(Semi-NSFW) Is this good/ does it mean anything?
Asked by
July 9th, 2012
from iPhone
Alright, so my current significant other was out of town, and got drunk, she normally takes things slow (like after dating for 3 months she just started hugging me, but she’s been through a lot and has trust issues), however when she was drunk her friend said that she was worried about how big my you-know-what was, and that she was thinking of having sex when ingot down there. When she was a bit more sensible but still tipsy she wanted to make out, but sober all of that wasnt what she wanted to do, so here are my questions.
She was in a town where I wouldn’t have known what happened if she did something with some random guy, so I guess it’s a good thing she was texting me? Is that significant?
Also, are people generally attracted more to less attractive people when they are drunk? I didn’t think she thought of me like that much, and I’m not a great looking person, it came as a surprise.
Also, why would she be worried that I am too big? I said I’m “average” and she apparently was happy, anything good/bad about that?
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8 Answers
Oh yeah when I asked she said when she’s drunk that person is the mind who likes to “jump right in”, so I’m not sure if it would be with anyone of she had the chance, basically she could have easy found someone hanging out but instead had me on her mind or something
1) You need to trust your girlfriend; suspicion when she is away and has a few drinks will ruin your relationship.
2) She’s curious about your size means she is anticpating your having sex with her. A lot of women do not like a man too big, especially if she is small. Being average is reassuring to her.
3) Yes, when people have a bit to drink their inhibitions and judgment change, so one becomes open to having sex or hitting on any warm body that might be nearby. But she already likes you so don’t think that it was the booze talking. If anything, be reassured she turned her focus to you.
Be confident you’ve got something good going on here.
She has guilt issues. Don’t push it.
Women generally don’t like it too big. They worry that they won’t have room for it, or that it will hurt. For oral sex in particular, smaller is definitely better. Her being happy with your “average” is definitely a good thing.
I don’t think drunkenness makes people more attracted to less attractive people. I think it just lowers your inhibitions about people you are already attracted to but wouldn’t dare act on it when sober.
Important thing – you’re right, she could have turned to anybody, but she chose you. Drunk or sober, that’s significant.
@zenvelo Yeah I know, I just think negatively about things really fast, it happens with everything, I hate it but it happens anyways, I try to ignore it.
@downtide That’s kindof what I thought, that’s good to know.
@zenvelo So that anticipation/curiosity is just brought out by the alcohol and not a result of it?
@XOIIO Alcohol can do a lot of things, but it rarely creates whole new ideas/feelings just by itself. In this case, it’s probably brought out by it.
@XOIIO Yes, alcohol reduces inhibitions, so if there is curiosity that is normally kept private it can come to the surface when under the influence.
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