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Need to buy an e-book reader (for my course textbooks). Can you suggest the best one? (Details)
Okay, I’m caving. I love, love, love books….paper books. But, now I am finding out that so much information is being sent on PDF files as e-books over the internet and it’s just maddening the amount of ink that I am wasting printing out this material…not to mention that there is no way to bind the books anyway.
I am (for example) taking two courses that require lessons and they are sent to me via PDF files. I tried to print them out, ran out of ink and then ran out of paper…argh.
So, that’s it, reached the end of my ink cartridge rope…as I am frustrated. I need to buy an electronic reader that is BEST for downloading PDF files off my computer (not books from Amazon…though if Kindle works best, that’s okay…let me know). I want something that will work so that the files (which would be regular pages sent to me via email) will format well on whatever gadget I use. Would an Ipad work?
To reiterate:
1. Need an e-book reader primarily for e-books sent to my email address as PDF files (textbooks and informational literature).
2. Need something that will format well for e-books (that are not bought on Amazon…or are not formatted for e-readers.)
3. Need something that is easy to understand, easy to use and will be easy for me to transfer PDF files from my computer to reader.
4. Need something with decent memory.
5. Wondering if an Ipad would do the trick (Comments, please.) And if an Ipad is not the best option, then let me know what might work.
Any information will be really appreciated….thanks so much!
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