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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Do you cook on the grill/BBQ in the Summer?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31624points) July 10th, 2012

I am about to start the grill to cook some hamburgers for dinner. It hot and I’m trying to keep the house and kitchen cool.
Do you do things like that to keep the house cool?

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14 Answers

syz's avatar

We grill a lot during the summer. We also eat a lot of fresh/uncooked types of items when it’s hot. (I can eat caprese salad as a meal with tomatoes and basil out of my garden and fresh mozzarella from the farmer’s market a couple times a week.)

josie's avatar

I grill in the winter too. I grill at every opportunity.

Cruiser's avatar

My house was designed well and rarely have to turn on the air! I love fresh air and if someone complains about the heat, I send them to the basement where it is always 70 degrees or colder. I grill all year round but much more so in the summer.

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YARNLADY's avatar

I used to do a lot of BBQ in my backyard, but I haven’t done for years. The food doesn’t taste any better than indoors grilling, and it is a lot more trouble than it’s worth. Plus, I read that the city was thinking of making it illegal because of the air pollution.

marinelife's avatar

We used to. Now that we are in an apartment, it’s not practical.

Sometimes in the summer we have all veggie dinners.

YARNLADY's avatar

I use the microwave for cooking and the kitchen does not get hot at all.

laurenkem's avatar

This question makes me so sad, because one of my biggest pleasures is cooking out year-round (helps to live in Florida!). Unfortunately, in the condos down here, there is no outdoor barbecuing allowed, except for on electric grills (insurance reasons, apparently). They don’t taste even close to the same!

It sucks big time! I should like to have one of those grilled hamburgers, please.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I cook on the grill at least once a week, rain, snow or sunshine. If I just waited for summer it would be a waste of a good grill and better food.

Ponderer983's avatar

I rarely use the oven in the summer. It’s either stovetop or grill. Oven makes it too damn hot! I also did notice for the first time how hot the dishwasher also makes it in my kitchen when I run it. Now I relegate doing that at night or when I’m not home.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Dad did when we were growing up. It was just a basic one that he’d wheel out from the car port into the driveway to grill burgers, chicken and shish kebabs over coals. The best was the grilled corn still in their husks, but with the silk removed first.

It wasn’t a matter of keeping the house cool during the hot summers. Part of it was the flavor of foods cooked over an open flame. It was also the only time Daddy cooked. He loved having his family together, and every BBQ included churning homemade ice cream. A picnic table was kept in the car port, and as the family grew, card tables were added to each end. Games of croquet in the front yard were also part of the whole evening.

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tedibear's avatar

We grill mostly in the summer, though if it’s not raining, I will go out there in the spring and fall. Our grill is connected to our natural gas, so no buying propane or messing with charcoal. It definitely keeps the house cooler to do this than turning on the oven or stove. The clean up is much easier too – fewer pots and pans!

hearkat's avatar

We love to grill. To keep the house cool, I close all the blinds to block out the sun. We have a heave curtain between the kitchen and dining room, so that when we do cook inside, we can contain the heat to the kitchen. We have ceiling fans in the bedrooms, and I’ll use floor fans to help circulate the air from cooler to warmer areas.

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