Social Question

harple's avatar

Complete the sentence: I feel naked if I leave home without my _______...

Asked by harple (10455points) July 12th, 2012

Yeah yeah, clothes, I get it!

How about beyond that? For me it’s definitely my mobile phone.

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44 Answers

thebluewaffle's avatar

Apart from phone/wallet/keys….

I have a small metal Jesus being crucified on the cross keyring…I am completely atheist, but I always make sure I have it.

Firstly, because I see it ironically as a good-luck charm, and second, I always feel like it ‘means’ something.

Strange beliefs I have!

downtide's avatar

Cigarettes… now my e-cig.

josie's avatar


Aethelflaed's avatar

My phone, definitely. I always start freaking out that this will be the day when a crazed serial killer choses me to be his next victim, and I would totally live if I could just call 911.

AshLeigh's avatar

Notebook, Camera, Phone.

ccrow's avatar

My keys and my phone.

jca's avatar

Any and all handbag, phone, keys. If I go to an event at the complex where I live, I may walk and/or not take my handbag and phone, and it feels very liberating.

rebbel's avatar

My cap.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I feel naked if I leave home without my wallet, smart phone, and keys.

Cruiser's avatar

Workdays it definitely is my laptop and at least once a month I am running back home to get it.

Cruiser's avatar

@downtide Good move on the e-cig…good luck with that!

picante's avatar

Watch . . . and panties, not necessarily in that order ;-)

mangeons's avatar

Phone. That doesn’t stop me from always leaving it places/losing it when I’m at the house, though.

elbanditoroso's avatar


Of course I won’t get far without them, so it seldom happens.

digitalimpression's avatar

Lighter, Wallet, Keys, Glasses

Sunny2's avatar

Handbag. I keep looking for it. It feels strange.

AshlynM's avatar

My ipod touch and wallet.

linguaphile's avatar

Phone, keys, wallet. And lately, kids. I have a gaggle of them following me everywhere these past few weeks.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My phone. I hate that I feel so lost without it but the amount of times my car has broken down when I am in the middle of nowhere is enough to make sure I always have my phone on me.

pezz's avatar

Car keys… kinda don’t get far with out them… no buses where we are…...

ucme's avatar

Coat, it’s been pissing down here constantly all summer & I need my hood, no umbrella though, those are for southern softies ;¬}

Coloma's avatar

My sunglasses!

Got all the way up my driveway yesterday to the gate and discovered my shades were evading me, sooo, trudged back down to the house. I cannot go out without my cool sunglasses, protects my baby blues. :-)

erichw1504's avatar

Justin Bieber CDs.

Mariah's avatar

Water bottle.

deni's avatar

Glasses. But that never ever happens. I like to take my wallet, phone, water bottle, and preferrably chapstick everywhere too.

laineybug's avatar

My glasses, my phone, and my chapstick. When I’m not wearing my glasses I keep reaching up to push them up again and when they’re not there I panic for a minute.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Purse. Pretty much everything I need is in my purse, so that includes phone, wallet, keys, cigarettes, lipgloss, perfume, “lady supplies”, ponytail holders, sunglasses, pens, and protein bars.

flutherother's avatar

Wallet, keys and watch but it has never happened.

Berserker's avatar


erichw1504's avatar

Disco ball.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Trench coat, fedora, and a shoulder holster with a 380. revolver in it.

Rozziee's avatar

Phone in hand and earrings on it completes my attire

noraasnave's avatar

Currently: Marine Corps Cover (hat)

When I first came back from deployment I would run back in the house because I didn’t have my pistol on me and thought I must have forgot it.

linguaphile's avatar

I feel naked if I leave home without… a good morning hug and kiss!

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