to stop advertising dead in its tracks? (watch this btw. it’s amazing how getting rid of outdoor ads can make a city look cleaner, easier on the eyes)
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