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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's your favorite live entertainment?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37829points) July 13th, 2012

Is it theater, dance, ballet, music, concerts, sports?

What really moves or excites you to watch live?

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21 Answers

kitchi1's avatar

Dance. I am a dancer and literally watch recitals that were taped. All of the recitals were mine, since I don’t know where to get ones that weren’t my recital. But, I don’t just see my dances since I only do Tap, Jazz, and Ballet. Next year I’ll add on Modern and an extra ballet class that helps me get into comepetition team, and in two more years I’ll be in Pointe.
I love watching it live too. Especially tap, since tap has been my favorite since I’ve been dancing. It inspires me and things like that.

tups's avatar

Definitely concerts. I love music and I love live music and I love the way strangers are not that much strangers at concerts.

Judi's avatar

I like things where audience participation is encouraged. Some Melodrama does this and shows like Blue Man Group.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like live music. Any kind.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Outdoor concerts, particularly in a smaller setting. The same goes for plays, like the outdoor theater near my hometown. There is something special about them while surrounded by nature.

ucme's avatar

Sports, primarily football. I believe yankee bandidos refer to the beautiful game as soccer.
A game can change in the blink of an eye & it excites me so much, a little pee-pee sometimes comes out.

Bellatrix's avatar

I like live music best.

Although I love going to watch certain footy matches and things like Cirque de Soleil too. I also like live theatre but for some reason, we don’t go very often. We should go more.

Cruiser's avatar

Strip tease.

marinelife's avatar

Orchestral music.

Coloma's avatar

Outdoor summer music events, stand up comedy, open mic nights, and horse shows!

bkcunningham's avatar

I love the ballet and the theatre. I love to watch any kind of dance, but I’m especially fond of ballet. I love any and all kinds of theatre though. We just discovered a local community theatre group and saw the best performance of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I grew up in a small town and my Mom made sure we were exposed to a large variety of cultural events. I’m very thankful she was my mom.

bewailknot's avatar

Music that makes you want to move, and is too loud.

JLeslie's avatar

It is very difficult for me to pick one. I would say Dance at the top of my list. Music second, especially classical if it is live.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo attacking an ant.

Judi's avatar

I hate dance but I love the acrobatic “dance” that’s in circ de soleil. Interpretive dance makes me want to barf.

linguaphile's avatar

Musical theater—Phantom, LesMiz, South Pacific, Rent, Avenue Q, etc, etc!

Haleth's avatar

Free summer outdoor concerts. There are plenty in my area this time of year.

Also free art exhibits. I love going to the Smithsonian museums, but once a year there’s also a huge free unjuried art show here. I’m broke and it rules.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma I just saw two Budweiser Gran Prix show jumping events in Lake Placid. The horses are amazing. A crossbreed between draft horses and thoroughbreds. They’re huge. It was awesome.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Oooh, how fun! Yes, warmbloods. Drafts are cold bloods, thoroughbreds are hot bloods and when mixed…you get warmbloods! lol

OpryLeigh's avatar

Musical theatre. I can’t say why I love it more than other live entertainment but I have been a fan since I was very young. It’s something my dad and I share a love of and I really enjoy going to see a show with him over anyone else!

flutherother's avatar

Theatre for me if it’s a good play.

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