Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Have you ever followed advice that resulted in an undesired outcome?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) July 10th, 2012

What was the advice? From whom? And what happened exactly? I was at the Post Office the other day and this rather nosy and helpful senior kept giving me tips on how to box the item I’m sending. I usually couldn’t say no to a much older guy. I ended up paying more for the shipping than I intended! Lol.

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7 Answers

Trillian's avatar

I give unsolicited advice all the attention due.

dabbler's avatar

Have a wedding (the first one). It messed up the stride of the relationship, eloping would have been fine. We spent months trying to please a lot of people by putting together a production we didn’t want.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sure. The biggest blooper was when my stepdad badgered my 1st husband and I to spend the remainder of my trust fund $ on a condo’. He insisted we use a broker friend of his who pawned us off on an agent who showed us only of her own listings rather than what was available in the market perimeters we requested. “Buyer Beware”- we should’ve gone with our own research and gut feelings.

woodcutter's avatar

Yeah and it became one of the many reasons I work alone for myself. Some of the BS ideas I had handed to me, and the few I took seriously got me stung bad enough to make me keen on other’s attempts to be helpful. It’s easy to chuck out hair brain ideas when it will back fire on someone else.

josie's avatar

My ex wife advising me that it would be good for me if we got married.

Cruiser's avatar

Almost every recipe I ever followed to the “T” never comes out the same way in the picture and why I don’t use recipes anymore!

ssssanna's avatar

Yeah.My friends advised me to accept this guy’s love.He seemed like a dream boy to every one of my friends.One day they forced me so much that I was about to give him an okay but luckily on the same day I found out that he is nothing but a huge flirt.

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