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gondwanalon's avatar

Do you miss “vent windows”?

Asked by gondwanalon (23321points) July 14th, 2012

To see exactly what I’m taking about see this

Some folks call then “wing windows” or “wind wing”. I’m talking about those small movable rectangular windows in the front aspect of the larger car door windows. Those windows are so nice to have because they somehow deliver cool air inside the vehicle even when it is scorching hot outside.

I’m too cheap to buy or use air conditioning. It is finally starting to get warm outside in these here parts and my mind drifts back to a good automative idea that has been discarded. This is a real bummer to me. Perhaps a guy could make a lot of money by retro-fitting modern vehicles with vent windows. I would be an eager customer. How about you?

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8 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar


As a kid, I loved taking drives in our old T-bird with the wing window open.

marinelife's avatar

I do miss them.

ucme's avatar

They were a pane in the arse.

filmfann's avatar

Vent windows, not went windows. Many early Apple applications went windows.
Vent windows were great, but made it easier to break into a car.

jerv's avatar

Not one bit. I find it better to crack the window anyways. Besides, all vent windows did was make a hellacious noise.

hearkat's avatar

When I had my Mini Cooper, I wished they had the back windows that popped open – another type of vent window.

Crashsequence2012's avatar


Increases mass.


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