Do you appreciate all your blessings right there in front of you?
Asked by
Cruiser (
July 10th, 2012
Not a huge fan of President Obama, but I came across his book “The Audacity of Hope” at Good Will and for a buck I said what the hell. In the prologue he wrote how he had a “flaw proven to be a chronic restlessness: an inability to appreciate, no matter how well things were going, those blessings that were right in front of me.”
It stuck me that he is so right. Day in and day out, life goes charging on…some days, most days on autopilot. Get up, go to work, go to bed and do it again and again. Like Mr. Obama, I too do not always appreciate the blessings in my life that I should. Like today is my 18th wedding anniversary and to think of all that my marriage has enriched my life is a perfect example of this dynamic. Blessings do come in many forms and I think of these things and the people that have shaped my life.
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19 Answers
Absolutely I do, family is the glue that bonds, everything else is simply a bonus.
Happy Anniversary, @Cruiser.
For myself, I honestly try to be thankful for my blessings and I try to seek out the extraordinary in the ordinary, but I really fall short. Sadly, it takes something like really being sick and feeling like crap for a few days to make you appreciate something as simple as not being sick and having good health.
I sometimes find that I need to glimpse the downside or negative to remind myself of my many positives and the wonderful things in my life. For instance, the question the other day on Fluther about ‘when was the last time you were kissed?’ It made me stop and think. There are really people, your neighbors, who don’t get a kiss or a hug or even a conversation with another person for weeks on end.
I am really thankful for the wonderful life I have been given and I am blessed. I don’t want to start some sort of religious war for saying that but I mean it with all of my heart. There but by the Grace of God go I. I should be more appreciative of my many blessings. Thanks for the reminder this morning. Kiss your wife and kids.
I do. I am very thankful for what I have in my life.
I remember it often.
Not even close. But I’m working on it.
I try on my good days, but I forget the great majority of the time.
However, I can’t help but remember to be grateful for synthetic hormones and food/glucose. I get daily reminders!
You’re damn skippy I do. Just the fact that I have running water. electricity, a great car and a freaking JOB available to me puts me ahead of most of the population on this planet. I’m aware every day that I don’t have to go to sleep hungry, and have a roof over my head at night so I don’t have to go to sleep exposed to the elements or the local vermin or predator population.
Do you know, I overheard a man complaining that his remote didn’t operate his tv and his receiver in one buttoin. He had to slide the selector to one side to turn off the receiver, and to the other side to turn off his tv. Really? That’s your big problem today? I laughed to myself. There’s a man who will NOT survive the apocalypse!
Happy anniversary! I do a brief mental inventory of my blessings most days; and when I’m especially down or derailed about something, I do a more thorough inventory. My work atmosphere is one of very high productivity (from very intelligent, driven individuals), and we often forget to celebrate our successess. I’ll force staff to do the same type of inventory of our good work on occasion.
Yes, it is important to count your blessings regardless of what stressors you face.
Right now I am in-joying a bountiful blossoming of my morning glories this morning, in deep purple, rose and white with purple stripes. Simple pleasures are the best. :-)
I make an effort, but I am an American…
I’ve gotten much better at it. I never did. Ten years ago, I was all go, go, go – aaaarrrrggh.
I’ve learned, in the past few years especially, to slow down and pay attention to moments. To the now.
I can’t say I live in the moment, as I’m always thinking ahead – but I’ve learned to pay attention to the moment and appreciate what I have.
It’s a work in progress.
Most days but I won’t say there aren’t days that just pass by like a blur. I’ve had tremendous ups and downs in my life and so I think it has helped me to better appreciate all the good things in my life. Over all I feel tremendously blessed. Especially when I hear horror stories of people who lack sense and do extremely stupid things that take their life into a downward spiral. That is when I praise God for the one talent he gave me. He blessed me with common sense and it has always helped me avoid, what would’ve been horrible mistakes. Of all the gifts I have I will have to say this one is the most important. I would’ve never been able to help myself or those I love.
Happy Anniversary @Cruiser
Yes, @Cruiser Happy Anniversary…rose petals and champagne for you two!
I’m appreciating them right now @Cruiser Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
I have my moments, but it’s not something I’m great at just yet.
Heading out for a bbq at a friends soon. Marinated pork loin, garden fresh zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, pasta, watermelon and beer!
We shall sit in the shade, in-joy a few cold Shock Tops, eat, drink, be merry!
Perfect, as it is way too hot to cook anything.
Told my friend ” yes, meals on wheels, your meal my wheels.” lol
I love your idea of “meals on wheels,” @Coloma. Be safe, have one for me here in Florida.
I seem to have quick flashes of appreciation, but mostly I am stuck in my morass of apathy. I am in no way blessed, though. I have to work very hard (psychologically, mostly) to keep the things I have.
Just rolled in a bit ago, a superb dinner, lovely 73 degrees at 10:35 pm, drove home with the windows down and now….off to memory foam dreamland. Blessings indeed!
Every time something bad happens it does make me realize that there are still amny things I take for granted. However, I’m a pretty appreciative person, especially after going through hard times. I do appreciate small blessings.
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