For the Fluther God...
Asked by
harple (
July 9th, 2012
Remembering this question I thought about doing something similar but with known phrases rather than films.
So, just for fun, can you replace one word of a well known phrase with the word Fluther, and still make it somehow make sense? (Albeit a new sense)... Extra appreciation for ones that still keep the same number of syllables, keeping the same meter.
A couple more to get you started:
If it ain’t fluther, don’t fix it
That’s what fluther said…
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51 Answers
If you can’t beat ‘em, join Fluther.
Birds of a Fluther flock together.
Fluther everyday to help keep the doctor away. 0_o
“Fluther, we have a problem…”
Fluther in the morning, fluther in the evening, fluther at supper time.
Once a Fluther always a Fluther
Fluthering heights
Let’s Fluther the night away
You can lead jellies to Fluther, but you can’t make em swim!
I’m just a fluther with excitement.
Our Fluther who art in heaven…
That’s what Fluther said last night.
I surfed, I posted, I Fluthered.
May the Fluther be with you…
Now I want you to go in that question and find my answer. It’s the one that says Bad MotherFluther in it.
Where the Fluther have you been all this time?
If you Fluther and you know it clap your hands.
One Flew over the Fluther’s Nest
I’m a Fluther, He’s a Fluther, She’s a Fluther, We’re a Fluther, wouldn’t you like to be a Fluther too?
Fluther, Fluther, everywhere.
Fluther from another mother.
Fortunately, I keep Fluthers numbered for just such an emergency.
I’m your Flutherberry.
“Flutherin’ eeejit”
“Flutherin’ what the Fluther, Fluther who the Fluther Fluther this who the Flutherin’ how’d you two Flutherin Fluthers…FLUTHER!”
Necessity is the fluther of invention.
From the oration of Dr. Martin Luther King:
“I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ‘interposition’ and ‘nullification’—one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and fluthers.”
Go ahead, Fluther, make my day.
“Nothing wrong with fluther…as long as the right people get shot.”
Clint Eastwood
Dirty Harry
We’re not in a Fluther anymore, Toto…
If it ain’t rainin’ it’s fluthering!
Don’t mind him, he’s just a fluthering idiot!
“Ask not what Fluther can do for you, but ask what you can do for Fluther.”
“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in, except to convictions of honor and good fluthering.”
Jelly on a plate
Jelly on a plate
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble
Jelly on a pla…........... i’ve gotten this wrong haven’t I?
Friends, Romans, Flulthermen, lend me your jellies.
We’re all goin’ on a Fluther holiday….
A fluther for your thoughts
A screen full of fluther helps the medicine go down
Fluther me once, good for you; fluther me twice, good for me
Mum’s get a special mention on fluthering sunday.
Now, this is going to ruffle some fluthers, but…
Frankly, Fluther Mod, I don’t give a damn.
Shake your tailfluther.
Sorry, I’m getting kind of hot and fluthered.
It blew up into fluthereens!
Congratulations and flutherations.
. . . and fluthermore . . . I’ll use the flutherbuster to clean up this mess.
It’s called a blinker, you motherfluther!!!
You put your best post in
You leave the rest well out
You mind the grammar rules
And you send it all about
You shout, “You motherfluther”
And you type a quick PM
That what it’s all about
Something is rotten in the state of Fluther!
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