Social Question

cookieman's avatar

Are there any hobbies or activities that you do not participate in, but love the accessories associated with it?

Asked by cookieman (41924points) July 14th, 2012 from iPhone

For example, I don’t drink or got to bars – but I love the carved wooden handles that screw on to the tap. They’re so creative and eye catching. I wonder if some are hand-carved. I’d like to collect them.

Another one: I detest smoking, but I love Zippo lighters.

How about you?

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10 Answers

lloydbird's avatar

Yes. Society.
I just love the accessories.

chyna's avatar

I don’t drink liquor but I love shot glasses.

Judi's avatar

We did Harley’s for a while. My favorite part was the clothes.

augustlan's avatar

I love antique or beautiful hand tools of all types, but I pretty much only use modern power tools (unless you count the occasional screwdriver or hammer). If I had the space and money, I’d collect the hell out of beautiful tools.

I don’t garden or do yard work, but I love the stuff that comes with that hobby, too. Garden gloves, carts, gadgets, and (again) the tools.

I own an antique grain shovel, purely because it is a thing of simple, utilitarian beauty (the long shaft and handle are carved from one piece of wood!). Not sure which category above this thing fits into…

Sunny2's avatar

I love fabrics and trims used in sewing: the colors; textures; buttons. I haven’t sewn anything in years. Probably won’t. But I love to look at what’s new.

cazzie's avatar

I love the Steampunk look and would love to turn my ‘Lady Lair’ into some sort of Steampunk bedroom. I sort of took the first step when I bought a desk for my room. It is quite antique looking with all sorts of little drawers with brass pulls. Completely not practical but I love the look of it.

bookish1's avatar

I like skate shoes and skate/surf brand clothing, although I am a total poser and could never do either one, haha. (Can’t even remember the last time I bought a pair of skate shoes, but they still make me drool.)

I also like steel toed Doc Martens although I’ve not (yet) had to kick in the kneecaps of a scary skinhead at a concert. Could happen any day though!

cookieman's avatar

@chyna: Agreed. They are very collectible.

@Judi: There’s an entire industry of style and accessories surrounding Harley. I can see the appeal.

@augustlan: Those hand-made tools last forever too. I have a cast-iron vice that’s over 100 years old. Weighs a ton, but it’s indestructible.

Sunny2: Buttons can be beautiful for sure.

@cazzie: Very cool. Have you seen the animated movie “Steampunk” by the same guy that did “Akira”?

@bookish1: Back when I was in art college in the early 90s, everyone wore steel-toed Doc Martins. Along with trenchcoats, they were part of the uniform.

athenasgriffin's avatar

Equestrian clothes. Jodhpurs, riding boots, show coats. . .

They are all so cool.

Although, personally, I think a horse is the best accessory.

ucme's avatar

I can’t fucking stand campanology, but I do like to play with my bell-end, only sometimes though.

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